My son just came home from school. He told me he likes a girl. He says she wears a hood all the time.
She's a fucking hijab Muslim.
What the fuck.
The left has truly won the culture war. He is of Nordic/German heritage. What have I done wrong?
My son just came home from school. He told me he likes a girl. He says she wears a hood all the time.
She's a fucking hijab Muslim.
What the fuck.
The left has truly won the culture war. He is of Nordic/German heritage. What have I done wrong?
He swallowed the final redpill, islam
It's not what you did, it's what western "women" have done.
They've become so unappealing because of their false sense of "sexual liberation" that of course he'll be more attracted to the reserved, traditional woman.
Start taking him to Church
How old is he? If he's like 12 don't do anything and he will forget about it in like a month.
Leave him be, he will eventually change his mind in a short time. Forcing him against his will would just make him more resolute in dating her.
didn't molest him enough to turn him into a pedophilistic deviant
let him fuck that pussy user
don't let him grow up to be a faggot like you
that;s how terrorists are born
I wanna stick my gun on her tits.
Man I hate shitskins too but if my Dad was as autistic as you I'd neck myself.
He's a fucking human being, let him realize this shit on his own.
he will be killed by the girl's brother and the girl will be honor killed by her father.
kind of true. give me islam without the invaders pls
Tell him to let that go, they don't like white men and aren't allowed to marry outside their family anyway. She's probably promised to her brother or first cousin when she turns 15.
It means your son is a liberal numale in making faggot. Muslims women are one step above niggers and his diversity won't get him a white girl ever. For fucks sake, im a spic taking white girls away.
>Nordic/German heritage
>checks flag
Not trying to give you ideas, but my dad beat the fucking fuck out of my brother with a wooden club when he found out he had been bleaching black girls at highschool. He is now engaged to a very conservative traditionalist white girl,
Not trying to say you should do that of course.
This. If older, tell him to defile her in the worst ways possible then dump her. But use protection!!!
What's the point of wearing a jihab AND makeup/non black clothes, at the same time?
I'd only take the muzzie pill if women dressed like Saudis.
Time for the talk, that she isn't allowed to be in a relationship with non-muslims
Invite her over and put one of those Jewish things on your door. When she comes in ask her to borrow a small amount of money and pretend like you never said anything. Make your sons name more Jewish and remind him that you are going to visit grandma in Haifa in the summer.
Ideally you'll spend all day eating salt beef and watching Woody Allen movies to really get into it.
> not wanting your son to marry a QT virgin that will never show other men her skin just because she doesn't eat sausages
Muslim girls are the closest thing you will get to conservative christian girls
First day of class the teacher would have explained to the class it was a hijab and if anyone touched it or made fun of it or called it a hood they are the worst person to ever be alive and they will lose all their friends. This story didn't happen
>checks flag
move along, nothing to see here
I've seen loads of these fucking threads today, why don't you fuck off op, do us all a favour.
Be honest resident /pol Islamophobes.
>You can't handle the fact that generally, Hijab-wearing women won't be degenerate and jiggy-jiggy with you.
Sounds like you did right and kept your racist bullshit to yourself. See to it that you keep it up so your son doesn't grow up thinking you're a prick. Sounds like he's besotted. I mean, are you going to destroy young love like that because of Nazi bullshit? If you are, you're a cunt. Or this can be your way out of the cult... Hope this helps.
>Muhammad's dad encourages him to turn white girls
>Whiteys dad forbids dicking down and turning Muslimas, he instead links him to ir cuckold videos on xhamster
And you wonder why you're losing. Lmao
Relax, he is a kid. You probably did nothing wrong. He probably likes her because she is modest. Or something unrelated and random. Either way I wouldn't worry until he is older and is aware.
what culture war? you don't even have a culture.
The virgin is the guy who made this picture.
You're right, he's probably an irishman like in your pic
You are wrong. Christianity created the west. Liberalism and Islam are ruining it.
Take some comfort that like poos in loo, he has little to no chance and she is already promised to some 40 year old cleric on her first period
At least he likes girls
Sup Forums only care's about racemixing because they're not the ones like OP's son who are getting pussy
>who's the virgin
>who's the more noble
the bald guy in the back
>who'll make a better mother
probably the slut on the left
>who'll ensure a future for her people
neither of these "people" have a people
tell your son you're proud of him for finding the last conservative girl in his school
That or she is a goth or wannabe gang member or depressed.
>Communist eastern European whore
But what about that blonde QT sitting behind them with her friends while skinhead Hans protects them in this public bus stop from shitskins and roaches?
Who gives a fuck? At least this girl will most likely keep her virginity and probably doesn't care to ride the cock carousel.
Maybe you should tell your son to marry her
>hey you guys i am so stupid and so racist just like you you guys hey you guys
>muh aryan heritage
>who'll make a better mother
>probably the slut on the left
You're an idiot if you think she would be better. This is why the West is decaying
You may want to double check and make sure she isn't a Ninja. It can be easy to confuse the two, and that comes with its own set of problems.
holy fuck underrated post
>south Africa
Colonisation did it's job
>What have I done wrong?
nothing you're just an idiot.
if i could overcome the stigma of dating a girl that wore a hijab in public, thet would be one of my top choices for wife material.
