America first, France second
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With this, is better : youtube.com
Oh yes, just the way Jefferson wanted it to be.
He wasn't the only one...
If by second you mean second to vote in a pro nation-state leader, I'm all for it!
I agree.
If people stop voting le pen it would be good in fact
UK is superior to you frog subhumans
Best joke ever.
>le pen
le pen is the pro-France candidate, everyone else is a cuck.
You are Americans are so fucking stupid thinking israel are your greatest ally lmao.
France has been with you since day one.
>eurocucks fighting over second place
We haven't forgot that, they've just become cucked and libtarded, I hope and pray to kek that they uncuck themselves to become a better freer nation France.
as a french I sadly doubt that the day we uncuck ourselves will ever happen
>british "food"
>british "culture"
frogs are better than you in everyway you ugly inbred subhuman fruitcake anglo pig
All white French love America.
Thank's friend !
Election soon, hope le pen wins, bring proper Europe back again.