After a certain point all you can do is laugh in despair.
Blake Cox
Cameron Scott
Fashion in a nutshell >That will be 2000 pounds for a hat. For one season.
Chase Reyes
Owen Morgan
arigatou gozaimasu
Andrew Brooks
Do these people not have mirrors? Is it like a fucked up mental illness like Karen Carpenter who just so a fat blooter of a landwhale where everyone else saw skeletor?
See the mental illness i can understand.
What really masticulates my gooseberries is that they're lauded by the media and public at large like its somehow a good thing to aspire to. Thats what i cannot understand, why is this seen to a good thing let alone to be welcomed???
Blake Brown
People are fucking retarded and always have been. The difference today is that we let people think they're smart instead of putting them down a peg. We only used to do that for aristocrats, now we do it for everyone.
Morality and culture has changed so rapidly in the past 50 years that people are afraid to say what they feel is wrong or right in their society, so they praise anything new or wacky in the hope that they won't be seen as backwards or full of prejudice.
Peer pressure to be tolerant towards everything which begins in school from a young age, basically.
Brandon Brown
>I can take your shit because we had voted for it How can public and or state ownership outside of natural resources be ever justified
Asher Campbell
Tyler Bailey
Jose Johnson
Kevin Morris
His name was Robert Paulson
Charles Sanders
simmer down Rimmer, we're not mortified cause its fat.
Cosider the size of wallnut whip needed to stick a wallnut of that magnitude on.
It would take me at least a day and a half to scoff.
Easton Bell
Reminds me of these, haven't had them in over a decade.
David Sanchez
Kayden Carter
Lucas King
Eli Hughes
Random but did anyone else feel shafted at how little Peter Hitchens got to speak during his panel on Question Time?
Every time he spoke he delivered excellence, and the rest was just autistic screeching from the rest of the panel.
Wish he would've been given more opportunity to speak.
Ethan Allen
What can you do? The establishment is against us.
Anthony Nelson
theresa may is a bit weird isn't she? acts unironically a bit autistic at times
she looked really uncomfortable with kids too
Lincoln Scott
The death of Modern Society
See: The fall of the Roman Empire
William Perry
>Now Annon, we Wreally Need to Discuss what to do wiv your Waycism.
>I am Bootiful.
Luis Taylor
Easton Long
that was two weeks ago lad
shes a lizard person, controlled by the reptilian moon people or so old Dave Icke told me.
In all seriousness though, i cannot stand her and dont like her shift beady eyes. I always feel uneasy when i watch her on PMQs i sense a cruelty in her and something always feels off about her. Really dont like it.
Ayden Brooks
>I always feel uneasy when i watch her on PMQs i sense a cruelty in her and something always feels off about her.
Well, she is a Blairite
Joshua Fisher
He's the established "far-right" whipping boy that gets wheeled on the show for everyone to boo or shake their heads at in a passive aggressive manner. They don't actually want to hear what he has to say, they just want the other 5 guests to shoot him down for entertainments sake, hence the typical lefty comedian they bring on every show to share their witty bants and disdain for authority.
Logan Gray
reminder that jezza corbyn smashed that
Jace Phillips
The Queen just says whatever her PR team tells her will do the least harm to the monarchy. Prince Charles is the real voice of the royals.
John Morgan
fuck off lad i know it was two weeks ago but im still slightly irked
Jack Mitchell
lads when is the race war starting? or should i just kill myself and save myself the disappointment?
Ryan Carter
Blake Carter
Nothing can fix the wounds that your imagery has now forever etched into my mind, my very soul and being.
Thomas Perez
yeah i agree that is typically the setup of guests in Question Time (and in most shows), but the rest of the panel surprisingly agreed with most of what Hitchens said. Which makes him not speaking more even worse desu
Oliver Scott
It's already the race cold war and we're losing to traitors in our midst. I can't imagine the hot race war going our way with whites being so self destructive.
Tyler Ross
Nice edition. Scrap all the socialist shit away
Caleb Brooks
Killing yourself is unpatriotic. Come what may, you're needed.
Nolan Phillips
Nah, One-Nation Tory. But in today's age that's still left of New labour.
Chase Gray
mosley and enoch looked slightly similar to each other.
both patriots, both utterly betrayed by the country.
Joseph Gomez
Its more than that, i cant adequately explain it.
Its like seeing a fucked up video, wait ill dig out a .webm There we go, i get the same sense of disgust and revulsion watching her speak as i do when i see fucked up shit like that. only with that video its far more overt. With her its like subtext.
She genuinely frightens me cause i cant figure out if she knows shes fucking us all or if shes clueless. And cant figure out which would be worse.
Adam Wright
Charles Nguyen
Evan Russell
Please help.
