Could anybody on pol give me ANY decent reasons, besides blatant bigotry and racism, as to why immigration to any developed country, like the USA, should be so damn hard?
I mean, obviously no country wants to allow poor, homeless, uneducated criminals into their country, it could potentially ruin it, everyone understands that. But that's not my question.
Even if you were an educated, white, upper-class person from any country besides the one you are immigrating to, it's actually very very difficult. Even assuming you have above average money/income, even assuming you are willing to pay taxes to the country you are immigrating to, it's insanely hard.
Let's say you're a German engineer making 85k/year and you suddenly decide you want to live in California for whatever reason. Maybe you've heard good things about it, maybe you like the weather, maybe you like American women, whatever the reason may be
That engineer will first have to find a job in his specific field ONLY, and then he'll be given a short-time visa after a long processing time. If at any time he quits or gets fired, his visa will automatically become invalid and he's subject to leaving immediately or face deportation even if he's been working for years. If at any time he commits any minor crime, like littering, which the majority of Americans do on a yearly basis, he could be subject to deportation. If he does any side jobs for extra money outside his visa status (even if he's willing to pay taxes on it that go to the American government), he could be subject to deportation. If he does any religious or political activism, he's subject to deportation
Anything he does besides working at the job he has a visa for could be breaking any one of the millions of immigration laws
Is this not insane to anybody else? What is the purpose of all this non-sense? If someone is not dangerous, has an income, pays taxes, they should basically be considered citizens and given same rights as anyone else in ANY country