Swastika on locker room door

Five kids at Ellet High School in Akron, OH are being charged with criminal mischief and ethnic intimidation after putting a swastika on the door of the basketball team's locker room. More evidence that Gen Z is sick of all the leftist social justice bullshit and is revolting? Or are they just spending too much time on Sup Forums?

Holy fuck, why can they never get it fucking right!? Its the age of the smart phone! Just Google "How do Swastika?" Fucking Fuck!

Hey Ja'Dunkatrez watcha doin

>mfw the swastika is backwards

and have that on your search history?... fucking newfag.

Yall should use this X symbol instead of a swastika, it means practically the same thing and normies wont know.

or video is mirrored

Yeah the text on the door is probably written backwards instead

Are you fucking kidding me, OP? You think somebody wanted to offend the kikes on the fucking BASKETBALL team??? If they tagged the administration office, I would be more inclined to believe that this was a legitimate hate crime.

>being charged with criminal mischief and ethnic intimidation
>ethnic intimidation

fucking great. somebody is going to link a snapshot of this shit on Sup Forums, and it will become the "new hate symbol of the alt-right."

I'm glad they caught the perpetrators of this heinous act.

You see, it's morally wrong to intimidate someone over their race. Unless they're a FUCKING WHITE MALE, then they deserve to be GUTTED, QUARTERED, BURNED, AND SCATTERED.

can't argue with those trips

nah... just a couple of edgy fucks in high school

shit happened all the time in the 90s and 00s

When i was in school my friend made a Hitler stencil, that said "Legends never die" and wore it to school. The vice principal just told him to turn it inside out.

>unfamiliar with ethic intimidation
>not a faggot

Pick two and not the one you like but being this is memechan

Telle labteksab?

Please explain

good, we should do this with wholesome SJW symbols as well, like the disney symbol

how is putting a swastika on a locker room door "ethnic intimidation"?

it's not like they put it on the door of an accounting firm

apehoop door

Heya, Hobler.

>ethnic intimidation

What the fuck kind of law is that?

The same thing happened in my town, two different times middle school kids carved a swastika into the turf field and spray painted one in the bathroom, the schools response was to bring in a theater crew to do a play about the Haulocaust, all the Jewish families in town were losing their minds.. OY VEY GOYIM

Blacks weren't even threatened or victimized by national socialism
