am i missing anything Sup Forums?
what other good redpill books/movies/documentaries should i get?
Am i missing anything Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Beyond good and evil
a bible
Is the Art of War any good?
The art of war is anime tier and thus autistic and degenerate.
Memetic Magic
No. If you've never read philosophy DO NOT START WITH NIETZSCHE. That's like watching a tv show you've never seen from season 5 episode 11, you won't understand the context without starting at the beginning.
If you want philosophy I recommend starting with the dialogues of Plato, the Republic, or Meditations. From their read Aristotle, and have a basic understanding Descartes Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, AND THEN ONLY THEN CAN YOU READ NIETZSCHE
If you want fiction read Starship troopers, or anything by Hemingway.
Read Guns Germs and Steel
I'm honestly a little surprised anyone on Sup Forums reads anything longer than post length.
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins is a quite enlightening experience
Why Do We Fight -Guillaume Faye
>jewish moral relativist subversion
The book of five rings
No one has read these books on here
This is 100% larp
i wouldnt buy it desu
just look up best quotes from it or something
enjoy being a liberal, cuck.
Read Greeks. His Politics tells why Greeks allowed homo unions.
Tolkien is good for entertaining reading that has historical and mythological ties to European traditionalism.
The myth of German villainy
The international Jew
Human Smoke
After the Reich
Hitler's war
Goebbels Mastermind of the third Reich
Mein Kampf
Hitlers second book
Hitler's table talk
The bad war.
>Also, to understand the enemy
Communist manifesto.
The Prince
Machiavelli is a must
I mean Aristotle.
Runaway horses by Yukio Mishima.
Infact, any of Yukio Mishimas work.
It's all brilliant.
>Frog statue
Way to buy into that faggot
>1984 and Brave New World
Way to be in high school faggot
>Art of War
Only good selection
>Tarot cards
Way to be a faggot faggot
>sun tzu
he's a shitty version of Machiavelli
I wonder who is behind this post
That Goebbels book looks interesting. Respectfully, if you want to understand communism/socialism the Communist Manifesto won't be enough. Read Capital by Marx. Communist Manifesto is like the commercial for Marxism.
i am deciding whether to give you a much more powerful selection of books.
if digits i shall
babbys first novels or what?
Read pic related while listening to old skalde kvadar.
>1984 and Brave New World
>high school
>thinking you can actually read and appreciate these books in high school
Everybody should re-read these books after high school.
you retards both go to the same jewniversity or something? bet you're reading a book right now while your wife gets fucked by niggers. Television is over three times as fast so I never have to worry about my wife sleeping with animals.
this is interesting keep posting
This book. Forget the rest.
This again, what special about this one
heard it echo throughout threads
Topping the Amazon best seller list at the moment.
Amazing read.
Also get The Art of the Deal.
Holy Bible - NKJV
Its free on amazon kindle or 99p cant rember exactly, but you really cant go wrong with a free book desu.
And yeah its not bad at all most of it is just intrestingwarfare information about how to beat an opponent in battle, however there is the odd segment that can be applied to nornal life i i would say i have used sun tsu's methods many times within life and it is a must read book that every one should read at least once in their life.
>Gookman doesn't have an entry on Wikipedia
what sort of redpills are these, i can't handle it
The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer is fucking excellent
For fiction, The Cross of Iron is also very good
Holy fuck, this right here.
People in the book threads need to stop recommending Nietzsche/Heidegger/Evola assuming that everyone is familiar with the philosophers who came before.
Also were is Mein Kampf
>no Camp of Saints
Do you even Sup Forums?
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
I own it in a few editions and one with a commentary by that one Maoist general, but only because I really like military history.
May as well add SPQR if you're reading this
> Am i missing anything
Yeah you're missing pretty much everything.
Start with the Greeks, continue with the Romans and walk the path until you reach Evola, Burke, de Maistre and Guenon.
David Duke, My Awakening.
Nice kindling you got there.
>Goddamn it, there is so much literature I want to read, by I get distracted by the media jew and end up forgetting.
What do I do? I watch youtube and play video games. The occasional netflix show. 0 public tv
I can't stand it.
Perestroika - Mikhail Gorbachev
I got a signed copy of the art of the deal, election edition to pass down to my children.
am I doing it right Sup Forums?
Where'd you get the kek statue?
