/pp/ -- Portuguese Politics General: "I Can't Think Of A Name For This Edition" Edition

Welcome to another /pp/ thread! As always, Brits, Poles, Brazilians and Spaniards are VIP. Share dank Salazares, rare colonial Pepes, sexy bacalhau pictures and discuss Portugal. Other nationalities are free to ask us questions!

Thread theme:

>Traditionalist, Neo-Reactionary and Monarchist websites:

It's friday night, lads... Get comfy and get in here!

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Take back Galicia and we might take you seriously.

>Implying we want approval from Europe's, fat, retarded son

I meant everyone as a whole, not the U.S. plus you'll still need America when shit hits the fan.


I honestly don't care what other people think of my country. I quite like it and that's just enough. Portugal has a bit of an underrated/underdog feel which I quite enjoy.

"Orgulhosamente sós!"

Pic related is one of my favorite Pessoa poems. Literally him shitting on socialism.

Why dont we nuke portugal ?


Who's your daddy?

Fifth Empire with the eternal anglo when?

this country is a marxist shithole
anyone with the possibility should move out to somewhere where you can actually build a future for yourself

We will grow out of it.

This is true but you must have some faith... Nothing lasts forever, including the bad times. We will rise again and I think it might happen sooner than we think with all the changes that are going on in Europe.

Bumping with propaganda




go where? we may be poor but at least we have nice food and beaches and no terrorism

Portugal, my son.
You are man now.


What other countries has a 644 year old alliance?



Our country is kinda of a corrupt shithole..
But i love my old land.
I love my cod fish (i know its norwegian but we eat it the most)
I love my egg filled pastry
I love my beaches
I love my bitches
I love my weather
And most of all i love not being from a cucked, sandnigger filled country.
We live right next to them and they dont dare come here in swarms like its happening in the rest of our Mother Europe. Please make Europe European again.
Kek Wills It!

All fun and games till the anglo puts a knife in your back.


You portuguese prefer brits than spaniards? :(

Hey all. Why does europr elect show the left crushing the right right now? Are the portuguese too hipster to move to the right when it's mainstream?

Its probably the contrary. We dont usually deal with brits much and you guys are right next to us.
I like you guys and from what i feel and know, most of us "tugas" do. We good bruh, we homies.

>644 years
>anglos have never betrayed their brothers

fuck off Paco


Love my man

RTP is publishing its archives online. So far, there are two long Salazar speeches there.

>On colonial politics

>On politics in general

Pretty much

>Take back Galicia
The other way around, fatass

Cucks and proud of it, sad!

Perfidious Albion pretending 1890 didn't happen


Everyone here likes Portugal.
In the Euro 2016 final, no one was supporting France

> new treaty was negotiated which gave Portugal more territory in the Zambezi valley than the 1890 treaty, but what is now the Manicaland Province of Zimbabwe passed from Portuguese to British control. This treaty was signed in Lisbon on 11 June 1891, and in addition to defining boundaries, it allowed freedom of navigation on the Zambezi and Shire rivers and allowed the UK to lease land for a port at Chinde at the mouth of the Zambezi.

Got resolved, fuck off.


This is really cool! Hope they post more. I wish I could have lived during these times... I wonder what it's like to have a government I could be proud of

Alliances have their ups and downs.

We never stood up to our part always as well, but there was always respect and common ideals and goals when it mattered.

We made our mark in them as they made in us.

Sucks really bad for you dumbfucks without any kind of political education to live in a country where there's a leftist government lead by a pajeet and supported by the communists and the sjw's, right?
Even the right in this country is only half american lunatic with their anarcho capitalistic economics, it is still pretty social democratic kek

1 Iberian state is scary for us because you are much more than us, if we became 1 country your culture would overwhelm us, and the Portuguese culture would disappear. That is not ok.

This is very recent - less than a week old. They are uploading new videos daily.

It always gets mentioned, but nobody ever says how both nations always resolved their issues with clear heads.

I truly believe in the Fifth Empire.

And the fact that it can only be built by the fiery Portuguese temperament and British excellency.

We complement each other well.

Then fucking vote PNR im not even kidding

Where's the Alberto guy?

>h..h..he hits me because he loves me

You are like a beat housewife


typical cuck

Gets slapped around by his master and thanks him for it. such a fucking loser country. So much for "Contra os bretões marchar, marchar"

Fortunately my iq isn't bellow 90

I wouldn't do an iberian state too considering we have the cani problem. Literally the bastion of degeneracy.

if you're going to abuse your bitch at least be up front about it you fucking insipid rat

My ancestors are smiling at me imperial. Can you say the same?


the cani problem? what is that mate?

How do we restore the country? Is it even possible?


>The peculiar legacy of the recent brutal fascist dictatorships in Iberia might also help explain these countries’ tolerance for foreigners, says Xavier Casals, a Spanish historian of the far right. “The fascist dictatorships in Portugal had a Catholic base, which promoted an egalitarian worldview, instead of a racist one,” he says. In particular, the Portuguese dictatorship promoted equality between its European population and those who lived in its colonies. That policy may have helped mitigate the sort of distrust of outsiders affecting other European countries today, Mr. Casals says.


O crl mano, então faz qualquer coisa! Achas que eu gosto do BE crl? Lesbians and cucks galore, i know!

You should be grateful you aren't surrounded by these "things" everyday as I am.

