over the past two years this board has been invaded by CHRISTFAGS from Reddit. What can be done about this?
Fuck off back to /r/the_donald, facebook frog LARPcunt
Multiculturalism is coming to Sup Forums
Reddit is the most euphoric place on the internet.
Nice try
Frogfag kekucks and christcucks are reddit fags
Just keep making fun of their silly Christ, Christians can't stand when they get made fun of.
Sometimes I will go in there Christian generals and post blasphemous and sacrilegious images
but your both right
Christfags and civic faggots need to be gassed
Sup Forums has always been a Christian board and it's you r/atheism refugees who are the cancer.
>Sometimes I will go in there Christian generals and post blasphemous and sacrilegious images
You need to go back, faggot.
Sup Forums has literally never been a Christian board
>b-but that one thread posted by a brit christcuck every day at 5am!
Look where the fuck you are, retard. Goddamn weeb anime board, not a fucking church
>praise le kek #MAGA #LGBTForTrump
No one here actually believes the Earth is 6000 years old and that some jew stuffed all the animals into a boat.
It's just Deus Vult larpers.
t. reddit tier nigger
>straw man: the post
>Being dumb enough to believe baseless sandnigger fairytales when you live in the information age
Holy shit lmaoing at your life
stop with this shit, most of the board can't stand you zionism loving blue pilled Christcucks
Do we have any lions?
t. deluded crusader LARPer
>literally still being this triggered over being assblasted days ago and relying on "connections" to know who to target ;)
top kek you top cuck
and a tip of the fedora to you my good man
The C*ristcucks get roped too when the day comes.
this is a shill thread meant to divide Sup Forums most people on Sup Forums are christians then kekist then agnostics and atheist do my name sake sage ur father
The fuck are you talking about christfag
fuck off with your kike on a pike religion.
Go get subverted by Jews for the next 2000 years also.
r/atheism, pls go.
>2 years
There have been common Christian thread since 2013 and exclusively Catholic ones since 2015. From Reddit comes atheists and relativism, which isn't at all what is here.
OP you're just a divide and conquer shill.
Fuck off newfag redditor
>being so euphoric that you fail to see religious dogma for the social and cultural glue that it is and instead watch your once superior society be slowly replaced by shitskinned foreigners who still retain their religious dogma
Yep, SHILL here
Pol is a Christian board.
Kek kys shill
fuck off reddit fedora faggot
>tripfagging cancer
A tip of the lost holy land that you'll never get back to you too buddy
>Hurr religion was used to brainwash so this has some effect on the existence of God
Literally plebbit
these guys are obvious achmeds
Spotted the r/newfag.
You can't Deus Vult without Deus, you filthy atheist kike.
You'll see, you will all see, and you will bend the knee. :^)
>common christian thread means the entire board is christian
Gee I guess /sg/ means this entire board is Assad shills
I like reminding them that Jesus was a stinky, brown-skinned man from the Middle East.
I saw a depiction of Jesus the other day and he had BLUE EYES. lmao, get real. Blue eyes are a Northern European thing.
Christianity is so stupid. It was obviously an attempt at explaining the world before we knew how things worked. People looked up and saw white, fluffy clouds. People looked down and saw red, hot magma. These became Heaven and Hell. It's simple shit... yet people STILL believe in it.
I guess I can't be too surprised. People believe in psychics and palm reading and shit. People are dumb.
Holy shit
The CIA is now running a counter Christianity run so they can try and topple our values from the root.
I'm not falling for you CIA
I bet you don't even know how to pronounce Deus Vult larping scum
Stupid frog poster
How does anything I say make me a muzzie
Fucking neck yourselves you kike worshippers
God doesn't need to exist to legitimize religion, only the providence does.
Nice job discarding your cultural heritage in favor of rootless abandonment.
You have no idea what a good fucking goy you are.
>being anti assad
>claiming not to be a complete newfag yourself
top kek
and you cunts wonder why you stick out like a sore thumb
using the terminology does not give you a free pass to be a shill
I know I've been here longer than both of you fuck off with your christfag newfag bullshit
Yep, CIA here
Young earth Creationists arent even 1% of Christians
dumb niggers think the bible is based. ban all religious symbolism related to god of the kikes
>God doesn't need to exist to legitimize religion
You are one serious dumbfuck. Please kill yourself.
>Cultural heritage
>Sandnigger religion
Kill yourself.
Sup Forums has been a christian board from the beginning newfag. why does this trigger you so?
There's one in every crowd pol. :^)
>Nice job discarding your cultural heritage in favor of rootless abandonment.
The VAST MAJORITY of my ancestors weren't Christian. The same is true for you and everyone else as well
>thinks anyone cares about Assad other than /sg/ shills
There's a reason it's called a containment thread, just like with you Christcucks.
Or is it your first day here?
