Sup Forums is becoming way too popular and it is being infiltrated by shills and (((them)))

It's literally becoming leddit

Other urls found in this thread:

so go to cripplechan faggot

Traffic and popularity has more than doubled since the election, if we continue this trend this site will be dead.

came here to post this desu

the same thing happened to Sup Forums like 9 years ago


>not realizing these threads are made by the same people making asian threads

use filters

It's already dead, Sup Forums is Reddit 2.0.
Nazi mods and popularity ruined it.
Sup Forums is half of what they used to be.

>redpilling millions of people is bad

good goyim

too many wmaf threads on front page. something is going on.

No it didn't, Sup Forums has never been nearly as popular as it is now.

Yes Sup Forums had a large spike, and yes the majority of the popularity is Sup Forums now, but Sup Forums at the time wasn't nearly as popular as Sup Forums is now

When I first started coming here, Sup Forums was harassing girls until they committed suicide, it was like a monthly occurrence. Now Sup Forums has turned into a tumblr base camp where they shame you for posting gore.

I bet if I go to Sup Forums right now and check the catalog, there will be 12 threads with guys showing their dicks and atleast 3 shemale threads with a couple gay threads.

Sup Forums seems to have suffered quit a bit, but we have the memes, so we just scream maymays at newfags until they conform.

I don't know what the solution is other than making more chans.

That happened nearly a decade ago

Who gives a shit if more people come here. They find the truth and ascend the autism ladder of real knowledge or at least take their first redpill. Win-win as I see it.

More natsoc posting, it might be the only way to save Sup Forums

Once things go more mainstream, people will start to self-censor a bit even on user site like Sup Forums

Namefag has a good point about Sup Forums

you stupid failed potato farmer, Nazis were the good guys the mods are KIKES

wtf I love mootsies nosey


Anonymous free speech always leads to the truth, so having more people here is a good thing.

Even if the left flooded Sup Forums to the point where they "took it over", in 5 years it would be the same as it was in 2015.

Did it though, Sup Forums was pretty good before the election. Yeah The Trump train was amazing, but once the election was over, I realized how much it fucked Sup Forums by trippling it's userbase, if not more

Shills leadership at bottom.

This namefag remembers. Sup Forums was never good but now it is just 50% porn/furry shit and 50% tumblr. The cancer was real and it killed Sup Forums many years ago. The same will happen to Sup Forums if normies and redditfags start flooding in

>constant race-mixing is good, get and asian wife! threads
>constant shilling against Spencer and Jared Taylor
>civic nationalist threads

So you think that it's better to just sit here, complain and masturbate while circle jerking each others ideas?

Do you really think we would have been able to change anything without attention being diverted toward us?

Now we are an actual player on the political landscape, with major news organizations clinging to our words. Normies come here, some join the ranks, others get triggered and post their stupid slide threads. (((They))) are trying to shut us down for this very reason. We have gotten popular, and that's a fucking good thing. Now we can get to work on actually doing things, using memetics (which we have developed much more than arguably any organization in the world) and use what used to be trolling tactics for fucking habbo and tumblr and put them to good use.

Anyone saying that they would rather just LARP about nazis and eat cheese dip is fucking pathetic. We have tools that are valuable to 21st century politics. And we better fucking start using them.

Growing pains, my man.

We're moving on to accomplish bigger things. Now is the time to take bold actions like rallying for constitutional amendments or forming a whites-only nation somewhere. Or, we can all run for office now that we're older and use meme magic to get each other elected.

I discovered 4 chan or Sup Forums when i was perving at girls on blog TV, we got raied and everyone was blaming 9gag

the channel admins said it was not 9gag but prob Sup Forums

Sup Forums you say?

So i went to Sup Forums and saw my first John pasta, but i didnt know it was pasta.

a bit later we had candyasgots and roodypoos

dont. if you leave they win. they want us to disband and stop posting the truth here. stay here, push back. the more people come here the more people will get redpills. the overall quality decreases but you still find the goldnuggets among all the bullshit if you just look for them.

