>this pro-immigration mega liberal kike who openly said that he considers Germany a vehicle to further Israel's interests is polling second to Merkel
What the fuck Germany. I try to love all my European brethren but you are making it impossible
This pro-immigration mega liberal kike who openly said that he considers Germany a vehicle to further Israel's...
>who openly said that he considers Germany a vehicle to further Israel's interests
A source on that would be nice.
>>anti-immigration and pro-american
>>pro-immigration and anti-german
Really makes one ponder.
Of course a SPD candidate is polling second to a CDU/CSU candidate, they're the two biggest parties.
He is doing worse now in the polls. I doubt he will win, nobody trusts or wants this egghead.
American for Trump includes African American and Jewish American
>Isreal first
good goy, don't think too hard about it.
Great job typing letters onto an imageboard, now leave us alone you obese virgin.
Germany is the most cucked nation dude, These people would let you live in there house if you openly told them you were going to rape and murder them
just face it: the world belongs to israel and the jewish people
>germany is for israel's interests
>openly praises letting muslims come into your house and rape your family
>coming from the 56% face
the germans are a thoroughly defeated depressed people the sooner they are eradicated and eaten alive by Mohamed the sooner a reconquista can get underway
I'm doing my part and vote Afd in september. But Germany can't be saved, that's why I left for based mountain Germany.
Look your new master Be a good goy, thats right you're a good goy
do what the jew tells you to do, act the way the
jew wants you to act, and believe what the jew
wants you to believe.
Say it goy, "This jew is my fucking master"
you and the dumbass german people I'm ashamed to share bloodline with is letting itself be dominated by non-germans
Der Führer shouldn't have sperged out with the whole Lebensraum craze and should have focussed on finishing the job.
Literally nobody liked jews these days so nobody would have interfered if it were just for muh prison camps.