Friendly reminder to the shills, newfags and redditniggers that this is a national socialist board

friendly reminder to the shills, newfags and redditniggers that this is a national socialist board

Other urls found in this thread:

Wrong this is a national capitalist board. Socialism is evil

This is a trap board

only fags are socialists

this is an autistic pride board

Wrong! This is a mummy board.

Get lost shabbos


is national capitilism a thing?

yeah, you like your mummy don't you

It's an absolute oxymoron.

Only edgy alt-rightists who can't or don't want to take the entire red pill say that.

I love mummy!

>every time i think of mummy


Wrong. This is a national mummy board.

Every fucking time

Get out of here with your Marxist fucking propaganda; this is a right-wing board

is this b8 or are you retarded?

saw mummy is this a mummy thread

For the Mummyland!

>hurr le they were socialists

Yes my son, feel the love course through you!

Sup Forums is for bogdanoff discussion and bogdanoff related events only fuck off with youre gay nazi shit

it's impossible to tell these days with the reddit and shareblue invasion

The funny part is you actually believe this

in practice it's the same thing socialism

you are retarded

Ofcourse, it's the only non-degenerate answer.

Socialists should fuck off to their wellfair-state safespace >>>/leftypol/