Nowadays it's impossible, I agree.
I understand that fear.
And we have the secesionist problems in Catalonia and Basque country, so we can't unite a terrotory in which not 100% of people want to be part of the state.
Even though the origin is the same, Reconquista, so I consider Portugal one of the kingdoms of Hispania/España in a historical sense

>Even the right in this country is only half american lunatic with their anarcho capitalistic economics
What the fuck are you on about my friend? There is no right in this country, let alone a libertarian right with the balls to do what must be done and go out against the welfare state

Doesn't need to be one state, but portuguese need to realize that the fate of portugal and spain are tied together. You will never have prosperity unless spain has it also.

>Netherlands calling anyone a cuck
Didn't you sign your army of to Mutti Merkel?
>America talking about diplomacy
Good goy just eat this kosher McLard Meal while your children died for the Zionist cause.

>inb4 nigger

Oh we got these degenerates too.
Xungas, A LOT of them.


False, it has been beneficial for both for a long time.

Stay mad you faggots

you're alright

iberia stronk

I'm not some fucking embassador you autistic retard. I don't support anything america is doing globally.

why would I be mad about your country being a complete faggot?

bek houden poes. didn't you sign your country over to the niggers? now they're taking your land and raping your wives. baka

Oh sure, we are tied together and there is no prob with that.
Not sure if you know, but i can speak Portuguese to a Spaniard and he Spanish to me and we understand eachother fine.

There is stupid people/social groups in every place so yeah...

But just look at Galicia or Huelva, our cultures aren't that different

Yes this goes on.
We pretend to be tolerant until we go Deus Vult again.

No it is not. We claimed our right for independence with blood and tears as the US did, what is so wrong to understand?

Nothing good EVER came out of Spain. We will never be Spanish, and Spain knows it.

>your country is a faggot

wtf does that even mean kek

they stole colonies from you and in the end when they cucked them selves decolonizing their empire, they dragged you down with them putting pressure to make you give up your colonies.

It's not the fact that the dictatorships were not racist or clearly xenophobic despite being right-wing.
The reason why Spain and Portugal are politically progressive is that a right wing vision of any kind, much more if it's alternative like trump le pen..., is not allowed by media, it's taboo, even though people in private discussion often support them.

Vi isto hoje no FB.

i kek'd a bit

White minority fighting uphill battle against savagery with it's European 'brothers' nowhere to be seen.


Retarded Nedercucks handing their windmills over to Abdul. But it's all good because weed lmao.

>Pic related.

Just banter, you guys are alright.

Lo sé. Y si es escrito se entiende perfectamente, igual que puedo entender el catalán o el gallego

É por isto que a Nova Portugalidade é fixe... Só para pessoal rico que despreza a plebe.

The left uses this meme a lot. People like Jared Taylor in the US are called "racists with a tie." It's a way of discrediting people's arguments even before they have a chance to say anything.

Fds e ter o D. Duarte? KEK!

Melhor que a palhaçada que é o PNR

Any nationalist portuguese shouldn't be worried about independance from spain but influence in spain.

Salazar understood. Spain and portugal need to be united in their ideals.

And I add: this country seriously needs to unite the right and make some sort of aristocratic and patrician right wing party that combines libertarian economics with morally conservative propertarianism.

Redpill us about Nova Portugalidade

Can we agree that what we need is Dr. Salazar II?

partido monarquico kek

achas que a ue ia deixar isso acontecer alguma vez

>Não. Dado o legado do regime autoritário de direita, muito presente no momento da redação da Constituição original de 1976, o n.º 4 do art. 46.º proíbe explicitamente a criação de partidos de cariz fascista.

Facist parties are forbidden in Portugal due to left-wing Constitution and coup d'etat legacy.

> In particular, the Portuguese dictatorship promoted equality between its European population and those who lived in its colonies

I'm gonna comment this because I don't know very well about lusotropicalism, recents Portuguese Colonial Acts, etc.

Main reason is this:

"The impact is very small. It has to do with socio-economic reasons, the weight of the migrants is reduced and has been decreasing with crisis. " More: "The political leadership of the PNR has had very little strength and ability to reach the mainstream media."

"Make the anti-immigration speech in 80% of the national territory, where there is no immigration, does not affect the citizen, can not mobilize.

The future of Europe lies in separatist and secessionist movements, not in a federal superstate. We must oppose all attempts at further political centralization.


Patriotic and nostalgic political movement which has already triggered a lot of antifas and commies here in Portugal
"Mais que um idioma, a Portugalidade é terra e gente, cultura e sentimento, passado e futuro. Queremos reerguer o mundo de fala portuguesa."

Absolutely! Sadly, great men like that don't come too often...

But will they remove niggers and kebab from Linha de Sintra tho?


you mean like when shit hit the fan during the colonial war where separatist forces tried to kill us all? Oh wait, thats right, the US worked together with the Russian and Chinese comies to defeat us... and failed.

Reminder that the only reason why Angola is independent is because we had a coup. We actually stood our ground and won a war against a coalition of US/USSR/China.

Yeah, thanks for the support murica..


when will libertarian cucks just kill themselves

you guys are annoying autists literally nobody cares


A fellow Nrx dork!

Neocameral Singapore-like Braga when?

>White minority fighting uphill battle against savagery with it's European 'brothers' nowhere to be seen.

Thanks, man. I can't say it for because I'm in my 30's and none close to my family was conscripted.

Many refugees who lived there suffered with the consequences of decolonisation.

Thanks for take in some Portuguese refugees,

people are open (the correct would be tolerant, in its literal sense) to multiculturalism because they havent felt multiculturalism yet. at all.
the very few refugees that ended up here generally fucked off in the first chance to somewhere else.

PNR needs changing. We need Salazar back and blow this shit of democracy out of here once and for all