Who /libertarian/ here?


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>claims to be redpill
>still uses the (((lolbertarian))) meme

Gas yourselves.

Lol u lolbertarian

The ultimate redpill is anarcho-capitalism

t. People who are objectively inferior to me.

I am smarter and stronger than you, and you are afraid of me because you know you couldn't compete against me in the free market, so you have to kiss the (((government))).

I'll get my way anyway


I want 0 government faggit

Cucks are too drunk on their MAGA sloganeering to care about liberty and reason

At least all this authoritarian trumpfaggottry will be useful to weed out the fake libertarians who flip flop their views at the tune of muh huriturdge

Once the fuckups of trump are disseminated we'll see a return to the good old Ron Paul days

You're trying to make us look stupid by posting idiotic memeballs and pretending to be one of us, which you are not.

> Playing a game that was outdated in 2001

>be me, ancap bro
>typical day on my 250,000 acre undeveloped ranch
>on my custom ATV, maneuvering around the the sporadic forest fires I started with "illegal" Chinese fireworks (the good shit)
>just hunting small puppies with my AA12 like every other day
>statist approaches, on my property, violating NAP
>ask me if I will "stop this madness"

kek. When will these collectivists stop? Fucking tyrants.

Us? Im not a lolbertarian. The US was initially a lolbertarian country and now has a huge government. An cap is the only way.

Love ron paul tho

Hoppean ancap here.

Those memeballs are hilarious faggot. Nothing wrong with laughing at yourself


You're right. I, too, am angry that Trump is building a wall between the United States and Mexico. Fucking authoritarian piece of shit. In reality, we should have listened to Ron Paul and militarized our southern border and treated illegal immigrants as a foreign invading force.

I say this non-ironically, as well. Illegal immigrants are threatening our national sovereignty.

>The US was initially a lolbertarian country
Arguably under the articles of confederation, but by the time the constitution was drafted it had already ceased to be. You're right though about ancap being the only way


First became politically active back in 2011. Loved Ron Paul and would've considered myself a libertarian.

I'm a libcuck now, but I still have some libertarian roots:

> Against NSA Spying/mass surveilance
> Private businesses can discriminate for any reason they want (they don't have to bake the cake for a gay person if they don't want to).
> Federal Reserve should be ended.
> Drugs should be legalized and the War on Drugs should be ended.

I don't know, maybe I'm a /liberaltarian/ now?


Why can't we do both? The wall will make militarizing our border that much easier

sort of. It was minarchist for sure

Ancap is a dead end. Not sure if it's a meme to say you're ancap or if some on Sup Forums are just this fucking stupid.

If I were a betting user, I would say its no doubt both.

>they both support the shit we definitely can't change

Yeah, and?

>we definitely can't change

libertarian is the stepping stone to ancap

I have arrived

Ron Paul didn't hold those views, dumbass


The way I see it abolishing the welfare state and benefits for non citizens does more against immigration than a retarded wall

That's just like your opinion Ron Paul

>not being a libertarian-nationalist

>can't change
None of that shit (aside from the fed) existed before WW2. All of it can be changed

He absolutely did. You clearly didn't watch any of the 2008 or 2012 debates. Throughout nearly every single debate of the 2008 and 2012 primaries, he suggested that a border wall is not the answer, and the correct solution is end the welfare state and to withdrawal our troops from the Middle East and deploy our active military members on our southern border.

Refrain from discussing American politics ever again, fucking useless spic.

initially read that as anarcho-nationalist but still, that's just as ridiculous

Fucking drone let trump ass rape you more.






>le nationalism bad in current year

I wonder what's under the mask

The "Free market is bad" guy strikes again.

Nationalism results in tarrifs for foreign goods and that hinders trade and slow downs the economy. Fuck you.


>tfw you want to maximize individual liberty in society but recognize that in order to do that you have to physically remove (so to speak) certain elements.

Is Hoppe really a libertarian or is he babbys first fascist?

Hes a free-market authoritarian

>Nationalism results in tarrifs

Libertarianism died last year.
>Open borders
>Muh weed

I'm not against a free market necessarily. The shilling of corporatism and the destruction of sovereignty that le free market """thinkers""" leave unanswered (at best) is a good kek for me though.

lolbertarianism is a meme ideology for the gimps of bankers.

Sup Forums approved libertarianism died but it will keep growing. Many young people are pic related.

Ancaps don't understand that their "rights" and "freedom" only exist because Great Authorities think it benefits them. Anarcho-capitalism is the natural order, but it is authority that molds it.

I don't get this liberal tier naivety when it comes to people "deserving" rights and freedom.

t. Top right corner.