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Brit/pol/ - exterminate non-whites edition
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>made by a jew
What happened to this place?
>ywn be a Rhodesian
babymetal desu
kys nigger
What the FUCK is his problem?
My dad was Rhodesian. Didn't seem that great desu.
>anti-Apartheid subhumans
Explain yourself
>Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before letting him get to the final accumulator round
Um about that...
Tiling with an IQ over 150 >PLUS
>But how does a Caesar become party leader?
He doesn't, Spengler was wrong about this. The new Caesars are CEOs and their Empires are GOOGL, APPL, MSFT, MCD, etc. New Tory leader will be a "one nation" populist like Disraeli imo.
used to hate, now I can't stop listening to it.
>Parliament Commissions Diverse Portraits to Replace ‘Victorian’ Depiction of ‘White, Male’ British History
>We want more Syrian refugees: offers exceed official UK pledge of 20,000
>Budget 2017 summary: Key points at-a-glance
>Budget calculator: How will the Budget affect you?
>EU Leftists Chant Support for Thatcher-Era Minister, House of Lords
>Rabbit hole leads to 'Knights Templar' cave
>Sharia May EXPLODES with laughter at Corbyn jibe during PMQs
>Kellyanne Conway Praised in London Assembly for International Women’s Day
His problem is all the foreign money his puppetmasters pay him to dance on strings.
And his other problem is he doesn't think it's a problem.
Where's this?
brb lads, going to have a nice hot bath ;)
cambridge i guess
Article 50 on tuesday lads
Was Churchill a racist?
I just can't see a populist of any stripe passing muster with the 1922 Committee.
...unless there's a chance that the Tories would be slaughtered at a GE without one. And I can't see Catweezel's lot getting near power any time soon. And UKIP are chaotic and compromised by the security services.
>the hottest bath.
Manchester again.
>A problem? Me? Why certainly not. No no no, Sir, it appears to be *you* who is encumbered by a problem. And allow me to make a suggestion as to what the problem might me, if I may be so bold. I venture to say that you are quite vexed in finding yourself on the wrong side of the public opine, which has declared itself thoroughly on the side of good old fashioned liberal, Lockian values - exactly what this magnificent country so desperately needs!
It's Manchester town hall.
"Keep England White" is a good slogan"
"It was the Nation and the Race dwelling all round the globe that had the lion's heart. I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar."
"I do not admit... that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia... by the fact that a stronger Race, a Higher grade Race... has come in and taken its place."
he was a 19th century minor-aristocrat/politician inhabiting the 20th century. So.... Yes. His underestimation of the Japanese and Nationalist Chinese as smell little chinks caused the British to get utterly BTFO in Singapore and wiped us out of the Pacific theater.
running it now!
Nice except the loading trolley things
>billions of humans
Missed QT last night, anything good happen?
Why the FUCK would you post a picture of the biggest race traitor in British history?
If it wasn't for Churchill we would quite literally be living in the garden of Eden right now
If Mosley had been elected, every single white British male would have their own qt aryan gf and complementary lebensraum, control over the British Empire, and there would be no shitskins or kikes
Churchill single-handedly destroyed Europe by selling out to the Rothschilds
>the joke.jpg
It was the Sikhs that lost us Singapore. And we have to pretend now that the wogs won WW2 for us.
kek at George Galloway
>'and had on a T-shirt which said "socialism is the flame of anger and the flame of hope". He had it specially made.'
nice on ooga
They got wiped out, it's called natural selection, the strongest and most successful species evolved from the mutational ancestors that would be the ones that created humans
Calm down Jerrycuck
>"race traitor" - lowering Englishmen to the level of "muh h'white race"
>nazi occupation and destruction of England a "garden of Eden"
>"If Mosley had been elected, every single white British male would have their own qt aryan gf" - not at all
>"Churchill single-handedly destroyed Europe" - That would be Hitler, with the help of Stalin.
All of you nazis really are just Cryptocommunists. Raven Thompson was a communist, as was Mosley. The BUF is the autistic national-syndicalist experiment set up by Mosley and his wannabe crypto-commies. You'll grow out of your "fascist" & "white nationalist" phase as we all did...
>the strongest and most successful species evolved from the mutational ancestors that would be the ones that created humans
We must finish the job
He's not Jewish, he's a Scottish self-admitted paedophile with a proxy.
>Muh freemarket social liberalism
British values merchant.jpeg
>there are fuckloads of iPhones, and there are still old telephones around, so why aren't there loads of transitional phones? WHERE ARE THE TRANSITIONAL PHONES
>implying there needed to be a war if it wasn't for churchill
>implying we'd ever get occupied
>implying even if we did it would be worse than our so called "great british governments" we've had since
What a good idea thats working so well
Pretty sure he admitted to being an ashkenazi jew.
Where does Jonathan Bowden belong on this chart?
>I do not admit... that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia... by the fact that a stronger Race, a Higher grade Race... has come in and taken its place."
And to think just 70 years later our entire country has been transformed into a third world dumping ground. It's too depressing to even contemplate.
If I could go back in time I would have personally gassed the jews without even a second thought. In retrospect, Hitler was too lenient on the jews.
