What's Sup Forums's opinion on Freemasonry?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Freemasonry?
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we think you are a faggot
Enemies of the State and People. Shoot them.
The G stands for Gay.
ego wank wank
It's guys trying too hard to be "guys".
Sad. Pathetic.
I went through a "blue lightening" initiation, went to one meeting, and realized how gay it was.
Stopped paying dues.
Did I mention how stupid it was?
Don't really have much of an opinion since idk much but you can see they've been doing some pretty shady shit.
For what purpose idk, could be good, evil or just chaos.
I believe that they could be just an sub-organization that's subordinate to the kike Qabbalists(or whatever jew's call them)
>What is Sup Forums's opinion on
>now that the dust has settled
>one line prompts to create a response
And this fucking thread has been posted in its exact wording and picture so many fucking times.
>but masons
Gnosticism with the belief that jesus died on the cross is the true christian way.
3rd degree Master Mason here. AMA.
The only person to be confirmed a Mason out of those people is George Washington. Take your shill somewhere else.
Go away, hard fucking sage. All your "knowledge" can be found online.
>3rd degree Master Mason here. AMA.
I'm gonna ask you for proofs.
>The only person to be confirmed a Mason out of those people is George Washington
Then why are they flashing this sign? I doubt it's just coincidence or trying to be "cool"
get fucked cunt.
Yes, it can, but that doesn't mean you know what it means. You can read it all you want, but experiencing it is a different thing altogether.
George Washington isn't flashing any sign. He never went above the 3rd degree. None of those "signs" have anything to do with the 3rd degree. Also, what proof would you like?
Freemasons are puppet's for the jews
The 'g' stands for good goy.
High level Freemasonry is just Kabbalah for goyim. Elite Jews need a proxy and the masons are one of them.
>what proof would you like?
I'm not sure, what do high ranking freemasons even do?
And does it matter?
>it doesn't mean you know what it means
>you totally have to pay the money and go through what we want you to, only then can I say you actually understand your comprehension of the knowledge. Only through experience, goy, and make sure it's ours!
The fucking hubris of you LARPers.
To the other guy. Look up hidden hand. You'll find what you're looking for.
Well what I do, is I help put on rituals for incoming members and do some charity here and there. Theres not a lot going on.
Keep shilling.
>against your shitty false organization (???)
>and my every post is a sage
Try harder.
Charity? for whom/what exactly?
What purpose does freemasonry even have?
>High level Freemasonry is just Kabbalah for goyim. Elite Jews need a proxy and the masons are one of them.
Figures, If I were a mage from this cycle, I'd never teach anyone everything I'd knew.
"power" was not ment to be shared eventho it's everyone's birthright, at least in these times.
Explain how it's a shitty false organization? Is it because you can't get in? Is that why you shill against it? Or are you just a conspiracy nut?
College scholarships, Shriners Hospital, Masons who need money, donating to the local hospital. Lots of different things. The purpose of freemasonry is to bring together a bunch of different people and better yourselves and the community.
freemasons were the original trade union. they provided basic social support services to their members.
This brought them into conflict with the church, who wanted sole monopoly and providing social services.
So because they were taking customers away from the church, they have been demonised ever since.
>better yourselves and the community.
But why? What's the end game?
I doubt people just get together and fix their problems.
Who does that?
Not to sound more of a jerk than I am but why care for others or even yourself?
Charity in any way or form serves no benefit for anyone, if you ask me.
Do you deny working against America for the Jews ?
And if you do, explain the misconceptions we have, explain some of the things you appear to have done for the Jews.
>you just hate us cause you ain't us, you're just a conspiracy theorist
My fucking sides, you literally have the liberal argument. "You don't hate Hillary because she's a corrupt puppet run and owned by organizations that have defiled any of the original interests of the party, you're just a Trump supporter who can't possibly know what's going on!"
It's also a social thing aswell. Make friends and such. What's wrong with trying to be a better person?
Did you take your meds this morning?
Well, I've yet to see you make a valid argument. What is wrong with Masonry. Also, I voted for Trump.
The argument was there. Your organization is a corrupt corporate tool for the uninitiated masses to feel special and has lost and confused their original purpose. Now you sucker men in with the promise of easily accessible knowledge (but then again, you seem to be laboring under the delusion that you have to be a Mason to like, get it man,) but instead sit in stuffy rooms and discuss small town meetings 99% percent of the time and feel important while making them pay for it.
