How can so much of pol be libertarian when libertarians embrace open borders?

How can so much of pol be libertarian when libertarians embrace open borders?

moral relativism excuses degeneracy

(why I'm not libertarian)

Ancaps are against openborders.

libertarians are cucks

lolbertarians are idiots who dont even know their own platform, let alone a leppo.

Thats how

We're national socialists.

>open borders
>welfare state
Pick one

Their PC.

libertarian is an edgy internet philosophy, so they will post here either way


Libertarianism is an intrasocial value. When I have a society composed of people who view each other as co-nationals instead of as mutually-hostile interest groups, I'll become a libertarian. Until then, I remain a caretaker fascist. This is what open borders means to a libertarian with two firing neurons: you can cross from Wisconsin into Minnesota without state interference if you're white. That's all that's meant by it. No fucking sane person wants open borders in a world that's half-filled with nigger cannibals and suicide bomb Arabs. Libertarianism is for white people.

And it isn't some fucking strict philosophical system that ignores the human need for both community and heirarchy. Children need their parents to provide for them, wives need their husbands to defend the home, and people need an identity to give form and meaning to human existence. Those are fucking facts of evolution and there isn't a marketplace anywhere that's going to do a better job of providing for those needs. A sane libertarian wants a caretaker state to protect those processes, not interfere in them. A libertarian will happily accept a standing national military to defend the homeland from external threats, like negroid cannibals and invasive taco maggots, and a court system to impartially enforce the law. Almost anything else beyond that is excessive and unneccessarily intrusive.

>tl;dr freedom is for white people and everyone else gets a free helicopter ride

contrarian is the correct description

Because border control is imposed by the state and is selective of who enters and who doesn't i.e. with no state, you control your own property and who enters and who doesn't. Plus, with no welfare, no one have a reason to go near you.

>with no state, you control your own property and who enters and who doesn't

that's a no border policy though?

Only the left-libertarians do


how about if you want to protect the border you buy up some shitty land around there and patrol it


open borders - state doesn't enforce borders, though so lack of borders is pretty much the same

Not all Republicans like open boarders either

you are already braindead if you think words mean aything

Actually, it's exactly the opposite. Open border implies there is an entity controlling a nation's arbitrary region, where as, in a stateless society, the border is your property which you can do whatever you want.

The only place I've ever heard this is here. I don't know anyone who calls themselves a libertarian and is for open borders.

ok, now I get it

open borders are worse than I thought

The American Libertarian Party is in favor of open borders which is where most get this misinformation.

you gotta be squiddin me

Gary Johnson.

and thanks for explaining it pham

pol isn't libertarian. Those are reddit fags and cultural marxist usurpers.

We're not all open borders.

Gary "bake the nazi cake or I'll make the Holocaust look like a BBQ" Johnson

Libertarians are getting over that one liberty now that the muzzies are rapin up a storm.

if you want rights, close the boarders, or the welfare state will end us all

Libertarianism cannot sustain itself in a multicultural society. When minorities outbreed you they will just vote for more socialism. Libertarianism is akin to watching your neighbor getting raped and saying "Not my problem."

All the candidates this time were for open borders.

It's going by flawed logic. The argument is based off the pretense of "the government has the power to tell you you have rights in this section inside the borders, but not that section".
We get the point of no government being the end goal, but it doesn't work unless the entire world goes voluntarist. It's not practical, thus it's a waste of time to include it as part of your platform.

I guess a Hoppean type of Libertarian society might work.

Because they voted against it to sustain their own gdp per capita. Libertarian capitalism condones this. Anarchic capitalism condones the execution of immigrants. Please stop meming.

there's nothing libertarian about hoppe, he's a retarded neocon christfag who bases his arguments around feelings


I can't have people not fuck with me unless everyone on the planet simultaneously ceases getting fucked with?
there's a reason the catchphrase is "don't tread on ME"
you wanna sell yourself into surfdom it's not my problem

You're assuming that socialised services and welfare is maintained. When people are forced to be financially responsible for the children they have entirely, an incentive is created to only have as many children as your level of productivity allows.

Most Libertarians I know (Including my self) Don't want open boarders. Just the stupid ones do.

Sup Forums isn't libertarian and hasn't been for a ling time.

Muslim population would vanish within a decade if there was no welfare state in Europe.

Welfare state is the problem not the people if you are peaceful and can provide for yourself without stealing come on. You are not property of some state your labor is yours to sell to anyone anywhere who will buy it.

You can have your voluntary ethno state lol

The american libertarians is not the "true libertarians", they are leftists.
The real ones follow Mises and stuff.

It is okay to have open border as long no government intervees in economy, which does not happen.

I seriously hate this lolbertian token nigger

Good one. Schlomo or drumpf. Can you internet on sabbath?