Daily reminder that Kekistan is a forced meme pushed by an E-celeb who spams inter-racial porn to co-opt and fuck up Kekism.
Kekistan is Heresy
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Who fucking cares.
As long as we keep winning, I'm good.
Lord Protector of Kekistan.
We won't be winning for long if our religion in co-opted into Reddit tier faggotry.
Kill yourself
def kys
Checked yourself
Well yeah, I thought that much was obvious
There will always be (((those))) who attempt to subvert the pure message towards their own purposes. just let them be the collectors of idiots and gullible morons. it's okay, they're only helping.
Sargon is a cuck. Kek will smite him for his corruption of memes.
Burn the heretic!
Kekans for Kekland.
Shadilay OwO
Kek be praised.
Kys ctr
>Kekistan is a forced meme pushed by an E-celeb
Kekistan started here long before being pushed by Sargon.
Checked, but how is Kekistan Reddit tier faggotry?
So have we decided on where to establish Kekistan?
I say we take this spot in pic related.
Because it's supported mostly by cringy faggots from the_donald.
you do know what's on that island right?
not that i don't think it wouldn't make a glorious first conquest for the kekistani peoples.