Maddox has been a faggot for many many years.
Thought LEADER.
I fucking hate business lingo so goddamn much, marketing can suck my absolute cock.
His writing style can be absolutely hilarious, but he lost his way when he became an SJW and everything became tainted with politics and social issues
Dick Masterson pwnd this faggot into bankruptcy and cuckholdry and it has been amazing to watch
He always sucked dick.
isn't he just another retard cashing in on the social justice fad to stay relevant?
what will be really interesting is what happens to people like this after the fad collapses, as it's already well on its way to
Kek confirms
Wanna hear something funny, his nigger bitch girlfriend he won't even acknowlege as his girlfriend and calls his "assistance" is rumored to be a herpes ridden cum dumpster.
He ended his old podcast you all probably never heard of (but made money hand over fist) because his co-creator started fucking his ex and Maddox got into "polyamory".
Basically his herpes monkey cucks him w hile he begs every cum dumpster he knows to be polyamorus with him.
Guy is a tool. Only person I know who became such an unbarable faggot it destroyed everything great he ever did in the past
He is a literal and metaphorical cuck
He was cool when ebaumsworld and newgrounds were relevant.
Did he really become an sjw or are you all exaggerating
>tfw you're such an prick that a guy who parodies you makes more money than you do
>tfw you spend $30 000 on a website that can't even tell the date correctly
>tfw you catapult multiple mostly irrelevant comedians to popularity and then betray them but no one cares because they're funnier than you
Jesus Christ I still remember how embarrassing that was when he started making videos back in 2012ish or whenever it was. I'd been a big fan of his site for years because his writing was funny as fuck. Then he showed his smug, thin wristed cuck face and spoke with his actual estrogen laden voice. Totally shattered the picture in my head.
>this man has been making a sustainable living for two decades by posting articles that use swear words on the internet
Yup, 100% my experience
Listen to the cancer that is the "best debate in the universe" which is where he argues both sides of an issue and see what cancer he has become.
He may have spawned the whole misogyny thing on the internet. I remember him writing about karate kicking women and thought it was really cool.
His site was kind of a proto version of Trump's Twitter or something. Legitimately hilarious bantz, and his articles were pretty cathartic because he was the only person to my knowledge making fun of people I thought deserved ridicule back in the day. He's a mega faglord nowadays, but he was definitely one of my favorite ecelebs if you want to call him that for several years.
he's never made a living off of any of his comedy
His book, but that wouldn't make him a wealthy man
Well he could actually write the one he supposedly had almost finished 2 years ago