Can a crazy person know they are crazy?
What if we are a bunch of loser, just following random shiit because our lives suck.
Not because of
but because
>bad genes
>bad parenting
>bad choices
Can a crazy person know they are crazy?
What if we are a bunch of loser, just following random shiit because our lives suck.
Not because of
but because
>bad genes
>bad parenting
>bad choices
why do i have to bump this important thread?
>You're crazy.
Not an argument.
I would say most people on Sup Forums are losers, do you know why? Yup, you guessed it.
I'm a woman.
I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well.
Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day
>only 146 IQ
Typical cunt haver
>just following random shiit because our lives suck
aye this is it. I'm sure you would find a strong correlation between shitty meaningless lives and doom mongerers and 'happening' junkies
can losers pinpoint the location of a random flag pole ina 10 million km squared country in 24 hours?
The makings of a new pasta.
Seems like it is a pasta already honestly.
Also Comparable*
Thanks for that pasta. I was pretty pekisch.
>146 IQ
> Females are comperable
Which one is it?
So? Why would this bother you?
>What if we are a bunch of loser, just following random shiit because our lives suck.
>CTR now doing it for free
>I'm a woman therefore my opinion about 4channers being losers is correct
Whoopty-wew laddy-lad. 404 Argument Not found.
And this cunt thinks she has an IQ of 146? Top kek. Logic not even once.
Also, what's with women bragging about their average-tier achievements? We don't care how rich, smart, or successful you are. Those are only important qualities for men to have. Your looks are all that matter to us, and chances are you're an ugly roastie, not to mention you've already established yourself as an obnoxious cunt. Ergo, your existence is pretty much pointless. Pic very related.
Who fucking cares?
Stay the course you fucking pricks.
My life doesn't suck though.
When my life did suck, I was a liberal bluepilled faggot.
Now that you mention it, same for me.
Jesus Christ. Are you drunk? high? or both?
Joe doesn't believe we went to the moon...
tits or gtfo
jackie pls
>ot because of
>but because
>>bad genes
>>bad parenting
>>bad choices
>Implying it can't be all of those things including government
That's what's called a false dichotomy.
>I'll have my personal chef do it.
Unable to cook...sure you are female.
Three types of Sup Forumsacks:
>mentally ill
>asshole contrarians who want to vent against simplistic consensus views
>drama and meme addicts
You can't tell the difference, because all three will insist that Sup Forums is not satire for different reasons.
>check, normies are worth venting against REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I dont know why I laughed so much at a yank saying such a british sounding thing
>posting reddit memes
>simplistic consensus views
Like that white people should go extinct
stop posting nigger mutts you fucking leaf.
as for you topic: who the fuck is Joe Rogan? and no we are not crazy.
ofc Sup Forums is satire! I dont want to see all the shitskins dead.
stale pasta
>everything is a reddit meme you are all redditors i fit in now right anons