Kids are our futu...
Kids are our futu...
>all these fatties
america is so fucking disgusting
Absolutely degenerate
Every "spring breaker" needs to be herded into a death camp.
wtf, so the memes are real... so many niggers. All the white girls act like whores.
Is the nigger culture that massive in the west?
>blocks your path
What the fuck is wrong with white girls?
The brotha was trying to mind his own business but the white ho gotta put her ass up in his face and shit
Why can't white girls just leave black men alone instead of constantly bothering them for their BBC
Spring breakers need to be gassed.
Get a real fucking job. All they do is work at a dead end job to pay for their party lifestyle. I saw so many of my old friends consumed by this bullshit.
Weak men and carefully engineered cultural marxism.
>tfw Daytona Beach resident
another year, another week of young college pussy
Ask a guy who has spent the past week in Panama City Beach anything
lmao reminds me when I went to Las Vegas.
Got drunk as fuuuuuck. Went with a teetotaler, so when they would bring him a drink while gambling he would just hand it to me.
Got so damn drunk.
I remember puking in a Subway. You know how the trash is at Subway? They got like these tiny little five inch holes with a trash can beneath 'em. I was throwing up in the hole while people were ordering sandwiches around me.
Absolutely disgusting.
And if y'all think these pictures during the day of girls on stage is bad, you will not believe the degeneracy I experienced in the only club here every night.
Last night two bitches in a twerk contest got 300 bucks by waka just for being degenerate sluts and twerking
gas the normalshits
... said the fat ugly virgin neet pretending to be a cool normal guy on an Indonesian cavemural forum
These people are the same age as me (25) and yet im nothing like them. Why is this?
>All that projection
Does Germany even have beaches? she pissing?
Why are you lying on the Internet?
There are some trams between hotels but that's it.
Subways are everywhere in Vegas, bruh.
You walk outside a hotel and there are convenience stores and fast food restaurants.
Dare I say - American education
cause you're not a degenerate
>Is the nigger culture that massive in the west?
Unfortunately it is quite prevalent since it's pushed 24/7 in entertainment and music.
>there must be more to life
>college "kids"
>having any future
Not to defend her or anything but it's probably water dripping from her massive bathing suit dripping. She probably was in the sea right before that photo was taken.
Make meme
Yes it is, it's a sad fucking thing. Everything that these mouthbreathers takes in is shilling niggers.
>not knowing what a subway is
We don't even have them in Serbia yet I know about them.
Not sure if stupid or trolling.
They shouldve stayed in africa, at least they would be thin.
Is it just m or has the quality of women gone down over the years? I guess feminism is to blame
>they're all ugly fat niggers and untermenschen
I don't think any of these people should have ever even been let into college...
Ah, so sad to hear this...
This nigga dont give a fuck
What's spring break in real life like?
t. virgin
It's simple... go on any porn website. Whites LOVE Black Cock. Look at how popular BLACKED is. No one talks about it out of shame. They all watch it though. Including the majority of Sup Forums
Patrician-level THICCness right there
God damn it you kraut why do you have to be right
are you mad these young people are having some of the best time's of their lives exploring their sexuality while you're stuck in a shitty country shitposting on Sup Forums touching your own small dick?
>implying this nigger has anything other than MUH DICK on his mind when he's got a white chick shaking her butthole in his face
Is it really true that Gen Z is more conservative? Keep in mind that the people conducting the research are most likely hard lefties, and to them, anyone who isn't a lefty is in the RIGHTWINGDEATHSQUAD
of course youd say that
PCB isn't full of normies. It's mostly full of Midwestern and southern white trash and nigs. It's fun to go once just to see the degeneracy, but it's not normal.
So what do you have on your mind when a 20 year old is shaking her pussy at you?
That's a teeny bikini top . . .
Oh your talking about the shitty sandwich shop. Thought you meant transportation.
Shut up cunt.
Wow, America is really fucked
Real man will choose the one in the middle, maximum thickkkkk and short. She can easily bear 5 children at a time.
Didn't see where I mentioned people ordering sandwiches lol?
Not sure if troll....
>exploring their sexuality
Kill yourself
People like you are responsible for our decline.
Beaches are shit.