Sup Forums isnt your army you fucking faggot


yeah that's true but it's not what I meant. culture-wise Sup Forums died as it boomed in popularity in a similar fashion to what you're describing here

also, i don't really understand those graphs - how many unique visitors come here per day?

it's been this way since 2011 you fucking idiot


>implying they too werent compromised

TRS shills flock that shithole

It always has been, but they just break themselves on the great wall of autism or get subverted.

This. There really is no decent alternative, as shitty as this place can be. We just need to band together and tell the opposition to fuck right off.

>lament how bluepilled masses are destroying the world
>deliberately work hard to influence the outside world to change people's views
>now we're too successful and we don't like being popular

Fuck off hipster trash

Sup Forums is dying since chanology.

Ok? So you just want to sit around with your dick in your hand and complain?

You are exactly the same as the people you despise.

You can and should create a new chan if you think Sup Forums isn't what it should be.

The fact that we can create new chans is the reason why the left can't stop us. The only way they can stop us is to try to ban anonymous speech online or shut down the internet.

>boohoo muh 4chins muh leddit
redpill newfags instead of complaining

too many shitposters will make navigating threads increasingly difficult to the point that it will take too much effort and become utterly useless to even attempt doing

>4chen is kill

You feel that way because you're new yourself.

>We're moving on to accomplish bigger things.

No, it's a demographic change that will change the culture of Sup Forums to some degree like it always does.

That's idiotic because all new chans fail.

You exist to assimilate people into anonymous culture and spread memes. We exist to preserve the old flame and have high level discussion.

You are serving your function just fine.

>this site will be dead.
>implying we didn't just add a couple more hundred thousand to the Nat Soc movement

I guarantee 90% of posters in this thread have joined since the election. Chan is dead

people will not self censor here like they do on other sites because normies are here

that's fucking stupid, everyone is anonymous and it isnt Sup Forums culture to self censor - that ruins the hole point. You still see plenty of uncle adolf folks and nigger hate threads on here not much has changed

calm the fuck down your shitty board is still shitty

Praise KEK!


god i hate moot

then why you hate us ?

We hate your compromised mods and newfags who fuck up our discussion and dilute our culture.

Both have purpose but if you want to come over to 8ch than assimilate and lurk for 2 years before posting.

I'm not a natsoc, but definitely white nationalist and race realist.

It seems Sup Forums has been backing off from those topics as of late instead we have a billion shitposting threads.

if it were dead you'd stop posting
this guy has it right, Sup Forums is a collection of shitty anonymous opinions and it never changes because people never change

All new chans put pressure on Sup Forums and they succeed to the extent that Sup Forums is fucking up.

When /new/ was shut down, everyone went to 4_chon (system won't let me write it correctly) and they were doing great. Then moot opened Sup Forums and people started coming back here and 4_chon died. It accomplished the task of getting a news board back on Sup Forums.

Read the rules, and please do try to keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums. We get enough normie cancer and shilling as it is.

well, bye

Also it seems that all the ex-Yugo threads disappeared in the last few months, but that's a bit of a personal thing.

In short I think Sup Forums turned into a reactionary board of whatever happens to be happening in politics, which is fine, but there is no room for discussion outside of those it seems

There is no redpilling.

Just look to the quality of posts on Sup Forums.
It's all low energy shitpostings or Sup Forumstard threada

>spread Sup Forums memes all over political youtube comments and news sites
>wonder why Sup Forums is becoming popular
go to any political video and you'll see some Sup Forums meme be the most upvoted

look at this site, it's your fault it's the way it is.
there is no saving it.

>mandatory military service

another 2 years..

Sup Forums is linked on /r/TheDonald all the time

i do it for free because its fun

hey faggot when you're done being a chantard why dont you head over to anontalk,com?

but Sup Forums was infiltrated by alt right to begin with

Fuck off Kimmo

>Now we are an actual player on the political landscape
Jesus Christ user. Stop being dumb.

