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We need to achieve the final solution!!!
Regrettably, my powerlevel was not high enough to follow the streams 24/7, does anyone know what thread was up when the great theft happened?
I am ready
>"I have the enemy flag!"
>Alex Jones
>Sup Forums
I just memecame
stay in your infested area M8 . some of us have jobs and lives.
hwndu happenings moved to infinity chan just about after the initial aircraft spottings because mods started purging threads
What would you have said if someone told you way back when Trump announced he was running that we'd eventually be playing the biggest game of capture the flag with the kid from Holes?
Thanks user. OP here . just got home and wanted update.
What do you think Shia's reaction was when I found out he was completely outsmarted once again? This dude is a complete failure.
that picture is adorable
As for recent happenings, the stream is back with an empty flagpole
Overrated celebrity raises flag. Underestimates Sup Forums, STOLEN! Many such cases.
I would not say "failure " he was good for some keks..
Check em
Contemplating suicide hopefully.
Can i get a quick rundown on the event since the camera moved to Albuquerque ?
What was raised instead of the white HWNDU flag, I can't really make it out that well. Kinda looks like a MAGA hat and some T-shirt?
That would bog us down. You'll have to settle for a hasty debriefing instead.
i think it was a trump shirt that said "alt-right is alright"
The shirt said
>Alt-right is alright!
With a Pepe Trump.
>Installation moved to ABQ
>Shooting in the area because ABQ is a dump
>Shia doesn't want to have to admit inner city life is garbage
>Moves it to the "middle of no where" and just points the camera up at the sky with "HWNDU" flag.
>Sup Forums uses trajectory of jet traffic and stars to find the location
>take down HWNDU flag and raise Trump MAGA gear
do we have confirmation on location. If not Shia could be playing 4D chess here. Could be a serious Trump rival
A truly glorious battle..
"new" Mexico. ghetto nitemare. open carry gun laws. gun shots unrelated down the street.
HWNDU moves to bumfuk nowhere.
Sup Forums tracks down location. stole flag and Mods are cucks..
Gang gang!
And the happening itself
>mfw its real
o fuk im laffin
Will Alex Jones buy the flag for like $10,000
wtf i love infowars now
Ughhhh nigga delete this shit
look @ time stamp. user was here not long ago.
If Alex Jones can figure out who the guy is, then the cops can figure it out too.
That user made a mistake posting a picture.
I have an idea.
Let's land a hat on the flag pole. It'll be our moon mission and the creation of /ChairForceOne/
It's all up to you americans at this point
go for it
Damn, it's beautiful
I like this a lot.
I like this a hell of a fucking lot.
this would be glorious
Very nice...user
How sweet it is!!
Someone please do this for the glory of kek
Sorry not awake yet. should of
> trespassing & petty theft
The judge gets a laugh, fines him. Then released.
Praise Kek this must be done
>It's all up to you americans at this point
>go for it
It's like we are siting in a CENTCOM of some sort and exchanging intelligence to fight the commies.
My gf tells me to stop coming to this website but it's just too much fun
I don't know.
Personally I wouldn't have risked it.
The flag would be on my wall and nobody would ever see it again.
Lads ill destract twitter with some pointless facts. #operation HWNDU is a go... We need a banner of pepe. Make it happen.
What will Shia try after this?
He could just paint HWNDU on the wall of a windowless room and stream it for 4 [spoiler]8[/spoiler] years, and I don't think even Sup Forums's autism could crack that one.
S3 finale > S1 > S3 > S2
it's relatively low risk posting it. the amount of effort the cops would spend allocating resources to "find" the thief would exceed the cost of the fine. my guess is, they shrug this one off.
You underestimate our powers.
attach a shitty phone and live stream?
that's a good one :)
>found a flag placed randomly in the U.S of A
>Bigger than Europe
They found it nigga. At this point nothing is out of reach for us
You mean super geniusisssssssesss
Fuck being on that flag stealing mission would be so hilarious and fun irl. Kek big time. The adrenaline and laughter was well earned
So, who took down the hat & shirt, since they weren't there anymore this morning
Like I always say.
>Flight of the Valkyries
Not that I don't like it, it's great music for moments like, but going maximum overmeme with Shadilay seems more appropiate.
Of course, I eagerly hope to be proven wrong by you motherfuckers if such a thing happens.
I say we make our own livestream of a pepe flag and challange the left to try to find it
The only thing that might fuck with that is that this makes them look bad.
>celebrity has flag of well-known political campaign stolen by internet hate machine
>police incompetent
We don't name names due to a certain Malaysan
KYS pls
I bet Sup Forums would figure out the location by the appearance of the paint on the wall and what brand of paint it is, sounds of air conditioning or heaters giving clues to the climate and temperature, etc.
Best goddamn timeline.
What was on the T-shirt that went up with the MAGA hat? Haven't seen a clear picture of the graphic.
Your GF is a bitch. Also, she doesn't exist.
The delusions of a broken man.
Sorry for cancer link.
They're trying so hard
We divided them
>mfw Alex Jones tweets about Kek, chemtrails and posts a Pepe
>bog us down
Implying we haven't already downed the bogpill
probably shia, it was taken down about 15 minutes later
HWNDU is now a real life "Where's Waldo"
Nothing is beyond our reach
Better webm