Why are asians so racist?

We were chilling and talking about stuff and eventually a korean friend started talking about how he hated indians because "they are disgusting" and blabla. Other asian friends agreed with him.Called him out on his racist bullshit, made him understand how retarded his view were.

Never thought i'd have to defend indians since many of them are racist as fuck too lol,i'm west african.

I'm quite surprised tho,didn't think i'd see these friends behave that way. They were being openly racist towards indians. Glad i put them back in their places, (no white knight or whatever you call it,racism is dumb regardless of race)

Just remembered that i'm posting

Btw random screenshot i took today (picked the first pic that came up in my cell's pic folder),unrelated to thread

You do know Asians really hate black people right?

If it's not about hating imaginary black men ,you guys couldn't care less


Eating human remains must be so cool. I wonder how that guy feels now.

Not all asians

My gf is asian

But...what's your point?


You guys crack me up , you're like an homeless guy trying to look down on passerbys

I'm still waiting for your point, i won't recheck this thread or come back to this site and i'm about to fall asleep

I worked for some Chinese people when I was in highschool. Every single person there was racist as fuck. They especially hated native Americans and blacks.

But what was worse was their fat shaming. I was 185 lbs at 6'2 and they always called me fat. WTF?

Wait, Reza Aslan got cucked into eating human brainz? LOOOOOOOOOOOL

>i'm west african.

please leave my country

indians are filthy street shitting sub humans

chinks are dog torturing piss egg eating yellow cunts

and you are a pet fucking leaf

Why the hate for native americans?Didnt know they'd bate native americans

Lol at you crying about "fatshaming"

also after he did it the indian used his face as the designated shitting street no joke

>no written language or know how to use the wheel

*begins scratching self*

>We wuz vikangz, greek gods,romans,kangz and shit

It's quite funny how some loser tries to act superior, i'd be surprised if your entire social circle combined had more PhDs than my direct family (No A.A involved)

Your "we wuz" alright meme is just some massive projection lol,you're a loser,face it

>,i'm west african
Stopped reading.

Kill yourself, nigger.

West Africa will rule the world anyway.
(They will be 50% of the global population by 2100)

settle down, ooga booga. How many "PhDs" does your direct family have and in what subjects?

>learn how to ooga booga from other ooga boogas

You're supposed to say it outloud in front of your computer screen'e reflection (or mirror), don't type it out dumbo!

Make sure to wear diapers and turn the lights of before hanging yourself

Your "day of the rope" mass suicide altright event is a good thing, glad to see you're doing something useful for once in your life. Getting rid of subhuman trash, hang in there buddy,your big day is coming

Every member of my direct family is a doctor (except parents), no A.A in my province

And what do your parents do?

How is that relevant?

We were poor as fuck when we arrived in canada. They went to university anyway (it's cheaper in my province,lol at americans) ,no PhDs tho

why are you so insecure that the immediate response to a joke is to talk about the "accomplishments" of your poor family members?

>Oogaa bouga bone in the nose xDxD

Grow up

get the fuck out of Canada

>Without good presidents it doesn't mean shit desu

hey Gangroo, your Cricket team is sucking big time in poo land. ha ha ha

I'm not religious but i pray your death will be painful

Lol if society had to choose between me and your entire family, they'd choose me. You gtfo of canada, go to your trump cancerland

You don't deserve to have healthcare

Hungry. He hungers for more.

oh right, you're doing so much for the country,

fuck, you're so great, all great men give back...what does your nigger family give back?

why don't you go back to africa and fix the world's worst continent after Australia

nobody in Canada thinks your Canadian...and never will, you'll always be a stinky nigger

Time for the nukes. Fuck you all and may you burn in hell for an eternity.

shitty bait thread

reply without sageing and you're a cancerous retard

Supposed to say it outloud in front of your reflection dummy

If you're a regular user here then you're already miserable. If you don't want to do it for society ..then do it for you family and kill yourself already.

My brother alone (great neurosurgeon) does more for society in a single week than your entire social circle in their fucking lifetime

His piss is more valuable to society than every generations of your pathetic inbred family

prove you're even a nigger, and not a troll and we'll go from there

>If a thread isn't about sucking trump's dick or muh jews conspiracies or deh ev1l minorities or pizza conspiracies...then it's bait!

I wrote something but then i clicked on a popup and it got erased. Browsing this site on a cell is a pain in the ass

At the end of the day,you're all miserable failures living in an hate filled lunatic echochamber. It's hilarious to look at (from an outside perspective of course). Honestly i wouldn't be surprised if you kill yourselves in the upcoming years,don't botch it.

Regardless. I'm going to bed. Might come here to laugh again in a couple months so wait till i get to laugh again before killing yourselves

Why are Hindus upset at this? Surely he was honoring a Hindu sect by doing it?

>British guy goes to Pooland
>Meets some cunt who eats human brains
>Clearly uncomfortable
>Threatened into eating brains
>Eats brains while simultaneously silently calling for help
>People hate the British guy


Vast majority of east asians hate niggers, much more than they hate indians lol.

go back to Africa nigger

Asians are superior to whites.

They are pretty cold. But they are jealous that they arent strong like u. Hence why whites take their girls.
They have major inferority complex to whites.
They are racist but will really cry racism when whites hit them .
Their hate on darkies make no sense like what did they do to them..colonization?

I choose you as well. Im looking for a slave for my vast corn and potato fields. You available? If you don't molest my goats you can sleep under a roof.

That's their culture though, in asia it is not at all offensive to call someone fat, in fact they frequently tell their parents or girlfriends or whatever that "you are fat" in a factual and straight faced way. Their culture is simplistic and brash sometimes, but highly complex when it comes to shit like giving gifts, impressing neighbours, footing the bill e.t.c.

>Eating human remains must be so cool. I wonder how that guy feels now.

BRAAAAAIIINNNNNNSSS help the pain of being DEAD!

Maybe because of their collectivistic culture, they see everyone as a member of a group, people are defined by their family, their race, etc.

Some Asians do unplug from the Matrix, but this tendency can last for generations, especially in ethnic enclaves and thanks to multiculturalism (anti-Westernism).

>a leaf with superiority complex trying to justify his orgasms of being culturally enlightened from correcting people of other culture and upbringing to his own.

Such savages! We need to bring proper culture to them!