Sup Forums is anonymous board where 80% of the threads are shilling. Only cat owning tumblrinas with purple hair care about what we say.

We don't have power. Don't believe in that

Aside from the shills, That's not bad, more normies to redpill. And there's still 4+4 chan

I do have to somewhat disagree here, Sup Forums casts a larger shadow than it deserves. Power is about perception, which is precisely why, it getting popular doesn't do it any good.

Easy fix is to just stop spoonfeeding the newfags

What are you going to do about it, faggot?

I link reddit, twitter and facebook here all the time inviting people to come by.


theres a whole bunch which still have decent quality

>we don't have power

>democratic nominee had a hit article on Sup Forums on her campaign website to coincide with attacks from msm outlets who had feature stories

It's shills like you who have no power/life.

It's already Reddit. r/thedonald flooded this board.

The Alt Right is the group led by Richard Spencer.

Sup Forums is not the Alt Right, even if their ideologies overlap in some cases.

Agree, to many normi threads about retarded shit. Also the good discussions and topics are mutch harder to find. What happend to "lurk first, post after" these normie retards go in here and imeadtly posts. We need to tell them more to fuck of and lurk more so normie retards learn.

Sup Forums may fall but memes and kek are forever

>democratic nominee had a hit article on Sup Forums on her campaign website to coincide with attacks from msm outlets who had feature stories
To attract attention from the purple hairs.

Not really relevant.

Have my upvotes!

The mods don't do their jobs either.

targeted raids do have an effect, but mostly just make people believe that Sup Forums has more power than it actually does but it seems nobody actually knows for sure what kind of power we are fucking around with here

Been here for 12 years... When I started this was just a place to shitpost and get a (you) Candleja.

Then the "fuuuuuuu" comics hit mainstream hard 08-09 and every edgy collegekid was talking about them at class. Around '10-12 the friendly merchant meme appeared and started the "alt right." Year 13 we saw the start of evil pepe(peepee poopoo by r9k) and there it all blew up.

Lad, I was here before the 7chan split.

They never succeed.

Agrees, but what can you do?

C'est la vie.


More of them means more keks for us.

bump, how should we solve this problem? We have a problem where people mildly agree with us but they don't lurk long enough so they don't know what they are talking about and stupid shit gets talked about and threads get derailed.

We need something like goreposting to disgust people so much they don't come here. Rabid Hitler worship used to achieve this, but now even that's not deterring people.

What can we flood the board with that is degenerate (or not) enough to drive people away? Should we convert to a completely Christian board? Switch to paying members only? Establish a new site?

Raids are illegal for some time now

>Sup Forums being attacked by the most powerful news corporations on the planet and democratic party of the United States

>not relevant

Crawl back into the gaping hole that is your mothers cunt, shill.

>find the truth and ascend the autism ladder of real knowledge

where to go next?

The cancer was CP and law enforcement agencies taking over modship of Sup Forums, the new letting it go to shit.

They've never succeeded in a big way because Sup Forums has never fucked up in a big way.

If Sup Forums was taken over by leftists, for example, another chan would pop up with a huge right-wing userbase.

you are one of them

>becoming reddit
no sign in,
better iu structure
its just better than reddit.

if there is a place where people go to a place to talk to other people from anywhere about anything then its a threat to powerful slaveholders. they cant handle the internet but dont realize it will never die so they have to devote energy to manipulate us.

We have way more energy.

I blame the asshole in the picture.

They never succeed simply because Sup Forums is still here.

Attribute it to habit, familiarity, addiction, autists refusing to change their ways, whatever you will. So long as Sup Forums is still here, other chans will fail.

imblying CP was not part of "let's fucked up this place , an then got the perfect excuse to fucked up again""-plan.

why ? simply , chan-culture and the idea of lelnonimus have huge potential