The wait is over Sup Forums! Meet UT Austin's new Student Body President and face of the school! Female, Hispanic, Lesbian and Disabled! Can it get any better?
The wait is over Sup Forums! Meet UT Austin's new Student Body President and face of the school! Female, Hispanic...
Pretty sure I saw this girl scooting around when I went to UT. I guess she was younger than me if she's still there.
I actually saw her so often I figured she must being majoring in some natural science like me, but I never talked to her.
the ultimate end boss. Untouchable
*walks up*
*sizes up ayy lmao*
*walks away*
*runs over ayy and scooter with garbage truck*
*tips fedora*
*tips menorah*
*tips the torah*
*360 and walk away in the other direction*
And she's a member of a terrorist group!
well isnt that just the cherry on top.
lesbian? she's not functional
what is she fucking
this thing, over its lifetime, is a huge net drain on society
sadly, eugenics is in disfavor now. thanks alot adolph
What if she converted to Islam?
You forgot one.
>Can it get any better?
Is she illegal?
A real life Mexican Leprechaun! Pic somewhat related.
>aye aye aye nos me lucky charms ese!
Forgot to add this.
Am i the only one who wants to see how far i can hammer throw her? The disabled are subhuman and disgusting
>Tips menorah
You need skill to do ahit like that.
Seems like the student body is pretty small on that campuus
That is what future Americans will look like when white start going exstinct and mongrels start taking over. Help us father.
Not a nice thing to say about your mum, bud.
Dunno. You tell me, Pedro.
Yeah, just throw her in a fucking ditch, her fucking lame parents should have done that a long time ago. What a fucking waste of resources.
this isnt even her final form
>a bunch of beaners
Checks out.
Top quality post, m80.
It's weird that their heads are always the right size.
I mean we've been memeing this for years, it's not a surprise that it comes true after all that memetic energy was accumulated.
Reminds me of Mr. Big from N.A.R.C.
Also, this was the guy she beat. Our version of Obama. Only plus.
>Austin's new Student Body President
Half body more like
*blocks your path*
Doesn't xe run 8 Chan or something
She better be Hawking tier smart. This is as bad ass picking the potato to be home coming queen
The truth hurts
I go to UT and this thing is a fucking bitch. It flies all over campus in it's stupid fucking scooter because it knows that no one is gonna say anything, austin being the liberal cesspool that it is
There's something comical about this
Jesus I think Austin has topped San Fran now as the sjw capital
we should set her up on a date with hotwheels
austin is tiny man, less than a million people live there.
they were displaced by the tech boom and all moved to austin or denver
I saw this on my newsfeed today. I fucking hate my town. Austin deserves a nuclear holocaust.
>Female, Hispanic, Lesbian and Disabled
It looks like she stood at the intersection of all that and was hit by a truck.
Austin and Dallas are equally shit.
It literally cannot get worse.