>we make good men better
Give me a fucking break.
>Make friends and such.
Friendship doesn't exist.
>What's wrong with trying to be a better person?
Who are we as a species to define what is good/bad or better/worse?
If anything the reason why we act "good" and "charitable" is because we are trying to find inner justification for our existence, in other words we want to be "helpful" or "useful".
Same could be said for being "bad", it's just a result of being neglected in some way or form and not being able to cope with it due to weakness, hence why people resort to stealing, domination/violence or other sadistic actions.
There's absolutely no beneficial reason to do any of that stuff.
>inb4 i'm a edgemeister
Pedophile Luciferian larps.
They think they are the only people who can form logos or spirit and live forever because of it.
Foolishness and ego.
Resonates with the lower consciousness.
if you are one of them you are either a usefull idiot, or working actively against humankind
>You can read about getting anally penetrated all you want, but experiencing it is a different thing altogether.
tell me more about your rituals, mr mason
we're all just dying to know
1. Please explain and give facts as to how it's a corrupt corporate tool.
2. Nothing has changed in 300 years so it hasn't lost its purpose, the world has just become more advanced and Masonry is having a bit of a hard time adjusting. That doesn't make it obsolete.
3. Yeah, you pay for it, but it's not all crappy meetings. There's also retirement available for Master Masons, Masonic Assistance. I can travel anywhere in the world and I garauntee you I can have a place to stay and a meal. It's about making a social connection aswell. That doesn't mean big evil corporations. It means that I can find something in common from people all over the globe, if both of us are Masons. It's not just shitty meetings, and I'll be honest, the meetings are crap unless it's ritual.
Take your meds leaf.
There's no anal penetration. I'm sorry. You'll have to go to a gay bar for that you fag.
Bunch of drunks who reminisce about that time that they beat the greatest empire in the world and established a free government that still had slaves.
>friendship doesn't exist
Only for autists
>There's no anal penetration of consenting adults*
>children though...
Kill yourself you fucking pedophile jew loving filth.
Also shill
Really, it doesn't.
What we call "friendship" is just a form of mental/physical mutualism which usually stems from having the same qualities as someone(same tastes, goals, way of life)
There's no real "friendship", and if it somehow spawned in our reality it won't last long.
>it's the non-masons who are the shills!
take your meds
It's a club for old people who don't get enough gossip. It's not even a "brother"hood anymore, most lodges let people bring in their fucking wife and kids.
The ones where they don't are usually just beer hall style eating and an occasional auction or some sort of fundraiser. Mix in some drama class tier acting and you pretty much got all
I'm not a shill.
Freemasons are the satanic sadists like Bill Clinton, George HW Bush, George Bush Jr. etc.
You're disgusting race traitors and larps pretending you're the children of the fallen. Delusional imbeciles. The jews have you under their thumbs.
edgy faggots who created mafia and should be genocided
One of the most evil organizations ever created by mankind. I strongly recommend people harvest as much information about these people as possible. They are an threat to the most basic structures of human civilization. They need to be exposed and eliminated.
scratch my back scratch yours organizations. Lots of white collar crime.
So can mathematical theory or quantum physics. Good luck understanding it though.
>freemason here
>I will tell you the truth ama..
Used to be a secret society that controls people, now a society with few secrets that controls none.
You can join one if you want it's not that hard.
Must warn you though,you'll see a lot of edgy roleplay during the recruitment.
I joined in error
Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon.
They are everything that is wrong with the world.
Are you unironically comparing the two?
There he is
Yea it's pretty weird, almost every freemasonry related thread has some "higher up" pop up for interviews.
Oh well, at least we can talk about something politically unrelated without posting BBC and BLACKED shit everywhere, plus it's pretty interesting eventho it's just RP
Numerous first hand accounts exist that the oath to become a 33rd degree freemason involves serving "Lucifer."
This was witnessed to me personally in 2003.
Also, 32nd degree freemason, Manly P. Hall writes of the mason in his book The Lost Keys of Freemasonry: "The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands"
The Buddha says that a man is filled with evil "drop by drop", I would make the analogy "degree by degree".
Manly P. Hall wasn't a Mason when he wrote those books. So his books are invalid on Masonry, still good reads though.
>search archives for "what is Sup Forums's opinion of freemasonry"
>endless results of samefag OPs
Man this mason guy is really shilling his crap hard
Why is it invalid whether or not he was a Mason when he wrote it?
Didn't he also write it after?
