This was captioned "my fiancé and my mother".
Other urls found in this thread:
guessing its the bigger fatter one
The one that he looks like, obviously.
The mother is obviously inside getting assraped by 5 other men
I'm assuming the older-looking one on the right... the younger one kind of looks like blac chyna.
look at the eyes...which two are related...
Left is fiance. Right is mother.
Not that hard, Drumpfkins
fat one has tattoos all over fingers
only young people are that degenerate
One is six, the other is twelve.
Trick question. The mother IS the fiancee
Most people here have autism and can't recognize faces.
Sup Forumstards are just jealous that this guy is 5 years younger than they are and is already engaged and about to be married to a qt while they autistically screach about muh white genocide because white people aren't having kids and white men aren't getting their shit together
ffs are you retarded? The one on the left is the fiance
is this a slide thread?
His eyes are the same as the right's
His nose is the same as the left's
If not for the makeup you wouldn't be able to tell.
>get educated
>about inferior culture
no thanks.
The mom is the mother of the girl, retards.
Fiancé refers a man. Fiancée is a woman.
Left is mother. She's smiling because her son is getting married. The one on the right is the fiancé. She is grabbing his hand in the picture. The people who benefit from marriages like this are the parents, so they are smiling the most.
>the same as the left's
absolutely autistic
The real problem here is that the brush looks like it wouldnt survivie in the hot shithole these people came from
They're muslims m8
I'd assume they're all related
The mother is Hotter, maybe it's just the MILF lover in me
first cousin and wife on the left; mother and sister on the right