How many Jews REALLY died in the holocaust?

Ok so I've visited at least 13 sites and many of them have the same facts but a bit altered

Some say that 6 million JEWS died in the holocaust,

Some say that 11 million PEOPLE died in the holocaust and don't specify at all,

In some recovered concentration camp body counts, only 271,000 Jews were in the camps in germany. (Pic)

All of these within the time period of 1943-1945

But this just doesn't fucking add up.

The concentration camps in Germany were considered the biggest and largest ones, holding the most people, yet if only 271,000 died in the german ones, that meant roughly 5,200,000+ had to die in the ones outside of Germany.

But Germany didn't have control over THAT many European countries and certainly didn't build concentration camps in all of them.

So can someone who's far more educated at this than me, give me a solid straight and real fucking answer?

Other urls found in this thread:

Dont worry about it goy.

The "6 million" meme has been peddled by Zionist for decades before the holohoax. If anyone ever spouts it, you know they're lying instantly.

>How many Jews REALLY died in the holocaust?
This kike ALMOST GOT GASSED SIX BILLION times alone, >stop denieing the 6 gorrillian
Reported to the constabulary, chug your potato and moonshine while you can

>update goyim, there was a holacoaster
Don't argue with Gods chosen engineers

In Germany at that time too, my teachers and sites have said that Jews would've made roughly 10-15 percent of the population. That still doesn't add to 6 million.

I've heard of the whole it was a hoax thing but how the fuck have people not realised this and where are the real numbers?


>my teachers and sites have said that Jews would've made roughly 10-15 percent of the population
Wut? Were they talking world-wide or Riech? There was not 100-150 million people in Gremany. This goy probably believes in the fap machines

Yeah I'm talking about world wide

And some of those headlines were before world war 2 what

Verify them first I am just copy pasta'ing

Not enough apparently or the whole Western world wouldn't be more fucked up culturally than Wiemar Germany was.

>Yeah I'm talking about world wide
Well by the sounds of it your teacher has Heichals' dick pretty far up his ass, or has a huge credit card debit. Even the kike themselves put their numbers far, far lower

So there were only 11,000,000 Jews worldwide and it's so said that 6,000,000 died in the holocaust. Holohoax is now more and more appealing

Lurk there, but the answer is that we don't know, and likely will never know. Personally, I don't think there were any homicidal gas chambers, but that they Jews were killed, and that hysteria and rumors of delousing chambers being used to gas people were spread among fearful prisoners. The zionists exploited the German's anti-judaism and anti-zionist policies to justify the creation of the state of Israel, even though the suspicion and dislike of Jews was rightfully deserved due to the disproportionate representation of Jewish intellectuals and leaders in communism, Marxism as well as disproportionate representation in banking, the media, and pornography

The more I look at all of this the more I think of how easily human nature can be tampered with to promote and beg any idea across any country to anyone all because if enough people are afraid it will spread like fucking wildfire and the holocaust is such a strong example of that

6 billion you racist antisemite

1900-1940 over 6 million new jews

1950-2014 only 2.5 million new jews

man medical science was so much better over 100 years ago than it is today

Not to mention with so many countries seeing this as a good opportunity to surpass Germany in things like business and manufacturing, I wouldn't be surprised at all of the holocaust was planted by America and Britain in coordination to destroy the entire german economy

> 1 9 1 2 - Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, New York Tribune, September 1 1th, 1912, page 9
>"Russia is now asphyxiating the Jews. It does not dare to offend the nations by blood spilling, so it is slowly, but surely grinding out the lives of 6,000,000 Jews."


Redpills, redpills everywhere.

the holocaust was created because there were still americans that never wanted to go to war with germany in the first place

americans in the 1900s wanted to separate themselves from europe, not get invested in it

I mean we can't control kike penises but I couldn't agree more with how much sense that makes. Really...

What newspaper article is that from?

1920s condoms
1960s The Pill
1970s abortion.

>How many Jews REALLY died in the holocaust?
Not enough of them, obviously.

Pretty much this and this. Fortunately or (unfortunately) most people I know only toe the line, get a few pints in them and they are full Himmler, but I live in a very white rural area, and the average age is retirement (hell I'm 38), and our votes do not count worth the raccoon I shot last night

It's in your list at

The amount of times they mention 6 million no fucking wonder that idea has spread

Canada seems shit

Obviously not. Look at what some old Jewish newspapers have already revealed

It's possible communications were so poor that stories were part repeats without realising they made a decades long trend. Could be worth searching other numbers like 5 mil or 7 mil.

Well I already have enough information to conclude the holocaust was a fucking sham. Thanks for making me the wiser

Around 1.3 million kikes died, though most of that was on the Eastern Front and pretty insignificant compared to comparative numbers of deaths per ethnic group. The Ukrainian and Belarusians were massacred in comparison.

>Canada seems shit
The gov and any university city should be nuked. We have Somalians and violent Haitians Sweden style, the difference is our cops still shoot to kill (I thank our burgerbro for that) and it keeps them in line. But we are ruled by the jew, pic related

At least your police force is probably better than ours. A month ago me and my friends went to tag a wall in some old train station and we outran them even though they were thirty. Not to mention Irish police don't have guns

Not nearly enough.

Now THAT is some good fucking knowledge

this my favorite

So it's suggesting that Germany invented a way of completely destroying a body leaving no bones.

Even if they used that they couldn't kill 6 million within the time frame not to mention why waste it on the genocide of Jews when it could absolutely eradicate the field against other soldier?

Checked. Now I've seen everything, except for a man eating his own head...wait a CNN reported just bragged about eating human brains, what a fucking time to be alive

If only more normies...
Never mind we're doomed

>we're doomed
We have hope in our memes

they got to Eric Hunt, guys

they flipped him

my sides are the only casualty of the holocaust

I'm guessing they pulled something similar to what they did to David Cole. Pressure him, and offer him money to recant.