Fraternis Saturni freemason ties.
They believe they can become Gods by linking with lower entities.
>Numerous first hand accounts exist that the oath to become a 33rd degree freemason involves serving "Lucifer."
There's literally nothing wrong with serving the light... or dark, unless they are not actually serving the light or dark but some crafty fallen angel/demon or something.
Then that would be shit since it will no doubt try to make a waygate back to it's homeworld at some point using all that gathered faith energy IIRC.
We don't need a transdimensional "refugee" crisis on our hands just because some fools got scammed.
This is why atheism should be mandatory for everyone, just in case.
You're a blue lodge fucktard. Go back to practicing secret handshakes and thinking you're special.
the G is for Gnosis
Because he's a mason and thinks he knows special secrets because he did gay rituals in a dark room with a bunch of men in special aprons.
But what's the deal with that measurement tool thing?
Are they building something around the "gnosis" or just measuring it for some purpose?
much questions but truthful answers non to be found
>atheism should be mandatory
Whatcha doin rabbi?
>literally nothing wrong with serving the light
Physical light is the luring light of Lucifer, who functions as tempter and punisher. The light of the black sun or logos is what we must focus on. The yellow sun is also important, but purely focusing on the yellow sun is a lure towards materialism.
Lucifer is Prometheus, he can show us how to navigate the material world, and thus he is a guide within the navigation from lead->iron
Thus masonic freaks worship Lucifer, because they wish to be powerful in the material, along with the jews and their demiurge nothingness. Pedophilia and human sacrifice follows, when someone functions from ego they believe that abusing others to achieve their ends becomes normal and necessary. Cannibalism follows, basically you become more aligned to demonic ideologies.
mein neger
can some1 tell me what they are? I genuinely havent got a clue. are they some secret club?
>Whatcha doin rabbi?
The only way to stop humanity from being scammed off our faith energy is to "seal" ourselves from everything spiritual(seal, not deny or use it), everyone, not just a majority and a select but everyone should be sealed off.
Thus no transdimensional niggers will come back again to try and rape our shit now that we're in a weakened state.
To do this, intuition and instinct should be ripped out of everyone's spirit so that it can't be used against them and most importantly everyone and everything, maybe not for forever but until we get back on our feet so we're able to have some chance of surviving our world being cascaded and overlapped over another more harsh and really REALLY shitty one.
>Thus masonic freaks worship Lucifer, because they wish to be powerful in the material, along with the jews and their demiurge nothingness
Doesn't matter, it's all the same.
It's just duality doing it's thing to keep us happy while the guardians do their thing and keep our dimension sealed off from our "other" depraved selves.
...I'm pretty sure the guardians are either dead or gone, so we're screwed.
Wrong, That is literally how we become more demon like, more demiurge like. That would manifest what you fear. Fear is the tool of ego, and operating from fear as you are can only manifest demonic things.
Ascension requires to transcend the lead, fear, time etc. That's what you're worrying about. You're being tricked by demons into doing their work. Crafty bastards I'll admit.
You basically just confirmed everything user said though
>well yeah we have ties to corporations and masons in corporations, but it's not like it's slimy
>well yeah masons are confused and the changing world around them is rapid, but we're adapting
>well yeah I get special treatment around the world just because I paid money to be a mason, but the uh rituals are cool
And yet you said it in the most gilded way possible that made it sound great
Behold, the Jew
globalists should be purged
Lawful good! Get's blamed for a bunch of Jew stuff!
>Ascension requires to-
That's exactly what I was talking about.
You are given a fake "life" and "purpose" within this dimension/reality. for you to be distracted.
You can be the hero, the ruler, the peasant, the truthist, the mage, the hermit etc
It literally doesn't matter since you're individually here to forget your wholeness.
We are all the same person/entity we refer to as "humanity", the different races,qualities, conciousness are just a result of some perverted yearning of wanting shit to be different or not accepting ourself or a specific quality we posses/don't.
It's normal, we are an infant after all.
Masons are even worse than jews, because whereas jews are just genetically hardwired to be evil, masons have to work at it. Slowly becoming more and more depraved. To the jew cannibalism and pedophilia come as naturally as learning language. It's in their blood and culture, has been for centuries since they were a pedophilic phallic worshiping tribe of polytheists masquerading as monotheists.
>What's Sup Forums's opinion on Freemasonry?
Anti-Catholic scum that corrupt everything they come into contact with.