>Calling me a newfag
Back to /r/the_donald shitweedle
Stop worshiping jews
Wait, are you freedom fighter? The pedo pics your posting plus the "FF" would suggest so. No wonder you are still triggered by Sup Forums being christian!
t. shill
kek guess you are freedom fighter.
>calls people christfags to admonish them
>post pedo filth that he faps to regularly
You legitimize DOTR.
>common christian thread means the entire board is christian
Never said the entire board is Christian, you're putting words in my mouth. I'm not trying to label Sup Forums at all. I'm sticking to the facts about OP's claim of an invasion. OP is not only entirely wrong but complete contrary to the truth. Reddit has come since the election and their anti-theism has brought them.
kek anyone that has spent any decent amount of time here knows you faggots are just butthurt shills.
the fedora meme originated here in the first year or so, know do tell me how that would happen if this place wasn't christian dominated from the beginning?
keep shilling though, I'll keep posting older images so you can snatch them up and pretend to be "old fags" yourself, you're welcome
There is literally nothing wrong with cute little girls
I'm not from Reddit.
Christians have always set aside their commands to fight an invader.
There is nothing wrong with them, even Jesus had but two cheeks to turn.
>sandnigger religion
>European tradition and literal heritage for 2 fucking thousand years
>abandons culture because he likes to beat off to little kids and smoke weed like a retarded pavement ape
I hope the McDonalds kills you before old age does.
>invaded by CHRISTFAGS from Reddit
are you mentally retarted? back when you were circlejerking with your homosexual friend on r/atheism in 2012 and migrated here from r/donald in 2016-6, Sup Forums was praising the one true Lord (relation to Whom can explain all current petty politics).
freedom fighter was a pro pedo shill that fought on a daily basis about how his sexuality was legitimate, along with some cunt with the initials "AA" who anyone from then should be able to remember.
What's so bad about Christianity, user?
Christians who actually take the time to learn about their religion tend to be nice people.
They're also redpilled and against degeneracy.
>Christianity European tradition for 2 thousand years
Oh I see you're fucking retarded
>be person who never got out of their angry teenager phase
>spend days masturbating on Reddit, Sup Forums to traps
>leave when the censorship comes down and/or place turns to shit and become lame
>get, INCREDIBLY ASSHURT, that a place known for rightwing opinions has Christians in it
>spews nonsense about "redpills", "sky daddy" and "christcuck" whileing implying some kind of claim of Athiests political supremacy
We are coming user
Fuck off kike
Wrong. The userbase became Christian because they grew up from out of their teen edginess.
>The VAST MAJORITY of my ancestors weren't Christian.
Yeah, just for the last 2 millennia. Fuck those ones, right? I mean all they did was accomplish Western Civilization and shit. How stupid were they?
Christianity undermines ethno fascism
Truth to power
Oh I see you are being intellectually dishonest on purpose.
>world is predominantly atheist
>world is going to shit
Hurdur fuck Christianity guise
>Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
>I mean, yeah Christ died for us, but it undermines my political ideology
top kek
>>world is predominantly atheist
Not even close to being true
I'm not asshurt but Sup Forums really was never a Christian board. There were always Christian and pagan threads and if you ever looked at the polls over the years you'd see that. Although I never take those gay polls and probably most of the board didn't either.
Hard to tell now though since every thread has it's own fucking general and half the users here are from leddit
The only effective means of maintaining ethno-fascism is through a distinction between them all known through biology. Such a thing existing or not existing has no relation to Christianity.
What you said was factually incorrect.
>Sup Forums has always been a Christian board and it's you r/atheism refugees who are the cancer.
quality has been declining ever since the start of the election, during the ZimZam trial pol was at its finest, trully a band of brothers then.
now we have neckbeards on our side, not that i mind the support but those people...those people....
Since when has Greece or Rome not been part of Europe, retard?
You're a fucking idiot.
Your new name is hotep, nigger.
>be autistic faggot from r/christianity
>pretend you're on a moral crusade to banish degeneracy
>try to find a board that'll accept you for the autist you are, but also the christian you are
>hmmm this Sup Forums board seems to hate muslims too
>show up in droves and make shitty threads that no one contributes to except your friends
>literally to the point where every user recognizes one another in the christian threads removing the point of anonymity
>pretend you were always here and you're remnants from Sup Forums that grew up
>never realize you're on a weeb board, with anime 404 error pages, and the originator of most moral degeneracy and memes on the internet
>b-but christians hate j-jews too!
>Christianity has been a European tradition for 2000 years
>claims I'm incorrect for stating this fact
Are you butthurt because it isn't technically a full 2000 years everywhere in Europe so that means it is somehow illegitimate?
What I said is true.
>Christianity was the staple and majority religion of Europe the day Jesus was birthed
Pray to God that they stop?
There are barely any Christians on Reddit
Work to their good, user.
From all I've heard of r/Christianity, thinking anyone from that board wants to "banish degeneracy" gives them far too much credit.