Ocean waves are fucking evil. I'm never leaving my comfy tornado alley again. I'd rather ride out a tornado in my root cellar again before I'd go back to the fucking beach.
The beach is an overrated death trap
They're never gonna be able to pay off their debt anyway. May as well crash with no survivors.
Why the fuck would I go to an event where a bunch of disgusting pigs are shaking their genitals in front of niggers?
These people are all liberal and will end up not having kids because they couldn't find Mr. Perfect in their 30's. Spring break has for the longest time been something only degenerates partook in.
Kill yourself niggerkike
t.Human Waste
whatever happened to higher education being about academic pursuits?
quit projecting m8
I was going to post this
What is your problem, you nazi?
Btw from these pics whites are just as (if not more) wild and retarded as blacks. Americans are now all equally retarded on cultural level, physical racemixing is not even needed anymore.
Her legs are dry mate, she's pissing
Also there's 4 people in that pic
>Spring Break
>While having a job
Ummm.. how does this work?
>So what do you have on your mind when a 20 year old is shaking her pussy at you?
My legs hurt
That woman is too loud
I wish I stayed at home
Dead nigger coming through!
saw a dumb white woman at wal mart today. She had one beautiful aryan child and two mixed raced mongrels. No Dad... Grandma was with them though.
Two based black girls walked by made a comment about the kids that was a facade of a compliment... they were based as fuck and disgusted. My black cashier looked back and saw them too. She was like wtf.... and then treated me with the utmost respect
Black women are our natural allies. They hate coal burners and uncle tom black male race mixers.
Black women are based as fuck and love and respect white men. All I want is a southern big booty black woman who loves to workout and cook me soulfood.
My basic bitch white girl is a disgusting mess. African queen pls.
p.s. fuck spring break
Wouldn't be in that situation to begin with but if I was it would be "Get the fuck away from me you STD ridden whore" I'm not so desperate that I'd fuck a girl who has had 40 other guys inside her that same week
Why you age so bad?
*tips cows*
“For I know the wickedness of mankind, how they have rejected my commandments and they will not carry the yoke, which I have placed on them.“
once they go to college women turn to shit
this has never not been the case
hard to find a pristine girl these days once they get to late teen
also, beaches have always been havens for degeneracy
most college kids you see... especially white males are pasty and pathetic little beta boys.
Our real men mostly are in a trade, or in the military.
I wonder what American Founding Fathers would think of this.
As long as they arent shaking it infront of white guys its empowered and progressive.
yeah, we know. i hope natural selection will take care of the obese cunts
>no tits
>not ass
>the girl I liked went to college
>turned into a slut
Kill me
ayy fridge
pretty sure the constant nigger culture being pushed on all white kids 24/7 is radicalizing them pretty quickly, so that's good news
>liking women
That's where you fucked up
it's gross
these hornycucks will never understand that
dumb motherfuckers
I'm just drunk shitposting in mccarran right now waiting for a plane, misread your post
>friends all gone on trips to party all of spring break
>nobody invited me to come with them
>mfw camping out alone the whole week instead
>tell myself it's what I wanted to do all along
It's better than hedonistic partying r-right?
I can't help liking woman
Being gay is too much of a hassle
>not liking the beach
You know how I know your autistic?
If these are considered best times of their live and they have to explore this level of degeneracy to progress into adulthood bring on the harvest and fire; humanity is done.
I remember my parents saying about a similar thing during gommunism, you'd get extra points at university if you were a worker or a peasant.
My sister went to that last night, have yet to ask her about it. I don't like going to the beach here around spring break time for that reason. Any other degenerate things you witnessed?
we can just wait 50 years until the next world war you lose and you faggots have your country partitioned again less land for your nig pets to settle on at least
obesity, feminism, and a loss of almost all moral value. we honestly just need nukes on our biggest cities
Your sister took BBC from every imaginable angle all at once.
>best times of their lives
pretty low high if you ask me
Only a man riddled with thoughts of suicide would enjoy those fucking waves. I'd rather go to a pool where I know I'm not going to get sucked out to shark infested waters.
Me and my friends skip the dumb degenerate parties and we just go to the beach during summer and just do whatever. Shoot the shit, watch dumb shit ect. 1million times better than watching a roastie whore shake her ass
>Make meme