Your son is just more red-pilled than you are and can sense the submissive, conservative, pious, turbo wifey material in that qt 3.14
welcome to America, land of the free
Islam is more redpilled than latter day Germany.
Kek this is the best
Want a red pill? Traditional Islam are the most conservative people on earth, next to old Mexicans.
Traditional muslim family are dynasties where marriage is arranged, profit is made and each family is strong for it .
But you say, user what about Isis and the rapefugees?
Betas who don't have the money, good looks or blood line to have a noble desert rose or a harem of them.
Your average rapefugee is the Elliot rodgers of Islam, self hatred, inability to talk to women and kicked out of his own village.
Its the same deal with India rape gangs, they won't rape their own women cause they fear them, they will never live up to their expectations.
This is why we should reject immigration, not because of the looming threat of ISIS but because these people are Islamic neckbeards
Depending on the girl's family, might be nothing at all, it is against Muslim tradition for Muslim girls to marry not-Muslim men. (unless the man converts, but that's a different issue).
encourage it, girls are easily corrupted. Manipulate her to giving up Islam and taking her hijab off
I hope she gets stoned then
boner alert
You do realise Christian women should be wearing head coverings as well?
so much this.
Who cares? Muslim women are awesome. I'd let my son marry a Hijab Muslim in a second.
She'd clean the house, have his babies, take care of them, and not sit around on facebook all day like mos American broads.
It's the Muslim men you have to watch out for.
You mean Germanic heritage?
Well, that's a common way of making the execution, though beatings and hangings are certainly not unheard of.
You made him
Only you can destroy him
I do not envy you. I don't know if he could put him down if I were in your shoes
Actually, you should probably pat yourself on the back, you raised your son to like conservative, respectful women. She's probably got cute facial features too and a good personality. You didn't fuck up, OP, you redpilled him.
calm down there Ahmed
You see if Islamic people weren't barbaric shit skins and didn't hate Catholicism they wouldn't be that bad
This is true. The girl on the left has fucked 20 chads and a few jamals by the time she gets married to some beta provider at 35 while the one of the right will lose her virginity to her husband who she marries at 25 and give him many kids and stay at home with them.
Just have them marry then tell him to raise the children devout Orthodox Christian. Easy. She'll see the love and convert, getting rid of the crazy Muslims from her side of the family.
Honor killing is imminent?
Exactly desu. If Islam wasn't so barbaric everyone on Sup Forums would accept it. Muslim women are great and I encourage everyone on Sup Forums to date one, date a girl from the Levant, convert her to Christianity if you want, you're going to get a virgin and a girl with values, what's not to love?
Ahmed, I'm a Christian, dumbass. If I lived in a Muslim country, I'd have a couple Muslim wives. They're awesome.
I want to stick my sick on her gun and my gun on her tits.
Germans and Swedes love Muslim immigrants,your son is just behaving by his nature don't see what's weird about it?
He is not going to be racist Islamophobe is he?
> 1 post by this ID
Are you there? Are you talking to her or something?
>le islam is bad so i'm just going to counter signal anything thats traditional meme. If you'd honestly prefer some slut than one that dresses modestly you're autistic.
>not going up and killing the nigger trespassing on your second floor
Clearly you know nothing about Sup Forums
>Son mixes lube with pig blood.
>Bang broad.
>Nut on Koran
Slap his shit or he gets honor killed. Muzzy boys would beat his ass for it.
Swans swim with swans crows fly with crows
Your wife's son has good taste.
Hijabs are pretty hot desu
The real story is the male equivalent behind them.
Hurr muh son wants a chaste woman and isn't asking for estrogen injections or how to raise his girlfriend's child.
Praise Allah.
Allahu akbar
He will give up on that after he meets her ultra-conservative retard family. And realizes he can't even touch her for the first 6 months of dating.
Muslim girls went completely untouched and unnoticed in my high school. Granted, there were fewer of them at the time, but no one wanted anything to do with them. Rightfully so, they come from a retarded culture.
Don't worry OP, your son is looking to get his dick wet right now, he'll move on to some normal girl, or maybe even a skank. Which is fine, as he is young.
Checkin to see if it exists
Are you sure she's not just a Hood Rat
Lol they only do that for tbeir men.
But when they marry white is so they dont have to do it.
Know two muslim girls tjat married white and act just like white women lol
He has shit taste, just like you.
You're a failure as a father, kill yourself ;)
Show your son what Muslim men do to non muslims.
is that what you did yesterday
Gotta treat them like a Muslim man. Fuck like an animal, take no shit, and dispense a light beating if they disobey.
Throw acid in her face, that'll teach your son about their culture
Just let him do it and it'll all sort itself out. After her father finds out she's dating someone he'll honor kill her.
No they will do that for you as well if you treat them like a slave
protip: If you date an Arabic bitch she will walk all over you unless you exert your dominance over her.
It's why they barely date Western men