Why do minority women want to fuck white men so badly?

Why do minority women want to fuck white men so badly?

that's actually pakistani men googling that

To take over their countries and breed out Aryan women


this, not even memeing

Middle eastern and Indian culture actually prize light skin and white features.

For example they claim Muhammad had fair skin, red hair, and blue eyes. Also in the caste system, higher castes prize light skin and low castes tend to be very dark.


this is the biggest question of all


And white features are almost seen as universally attractive.

Every culture prizes light skin for instance

Economic stability and a man that actually treats you like a human being turns some women on.

Go figure

seriously I don't get it. It's not like the jews are meming BWC in pakistan

Because they think white men are the best
lol no. Women don't think like men.

>Women don't think like men.

Yes they do, just imagine the most indirect beta guy you know and multiply that by 3.

Why would sandnigger chicks want to suck a dick that smells like the arses of twenty goats...?

Relative to men of most other races:
Attractive, tall, more intelligent, more wealthy
Gee, I wonder why

Who wouldn't?
We're a trophy.

you mean not autistic

Thank you greatest ally

I asked my gf this and she told me that we are seen as the most desirable as we are most likely to be the best father material for their children.

Most women enjoy being treated like shit but deny it

pics or gtfo

Pic is similar.
Not gonna post an actual pic because I've seen what you autists can do with something tiny.
My gf has a bit lighter skin, definitely less cellulite, straight hair, and a less prominent forhead.

I have a black girlfriend. A lot of her black friends are jealous because she got with a white man.
Genes, success, intelligence, looks, finances, human

Why wouldn't they?

Good job.
When the day of the rake comes, you'll be last.

Because their men are too busy fucking white women.

For a lot of minority women in the west, getting a white guy is a symbol of success.
My gf explained it like how you would feel if you were to show off your nice car; you want to show that all your hard work and dedication finally paid off in the end and you finally made it.

Holy fucking shit

So they can have half white kids.

Money green card n freedom
Its the western or feminist influenced ones do it

is that a gang sign shes making??

lol i dont know man but they sure do

They perfer light olive tone on mainly women but now some metrosexual men.
Gore means fair like italian persian chinese latin. Not udjaar which is pale like ginger.
Greatly o overexagerated

Fake news or seeing if it exists

Its part of globalists agenda.
White women are encouraged to fornicate with blacks or arabs and brainwashed to hate white males.
White males are forced to become gay or fuck asians.
Asian women are brainwashed to hate asian men and love white men.
Asian men are being turned into obedient and spineless deltas.

(((They))) don't even try to hide their goals about "single global race" anymore, there are tons of news articles like "this is how humans are going to look in X years", depicting some horrible race-mixing abomination.

Sand niggers have even smaller dicks than asians.

Its crazy.

>defending pakis

Hmm, something seems fishy to me here...

Cus white dudes aren't savage and don't beat them

Live long and prosper.

Gay & Fake