Lets just hope they get SHOA'D in the Muslim caliphate of Europe
its the "between wolves and dogs" thats in question
>autistic ancap screeching
all you natsocs are ethnic girlfriend.....eating ass...drinking....the free market fixes degeneracy.....kill your mailman
all 14 squares
wheres te evidence of this wipeing out?
Mr. Scottish Ephebophile, would you let a big muscly, burly man fuck and spurt his seed inside your perky 13-year-old daughter? She's sexually fertile so it must be ok
technology is not biology
You admitted to raping prepubescent girls in the previous thread you absolute creature.
He posts with Indian and Russian proxies as well, there's nothing special about the Israeli flag.
>You read the book wrong the post
evolution was thought up and advocated by racists as was the norm in the 1800s
>You admitted to raping prepubescent girls
Citation needed
>advocated by racist
oy vey! It's another bengali famine!
>what is piss-taking
If you exist, then how come your great-great-great-grandad doesn't also still exist?
He's a Scottish pedo. Used to defend pederasty, shagging little boys, because the Greeks used to do it.
Non whites are ok as long as they don't mug me or fuck my potential white girl friends. If I ever manage to trick a white girl friend into seeing me, that is.
I was surprised they turned on Hammond like that after the budget on Wednesday. Maybe he scored an own goal with his backbenchers there.
because people die eventally
>All of you nazis really are just Cryptocommunists
Nice argument without any evidence to back it up. As far as I'm aware, Hitler and Mosley were Nationalists and Socialists. This doesn't even bear the slightest resemblance to communism. In fact, jewish bolshevism was exactly what they were fighting against.
They hated international finance because it was run by a cabal of self-interested jews who held their economy to ransom by forcing them onto the gold standard.
"Since the outbreak of the French Revolution, the world has been moving with ever increasing speed toward a new conflict, the most extreme solution of which is called Bolshevism, whose essence and aim, however, are solely the elimination of those strata of mankind which have hitherto provided the leadership and their replacement by worldwide Jewry. No state will be able to withdraw or even remain at a distance from this historical conflict...It is not the aim of this memorandum to prophesy the time when the untenable situation in Europe will become an open crisis. I only want, in these lines, to set down my conviction that this crisis cannot and will not fail to arrive and that it is Germany's duty to secure her own existence by every means in face of this catastrophe, and to protect herself against it, and that from this compulsion there arises a series of conclusions relating to the most important tasks that our people have ever been set. For a victory of Bolshevism over Germany would not lead to a Versailles treaty, but to the final destruction, indeed the annihilation of the German people...I consider it necessary for the Reichstag to pass the following two laws: 1) A law providing the death penalty for economic sabotage and 2) A law making the whole of Jewry liable for all damage inflicted by individual specimens of this community of criminals upon the German economy, and thus upon the German people".
In other words, you couldn't possibly be more wrong. Try again shlomo
No shit. So are you a creationist?
Citation needed.
Stop avoiding my question
Do those two look similar, or am I just imagining things?
Well I believe in divinity. Im defo no evolutionist. I read esoteric philosophy and I believe in that as an explaination to creation more than the bible.. It explains the allegory and metaphors in the bible, i guess
t. subhuman south asain
And why not?
>daily reminder that cunts like this are allowed to vote
>ywn will never fight a unwinnable endless war of attrition against 96% of population
>lead an anxiety-filled life with occasional panic attacks
>no close friends
>another lonely night in
>watch some comfy Lindybeige on YT as I settle into bed with my laptop
>unintentionally hits hard out of nowhere
>tear falls down my cheek
>the loneliness and constant unsettled nerves has probably damaged my brain physiology permanently by now
Don't ask any questions of me, they will not be answered. But do watch the video, for it's own intrinsic interesting content if nothing else. The importance of male group bonds is an aspect of life that I'd like to be more commonly known.
>Britain's anti-terror schemes blasted by euro group for ’stirring up Muslim resentment'
Israel is worried I have discovered true kabbalah
So after a lengthy discussion with my lawyer it turns out that making a website dedicated to pissing on British media isn't a great move.
So unless one of you fags wishes to become the fall guy this isn't happening.
Raging tbqh desu
Voting is obviously a lie. Everything in politics is guided and everyone you can vote for has been selected prior.Its no conspiracy in 2017. The best proof of this is on the BBC - its for brainwashed children.
I must be embarassing for you to think you actually have a say in the direction of your nation by the vote.
Read Plato - "democracy" comes right before tyranny
Still waiting for you to man up and get into politics like you promised desu
chaotic evil, might shop various images of him into this
I for one never saw this coming a mile off.
What makes you say that? He would be on the chaotic line but evil?
Pretty sure he's the one that posted these. Haven't checked google images though tbf.
Off yourself.
i would but its over on my shelf right next to Machiavelli and Sun Tzu.
The trouble is i believe everything i read and having just finished Zenos dichotomy im now aware that the bookcase is an infinite distance away and therefore impossible to ever reach again.
Oh woe is me, if only i didnt uncritically believe everything that was ever written down.
Well like I said, it'll be a while before you know who I am.
>having a lawyer is somehow bad
Mosely would be proud.
This is Brit/pol/, the word is "solicitor".
Not of my spelling however...
Well it's obvious that making a website as we discussed would cause some issues with the media but there's one little thing we all missed which my lawyer brought up hence why it's cancelled, atleast for now.
I think Plato is a good source for an authority on democracy, dontchafink? hmm? mayybee?