What do you think of the recent phenomenon of White male Asian female couples?
What do you think of the recent phenomenon of White male Asian female couples?
Race traitors should be gassed, not even meming.
pure disgust, how ugly do you have to be to get with an ayyy lmao? How self-loathing do you have to be?
It's the future
I think you're a fucking faggot and this is a slide thread.
Fucking weebs
>1 post by this ID
t. virgin
Race traitors.
While Asians and Whites are the best they should stay apart. And they should know that all race mixing is wrong. We don't need anymore Eurasians
Im white and my soon to be waifu is Asian. I may be the only guy on this board looking forward to getting married and half-breeding.
Fuck off Brazil
You're country is the prime example of what happens in a nigger controlled society
while all our ministers and president are white males?
Disgusting. Asians are lowest tier. Rather a black than an asian.
I think it's totally reasonable. The ladder is
>1) white
>2) asian
>3) black
If you can't find a good white girl, go for asian etc...
Brazil is a like a smaller example of what the kikes want to create here in America
>ruling "white" (read: kikes and their white allies) elite controls everything
>population made up of a race of subhumans created by generations of mixing everything together
>dirt poor because subhumans only want to fulfill their base desires (bunda and playing soccer)
No your own race always comes first. Then it's
>1. Hispanic
>2. Black
>3. Asian
>recent phenomenon
>no links
t. It occurred to me, therefore it must be true
>t. mongrel
White females genetically inferior in all ways. Lower life expectancy, IQ, and just general cultural things are at lower standards for whites. Also dont forget they start looking like the golden girls after about 24 - 25 years old.
Asian pussies turn sideways and mold to the shape of any penis size.
Why is there so much shilling about asian white relationships right now.
Your hapa son will cry himself to sleep every night and be single forever
desu whites are fucked might as well become Asians as oppose to niggers
I dont really think much of any race mixers, just background scenery while I go on walks with my white wife and white son.
I am thinking they need to stop shitting up the board with these threads.
Men finally going their own way
No different from BM/WF. They push WM/AF just as hard as BM/WF for a reason op.
>another thread
I like it but would preferable like there to be less fucking threads about it
These dudes are faggots or pedos
Fuck off shill.
What's with this gook shilling today.
I got an Asian and took her v card on the third date. Been slaying that pussy since then