who here /antifragile/?
Who here /antifragile/?
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most of Sup Forums don't read books nigger
Currently robust, hoping to be antifragile soon.
Look out for fragilistashills.
The drive that saved barbell training
is this the true redpill?
Someone recommended it because it was on Bannon's reading list. The entire Trump campaign seems built off of it. The author is a levantine that discovered KEK.
I have his Black Swan and Anti Fragile. Good read. While i was in university, the academics posing as experts gave me little uneasy feeling, his book kind of put my feelings into words, so it resonated with me.
pretty banal faggotry if you ask me. It's like
>I discovered that it's better to react to bad things! You can get stronger!
great sequel of his masterpiece
>Sometimes you can't predict things, even very important!
The best thing about Taleb is how he educates you on how to basically see through the bullshit and focus almost entirely on the results a person brings, not their credentials.
>italians are whi-
I'm trying.
dick spencer
Robust at best. Try again.
kek speaks but i think it was to provide a counter example. dickie spencer is actually fragile imo. haven't heard anything from him since he got sucker punched by that shit eating antifa.
>thread about a levanti-
Good taste
what do you mean? his publicity whoring hasn't abated in the least.
he's attempting to become antifragile at the expense of everyone on the right. best thing he could do is get martyred by antifa
Very good but he misses on some points, most notably that some things are predictable through the study of cycles (Martin Armstrong).
There is also an alternate theory called 'Red Dragons' I think (there was a TED conference on it if I recall correctly), that also uses analysis for accurate - and verified - predictions.
the point isn't to attempt to predict things, it's to reduce your exposure to harm and increase your exposure to benefits. that way you can predict everything wrong and you still benefit or at least are not harmed.
read the fucking book you lazy pizza nigger
hmm, i imagine the cyclical view of history would actually fit easily into his theories. civilizations fall when they become fragile. civilizations grow because they are antifragile.
umm guise?
you must be the PD cuck that often posts here
Lmao. I love when my favourite worlds collide like this
Watch his lectures
He gives complete rundowns of his books in about 90 minutes. He's pretty based desu