>in town yesterday >looking around museum on myself >girl comes up to me >we start making small talk >we end up arranging a date >going to meet her at the park today if the weather is okay
Sounds great right?
No. I have no money. I have no job. I live with my parents. I have no interests outside of history and politics, and I doubt I could discuss politics without going to atleast powell level. Shall I just tell her that I'm not really in a position to be dating at the moment and call it off? I find it hard to see what could come of it. It's not like I am going to be able to take her out anywhere.
Connor Wood
She shafted her sister out of love. >harsh.
Jackson Young
I think it was just the way people styled themselves back then. Their faces are pretty different.
Charles Butler
delete this
Oliver Johnson
Xavier Jenkins
Just have a fun time with her, leaving her wanting more and then go cold turkey on her. That's how a man does it.
i go to a college filled to the brim with blacks due to unforseen circumstances, and I found I get along with the black guys there, but the majority of the black girls are fucking insufferable.
if you're being serious, a race war is unlikely to ever break out in the UK.
but the amount of victimisation and imagined persecution the majority of the blacks and ethnic minorities at my college "feel" is fucking pathetic and a sad reminder of the education system here.
black girls in my class genuinely said that blacks are not equal to whites still. like what kind of arbitrary criteria is she working on? they get bloody positive discrimination now, if anything
Hudson Evans
Well that explains a lot.
Ryan King
Dont't sweat it mate, you're overthinking things. Treat her nicely, do something fun with her (play darts, go to a football game or something) and stop putting yourself down. You've managed to survive the dreaded small-talk, that's far more than any of us autists can manage. Get in there, my son.
Ethan Reed
Oh no. According to some >Might is right >The baby deserves that. >Muh genetically inferior.
Charles Price
that baby is defintely retarded now, more so then just being black i mean
Christopher Bennett
You guys are right, I'm probably over thinking this.
Joseph Morris
Well done spastic. Aye, make her laugh and you;ll have no probs. >Don't lech:
Jaxson Jenkins
Are you in education mate?
Dominic Perez
>How did you know? >MI5? >MI6? >Tony Blair's Special Task Force?
Wyatt Stewart
Nope, complete neet.
James Gray
I hate it when people complain about being unequal. My dad is a fucking postman, but he worked hard all his life, did overtime when needed and when he got home he worked on our house so that we could sell it at a profit. We climbed the ladder and eventually got a 6+ bedroom Victorian house. These people are all just lazy fucks.
Owen Collins
Are you on day release?
Luis Evans
Jaxson Adams
Motherfuckers had me google imaging Abbo in the 70s to see if she at least looked human back then.
Utter nightmare fuel.
Liam Diaz
You are overthinking it mate. Talking to her and asking her out on a date was the HARDEST PART. You've run the marathon. Now chill out and relax with her. Have fun.
Jack Long
House pirice bubble. Incomes not kept pace with massive House Price Inflation. Government props. Cheap credit.
Jaxon Russell
Dominic Johnson
>Might is right That's how our world works >genetic inferiority People are unequal. Where did you come from? Tumblr?
Noah Myers
You know you were hoping there was a video.
Adrian Jackson
Nicholas Cruz
>These people are all just lazy fucks. True. Socialism kills.
Connor Hernandez
They are still going ahead to remove NIC 2 payments. As expected for a long time just before I am fully paid up for a full national pension I am going to be fucked around. Hoping NIC 3 payments wont get raised in 2018.
Jacob King
>Where did you come from? Tumblr? Worse. India
Angel James
Nah, its just i really could not fuck abbo. Shes a dick shriveller of the highest order. I was hoping to at least downgrade her to "challenge wank" status but no. I now have a measure of respect for Corbyn now, hes boldly gone where i cannot ever go.
Jeremiah Jackson
You are meeting in a park. Go for a walk to somewhere secluded and remember to get a few freeby condoms from your local gay bar. Fuck worse case scenario it is a bad date but wont get anywhere unless you try.
Brayden Fisher
When did your dad buy a house? Because in London, it costs 7 times 2 peoples average wages. Not laziness; Just a fucked up housing credit system that allowed too many twats to buy too many houses as "BTL Investments." with 40 percent relief on their mortgage interest.
Thomas Adams
Jaxon Murphy
you must be semi attractive for a girl to approach you
do you keep yourself in shape? eat clean?
Ryder Ward
did she get fuckin gassed for this?
Jose Wilson
>no charges Totally wrong. The NHS is inefficient
Adrian Morris
god bless the NHS seriously
just watching paul ryan trying to maneuver his way around some retarded healthcare """reform"""" right now is fucking hilarious, but also makes me so grateful for ours
Justin Hughes
>when did he buy a house
A new house every few years for the past 30+ years.
>in london Don't live in London then you twit. London is practically its own country.
>not laziness >gives an example of people being lazy and not thinking ahead