Reminder is is a grave sin for any Roman Catholic to join the freemasons.
A bunch of old edgy dads who think they're important.
Yeah kill these bitch boys.
>Enemies of the State and People. Shoot them.
meh better safe than sorry I guess
basically scientology for plebs
You're taking the jewish philosophy. One of moral relativism and "be yourself no matter how depraved it is"
They evolved these ideologies specifically because their race is naturally sadistic and cannibalistic. They justify their perverted desires through elaborate nonsense, even their star of david represents a marriage of opposing moralities.
Ultimately their ideology is one of nothingness. They worship nothing. They believe in race mixing, moral relativism, physical relativism, a pantheistic identity which is tailored to individuality defying the premise of the first.
They pretend to say we are All, but neglect to understand the inherent duality in reality. All and not All.
Pantheistic multidimensional realities exist, but they exist within a spectrum, a spectrum which gives meaning due to the dual nature of the thing.
Masons and Qabbalist jews and satanists seek to erase meaning. Ultimately they serve the dark one, the nothingness, because their goal is to eliminate all forms of value, meaning, and identity. Which of course is further from Ultimate Good, or "God"
Technically we are a piece of God, but all this talk of an intrinsic "self" is merely giving an already established label. "You are truly yourself" removes for free will, which is another thing the jews and masons wish to destroy.
Study more occultfag, you've been duped by demons.
They are occultists and occultists use hermetic wisdom to affect the public mind. I cannot tell HOW yet. They swear that they use it for good, and to steward the human race to heights of spiritual attainment. I won't be sure unless I get to the top of the structure.
I was talking to my friend the other day and he said his grandfather was a high mason, would have a full robe and everything, and he found this demonic looking bible with shit blanked out and a letter saying how this guy was a problem and on the back of the letter it said take him out, crazy shit.
the G is for goat
The lodge here orders suspicious amounts of Little Caesars. Why would they get that when there are so many better pizza places?
You friend's grandfather sounds like a faggot.
You know why.
They are literally the Good Goy Association - goys who swore to serve the jewish masters
Part of "Jewish Tradition" involves sodomizing their children because... They always did so why stop now?
>Study more occultfag
Why do you assume I "study" or am an "occultist"
I'm telling you about what I perceive, if my spiritual eye deceives me or not, I'm not sure.
btw I haven't read 1 book in my life about anything.
>you've been duped by demons.
Aren't we all?
>You're taking the jewish philosophy. One of moral relativism and "be yourself no matter how depraved it is"
Sure, but how do you think they came to this philosophy/conclusions?
>They evolved these ideologies specifically because their race is naturally sadistic and cannibalistic. They justify their perverted desires through elaborate nonsense, even their star of david represents a marriage of opposing moralities
Anyone can do it, good or evil. It doesn't matter, only how those "good' and "evil' people manipulate it through their spectrum of actions and understanding.
>Technically we are a piece of God, but all this talk of an intrinsic "self" is merely giving an already established label. "You are truly yourself" removes for free will, which is another thing the jews and masons wish to destroy.
Nope, we have a existential "connection" to something that one might refer to as THE "God"(not the demiurge) but it's just a "passed down" executive order for existence, that's about it.
The "god" you are refering to is our absolute state, it wants to be whole.
Think of it as a hivemind of sorts, only that it's exclusive to humans mainly, and some flora.
Masonic practices are evil.
Nice gnosis that you won't even know who gives you orders. G for Goyms it is.
I shall cleanse filth like you in due time.
Evil must die. It should not be embraced in any sense. A positive + a negative = nothing, 1+-1=0
You are an agent of nothingness. A bastard, a mongrel.
Baphomet was originally a sheep
>you'll see a lot of edgy roleplay during the recruitment.
Thank you for the kind words.
I should be honest with you I have 0 clue to what I am or if I have any potential(it's just random episodes like these) if any.
>I shall cleanse filth like you in due time.
Wow, careful with that knife bro.
>Evil must die. It should not be embraced in any sense. A positive + a negative = nothing, 1+-1=0
How is that "evil"?
Nothing is evil or good, it just believes that it is.
I'm "evil" to you because I don't adhere to whatever philosophy or understandings you have.
>You are an agent of nothingness. A bastard, a mongrel.
Elaborate, no, srlsly what does that even mean?
This thread comes along at least once a week. Are you new here?
All freemasons get out./
>no one in Freemasonry likes to discuss the Welsh Rite, because of, um, reasons