>implying (((liberal humanism))) isn't moral objectivism
Picture of Dorian grey
Madame bovary
Don Quixote
They are novels but all explore aestheticism and living life based on ideals and aspirations, and the benefits and pitfalls of it
Very relevant today considering how shallow and #YOLO most people are. I'd read Madame bovary before Dorian grey even though Dorian grey is a much easier read
1984 should be required reading for anyone who considers themselves right leaning. Once you understand doublethink, newspeak, and Ingsoc, you see the modern left for what it really is.
I liked the Fountainhead better.
I'm honestly a little surprised anyone on Sup Forums is actually fucking literate.
Agreed, except for Hegel, there is no need for anyone to read Hegel.
pretty good insight to management, also Shogun
list of knots
Without The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham or The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler, your list is worthless.
Read a chapter a day, then two, then three, etc. till you are happy where you are. Same thing has my down, but I'm progressing.
Hell yeah, this book is awesome.
Throwing in another recommendation in pic, introduces the a post civilization world.
For fiction, Yoshiki Tanaka's Legend of the Galactic Heroes is finally being in English.
Underrated post
Rules for Radicals
The Wealth of Nations
Thank you!
I'm curious as well.
agreed, or any books on survival. Although you'd be better off going out and learning from an old timer.
I always thought BNW was by Orwell, wtf. My entire life is a lie.
It is the "foundational" thinking of what the zeitgeist of pol has become- forging of strength, anti-degeneracy, the seeking of absolute truth, anti-sexual promiscuity and LGBTPQWTFDGH, creating families, freedom. Pretty high level philosophy but easily explained, not for newcomers to here although I guess it is for anyone.
reposting: Daniel Quinn's Ishmael.
Kind of hard to follow but still thought provoking.
Heres one for you but give it a chance and dont cast me off as a stormfag autist read the Turner Diaries.
I was very skeptical at first reading it and through the begining of it i wanted to put it down for being so autistic and the fact the book was in diary form.
However whilst reading it you have to look beyond the plot and the novel and focus more upon the sublimnal messsages that are hidden within the book.
and wow what can i say the book changed my entire politcal outlook and the way in in which I viewed how power can be achived.
It can give you some insight into how to deal with interpersonal relationships, especially things involving business practices, but beyond that unless you're into some kind of sport it's just an interesting read.
>creating families,
Choose 1
Brain is blown after having read the book and you realize most of it is actually true.
Take the Ultimate Red Pill
> Secret Teachings Of All Ages - Manly P Hall
In Search of the Second Amendment is the best explanation of negative rights and the most complete ending of all anti-gun arguments popularly available.
The Marketing of Madness is made by Scientology but that doesn't matter, it is the best work on psychiatry that has ever been done, and there is no pushing of Scientology in it.
Jon Ronson's Rulers of the World series (there are two different seasons or series but the same theme) set out to make fun of conspiracy theorists and instead found that they were often correct.
Watch Bill Hicks and Patrice O'Neal bootleg standup vids.
Norwegian TV series "Brainwash."
You have freedom to raise a fucking tiny human being however you want when you have a family, idiot.
>Goebbels Mastermind of the third Reich
excellent choice. Keep in mind it is extremely difficult to come by. You can probably only find it on Irving's website. I'm half way through Hitler's War. Good stuff
Days of Rage
trips of truth, but that is not what I meant by the blanket statement "freedom". I mean economic freedom, freedom in having power, deindustrializing society and having families that are self-reliant.
He's got to watch the Starship Troopers movie.
To this point find Bill Cooper's explanation of Kubrick's 2001 using Hall's universal symbolic system.
The Conspirators Hierarchy by John Coleman
Washington was a low-ranking mason who didn't agree with all the weird occult shit.
Are you really going to believe in the same mystery religion as Hillary Clinton? Really?
Read this instead, the King James Bible
this is a good one. Also Civilisation: the West and the Rest by Niall Ferguson
Anything by Robert Greene of you want to be OP at life
>T H O R O U G H
extreme ownership
Lilith's Brood by Octavia Butler
Here's a good chart for you
This nigga
Art of War is over-praised and over-quoted. Orientals are living nerd stereotypes and revere nerdiness for nerdiness's sake. Instead of writing like a modern author, the Chinese Classics take for granted that you will follow Thoreau's commandment to put as much into them as the original writer did. With proper context and reflection Sun Tzu is truly a great authority. Without it his book reads like a lazy and self-contradictory mad lib of dialectic -- do this over here, but also do that over there. So if you read Art of War or Book of Songs or for that matter the Bible, look for annotated editions and commentary. Almost all atheist attacks on the Bible come from not having read an annotated one and consequently not understanding a word.