>just had the "traps aren't gay talk" with parents
>they got confused so I had to explain what trap meant
>mum looks visibly disgusted after I use the phrase young crossdressers
>try and explain the idea of how all men find cock appealing
>dad has none of it and keeps encouraging me to just accept that I'm gay
>mum stays silent the entire time
>dad asks me if I'd suck a dick
>say I wouldn't suck a normal guy's dick
>asks me if I'd suck a tranny's dick
>say it's not gay if she's feminine looking
>insists I'm gay and tries to comfort me
>mum still dead silent
>get up and go to my bedroom, watch some re: zero and try to forget about it
Just had the "traps aren't gay talk" with parents
traps are gay you faggot, accept it. I do and I FUCKING LOVE TRAPS.
Just lie and say you're bi user.
>It's only gay if balls touch! :^)
Well.. why not just remove them then?
How did the talk start?
i'm bisexual, OP.
Do what this guy said!
why in the world would you talk with your parents about that?
>just had the "traps aren't gay talk" with parents
>be born to a white father, asian mother
>didn't inherit my father's height genes so I am 5'8
>didn't inherit my father's skin genes so I am a sickly brown beige
>eyes are a pale reptile yellow rather than my mother's brown or my father's blue
>my body is lumpy and stores fat in strange places due to the disparity between asian and white physique
>my face is large and chubby even when underweight
>eyes are slightly slanted in two different directions yet not slanted enough to be obviously asian
>my hair is balding and patchy at age 23, was coarse and thin from a young age and pitch black
>white women refuse to date me because they see the misbegotten asian features
>asian women refuse to date me because they see the misbegotten white features
>the only women who have even looked at me are mestizo mexicans, briefly mistaking me for one
>I have been secretly capturing small animals and insect since I was a child and killing them, pretending they were girls
Why? Why would you do this to me, mom and dad?
>talking to parents
thats where you fucked up
They're basically women, I'm not fucking Randy Savage. How is it gay in the least?
I'm not bi either. I'm straight. I don't know why people can't understand this.
We were having dinner and I couldn't think of anything else to talk about and break the silence
Damn you sound like a dumb ugly fuck
Just get 2d waifu they are kind, loving and accepting.
Just fuck girls. It sounds like you're too beta to get one though, based on your attitude towards real women.
>i'm straight
Post pics of your self
>>my body is lumpy and stores fat in strange places due to the disparity between asian and white physique
I think that's you being a lazy fuck
>silence at dinner
What the fuck did you think would happen you fucking autist
Modern women are extremely degenerate. I don't want to waste my time on them when traps are better and act more traditional in every way.
Death to sodomites.
Reminds of when I was 12 and always went to this penis site that had all these funny penis pictures, like penis in a hotdog, and cartoons about penises. I didn't know about history so my parents find out and sit me down to ask if I'm gay. I told them I just like to look a penises but I wasn't gay. Turns out later on I found out I was gay though.
Oh boy I cant wait to see common filth and goons on twitter tweet about this thread.
>watch some re: zero and try to forget about it
>try and explain the idea of how all men find cock appealing
>asks me if I'd suck a tranny's dick
>say it's not gay if she's feminine looking
Feel sorry for your parents
Everyone who likes traps will burn in hell.
>Had the traps aren't gay conversation with my parents
This isn't your blog you illiterate tumblr faggot.
GO to R9k.
Fuck you this is r9k with flags
Use the ancient Greece analogy user. Ask dad why Greeks didn't die off as a civilization with as much "gay" sex as they had.
Your dad's idea of "gay" (typical liberal, deterministic, victimhood bullshit) is wrong.
Why is your dad ok with you never spreading your seed? That's the most disturbing part.
Next, show him pic of Blaire White.
Sup Forums is not your personal blog
>Watched some Re:Zero
Faggots like you are why that show gets a bad name
I'm sorry man. I've always felt bad for the plight of HAPAs above all other race-mixed folk for how poorly they inheritanted their features and how society treats them. Do the world a favor I though and don't reproduce, it would be unfair to your children.
Best things you can do:
>Make money
>Use your wealth to compensate for your appearance to fuck sluts
>Tell other white nerd virgins not to fuck Asian girls
>remshits calling other people faggots
Go back to your basic bitch meido
>Modern women degenerate
>Trannies mutlilate their body so they can experience sexual pleasure in an unnatural way.
fun fact: you emotinally damaged your father for life because he now thinks that he did something wrong while raising you, and the fact that you are a autistic faggot is his fault. And he will feel that way until the day he dies, which may or may not be sooner rather than later seeing how this may create a schism between your mother and father when your mother tries to come around to the idea and your father wont. Which may turn into a divorce, leading more undue stress on your father who inevitably kills himself in his one bedroom apartment.
>This totally happened
Either way you're a faggot for having such fantasies.
im sure Sup Forums will be interested in hearing your story... in 3 days
Yerh but so will all the traps so they'll be sucking trap dick for eternity
>its not gay to suck dick greeks did it too!
kys faggot
I'm not gay you ape
>t.b Elliot
The Day of the Rake will fall hard upon you
You're a homo in denial.
>>I have been secretly capturing small animals and insect since I was a child and killing them, pretending they were girls
I mean you could move onto actual girls. At least if you get caught you will end up on the news.
>my imaginary friend says you're gay teehee
I hate this board
Male hapas are literally Mexicans.
Female hapas are hot af however.
You know what to do, Paco: become a trap