>says hitler did nothing wrong
>says jew over 50 times
>says jews are lizards and other abomination
>says aryan
>says hitler did nothing wrong
>says jew over 50 times
>says jews are lizards and other abomination
>says aryan
he can't keep getting away with this
>>says jews are lizards and other abomination
Fake news from the abos yet again.
What he said was: "Jews came here a long time ago on an asteroid and they're lizards"
He's just being edgy for his 12 year old fans, he's not actually some white supremacist
Come on, it's "comedy".
As much as Sup Forums is a "satire".
How many times do you need to get banned before your autistic mind realizes e-celeb shit is not allowed here? Curious.
how is this shit still not filtered?
it's openly advertising a shitty e-celeb streamer.
Sage this crap and don't fucking play the vid.
board of peace goyim
So, Sup Forums basically?
He's red pilling ppl about the kikes Shlomo. I know you don't like that.
he's litreally going 14/88
the media will freak out over this
face it if some autistic swedish cunt is trolling the msm, it's relevant
they're just going to work themlelves up into another rage over this
hans you are a fucking cuck btw
noone cares what you have to say hanz
this has nothing to with him being an e-celeb to you more than ur just JIDF shilling
he's the most popular youtuber bar none
his audience is comparable to that of entire news networks
if he puts out politically related content, that is related to news and politics and hence related to Sup Forums
the alex jones approach:
>say 90% truth
>name the jew
>10% lizard people psychic vampires
>people associate the horrific truth about the jews with "conspiracy theory" lizard people nonsense
>collect your paycheck for being controlled opposition
>implying they're not real
fucking cia shills again
david icke was right all along
wtf mate
jones doesnt name jews at all hes JIDF hard
hes basically a #notallmuslims for jews
Lol! Triggered?
I just got this thought, if he's not full on 1488 why put out a video like this? Even as a joke, it offends too many people and most of his fan base don't understand the references. PewDiePie is red pilled no doubt about it now.
Comments are funtimes