HWNDU Replaced with #MAGA, Shia LaBeouf on Suicide Watch
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Gotta hand it to the guys for pulling this off. I sometimes wonder is Sup Forums is just more than what it seems?
It has been pulled down. Seen it on whoever's youtube.
Where can I follow the happenings? since here mods are being fags because they are compromised with JIDF.
Mods = cucks
Replace the flag with a Finnish flag to start international shit and reassure Finnish dominance on a global scale, digits confirm.
First for opdrone.
How strong is the adhesive on these things?
IN B4-
Not enough
Why do the mods keep deleting hwndu threads?
Here's how you do it lads, drop it with a pole, a drone, or someone really good at horseshoes.
Instead of droning Assange, Hillary should have droned the mods
Technically we're conspiring to commit a crime.
they are autistic and love cuckold porn
Ideas for further fuckery:
Cut the fucking thing down
Build a bigger flagpole behind it
Attach a hat to the top with a drone via:
-A cat's cradle
Put a mirror in front of the camera to reflect the image elsewhere.
I'm probably forgetting a few. OP from the last thread, your idea's completely bust. I looked up the truck (the cap on the flagpole) and it's aluminum too.
Instead of a hat lets make a flag pole topper. Cardboard tube with a hat or flag attached
See pic
>completely hypothetical debate on how said crime may be committed.
Good idea. But how will we suspend the hat from the drone?
Drones won't carry a flag
this seems genuinely feasible, although the drag from a 5x3ft flag might make the drone hard to fly
It's enough to delete the threads apparently.
>03/10/17(Fri)15:59:08 No.116098631
Nah its going to be taken down anyway just make it a printed piece of paper.
>the best adhesive for drone operation.
Defibrillator pads are going to be your best bet for an adhesive guys.
>t. Paramedic user
>forgot pic related
Holy shit it was found? Where was the flag?
Stolen flag was found
How light are they, user? And are they relatively easy to acquire?
the only way he would take it down is by hiring a scissorlift/cherrypicker
Is there a consensus on why mods are deleting these threads? It won't accomplish anything if the intention is avoiding unwanted attention.
No it wasn't.
That's the proofpic.
They blocked it because it says Sup Forums
It's raiding
Although Epoxy would be more permanent if you can land it before it cures. Also you would need to ensure that the top of the pole is free of dust and debris.
Shia is literally here
Found a video that could be useful; they rig up a fishing bait dropper to the led circuit on a phantom drone; pretty clever way to avoid having to have a separate controller.
You never cease to amaze me, Sup Forums.
Honestly, permanence isn't an issue. It'll get taken down the next day. The point is to prevent it from getting blown away until Shia walks out in the morning and sees a MAGA hat on his precious flagpole.
They are extremely light. The only downside is they can be expensive and vary in cost. This is where I got the source image, but I don't know how big they are because I didn't really look into it. Also these are a cheaper model than typical.
my fucking sides senpai.
Even if you use adhesive a long stick can take a hat or a tube off the pole. We should be going for lightwieght and cheap. If it is on the pole for a second we will have the recorded proof and it wont matter
Weaponized autism is the strongest force in the world. Watch The Accountant and Looper for proof.
an user proposed this wire burning method
i wouldn't be at all surprised if shia is sitting off cam with a shotgun in hand. fucking psycho.
Then the defibrillator pads are a great idea...if a patients chest is too hairy we can literally wax off their beastly chest with them
When this stream finally ends in 8 years, someone needs to edit the camera footage together and make a Sup Forums trolling documentry out of it.
how tall exactly is the flagpole? i assumed about 30ft
We need to make someone climb the pole, get a drone stuck up there
this will actually work,
The only issue there is acquisition, then. We'd have to find someplace in Tennessee you can buy defibrillator pads from and get them into our boys's hands.
I'll be back.
From last thread about using a drone to put a new one up
Someone posted that it's around 18 to 22ft.
And yes they are easy to acquire since owning an AED is allowed for everyone
Makes me feel warm inside watching this stuff unfold.
I'm so fucking proud of all you guys
Why dont we put this much effort into getting laid?
Not as fun.
Of course they can. Maybe not your cheap 500$ hobbydrone but the one i'm using for my job can carry up to 2kg.
All we have to do here is plan crap using info freely available on the internet. Getting laid requires human contact.
Sup Forums are Batman and Shia is the Jocker. He will keep tricking us and giving us puzles because he know that we can solve it. He is enjoing it, he want to test us.
This plan that i have is okay its not the greatest but here it goes. Move the camera face it towards the ground. From there place thousands upon thousands of little pepe flags. Pic related
Would a knot be able to accomplish the break?
Like a lasso?
A personal ekg machine for health or whatever might work too
roasties arn't worth the effort
Then why not use an industrial rat glue trap?
We need a Season 4!
Add super glue inside
you could use a windsock with the end sewn up, it has a weighted rigid ring at the bottom so it would stay open?
If you some how attach some kind of noose knot attached to the hat that might work alot better
That's Riddler tho
Super glue sets too fast and requires pressure to bond.
literally someting like this, they are dead cheap
I wonder how fucking mad LaBeouf is right now.
A trash bag with weighted hoop at the bottom?
>Hoop would keep it open to go over the flag and pole.
>Weights would hold it down.
this is a board of peace and love, not poon and lewd
Alright lads.
Sun has officially set and the clock is ticking.
We need to agree on a course of action and establish a plan.
Only thing is that the windsock/flag combo would require a more sophisticated deployment system.
Smear a thick layer of RTV Silicone on the inside of the hat, when you put it on with the drone make the drone press down on the top to make sure it squishes. Silicone will set in 1hr, cure in 24.
I wonder if we can make him suicide.
Look at his Twitter
I found an Allied Medical in Memphis. I'm not sure if that's far away from the location of the stream. This sounds faster, though. How fast does the glue set?
First we need to figure out how to keep the hat stuck on the top of the pole.
This might be extreme, but let's string up a deer
why don't we just stack a flag pole's worth of MAGA hats in front of the flag
>green id
>7 trips
What do you propose, Kek?
Why didn't they just put an American flag?
even a burlap bag would do, maybe not a trash bag. the plastic would probably break within a few weeks.
Because they have no love for America.
This is a great idea actually for the drone rig detachment. Just don't do fish hooks. Do paper clips or something the person taking it down won't get hurt with.
Then the best adhesive would be this
In my opinion, it comes down to who's flying the drone.
If it's a novice, just a weighted hat with some glue should do the trick.
If the guy know's what he's doing, we go with the tube idea and just place our own flag on top of the pole.
This isn't that hard.
Need the nazi version
Isn't it likely someone is watching the area now and monitoring Sup Forums? How do we get around that?
Not really.
If the drone twists around fast, and there is sufficient inertia it could unlock a mechanism and detach.
>First we need to figure out how to keep the hat stuck on the top of the pole.
Industrial spray adhesive would work fine, or you could coat it in silicone glue.
The rat trap glue comes could scoop it out and line the inside of the cap or just superglue the thing inside the cap
Go to Home Depot and get the materials