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Please tell me you have pages to post.

1. Pumpkins are delicious
2. Pumpkins are fun to carve
3. Pumpkins are beautiful decorations

oh "IT'S FUCKING OVER" thank i ve forgot about that


Reported to the FBI for threatening to stab the President

Well I guess that's it then.
Time to initiate #Cruzcontrol

>Now a new kids’ book called The Pumpkin And The Pantsuit, the brainchild of a San Francisco advertising agency barrettSF

This isn't very accurate. The book doesn't have an old seagull with crazy hair who the pantsuit steals votes from so she can fight the pumpkin.

Looking back on Hillary propaganda is always a good time, it all has such an attitude of smug self-righteousness that makes it so satisfying knowing they lost. I was hate watching Big Fat Fabulous Life and they had one where the fat girl and her gay/tranny friends get a phone call from Hillary and talk for 10 minutes about how great she is, the episode was filmed before the election. Suck it you fat piece of shit!

Also I went and looked this thing up, it was published in January, lol

Found a few pics


Unless someone has this, I'll pay the 15 bucks and scan it in. Will take a few days due to shipping. Please respond if you already have it.

I think you might have to, from the couple of pics on google images it looks like a meme goldmine, most of the creepy kids propaganda liberals make is.

>she smells good

So is CTR is making books now?


>movie stars, really good singers and even her close colleague Obongo all liked pantsuit
Ah yes. Because celebrity endorsements are what decides elections.

Why is there a pair of giant tits in the background?

Why the fuck did they try to court the kindergartener vote?

I like how literally the next fucking page shits on Trump for having celebrity endorsements
They certainly think so.

Flowey voting for Hillary to start WW3

I want the whole fucking thing and I want it now!

Because the main liberal demographic consists of large children.

Hey, theres a used one for 8 bucks that has "dirt on the cover" Maybe I should get that one?

Get it and post pics.

There might be some good memeterial in it.

>"she's practiced really hard to live in the house!"

>hillary is a creepy, out of fashion piece of clothing with no human being inside
>trump contains potential for growth, decorative ability, parts that can be enjoyed in a variety of contexts, and has a name with an alternate meaning
Makes sense.

jesus christ this is cringeworthy as fuck

>nobody has posted based shadcomic

>She smells good!

I can't believe I actually want this book, but I do

Americans seem to be more resistant to accepting the celeb narrative unlike a lot of other countries. Trump is proof.
I know we aren't known for being smart or aware but the one thing Americans seem to be is rebellious. Especially when fucking movie stars are telling us who to vote for.

>Trump has a literal fan.
Holy shit.

So the connection is they are both hollow inside. Who the fuck would hire this agency?

all those redpills.

>a balxican mugging Sombody
Checks out

>Americans seem to be more resistant to accepting the celeb narrative unlike a lot of other countries.
Like where?
I've always seen the intense focus on celebrity endorsement as a primarily American thing. On my side of the Atlantic it is (nearly) unheard of.

Reminds me of this awesome thing


>East Atlantic Celebrities
right, forgot they exist.

spoiler, the pumpkin wins

>the most important decision in this nation's history

>you gotta vote because you matter
>oh yeah but if you don't vote our way you dont matter

god damn this is one of the least self-aware videos I have ever seen

>that bitch crying

im mad.

The media tries to make us think their endorsement is more prominent than it actually is. Trump wouldn't be president if that were true. I live in the south so i may be biased but it seems people here automatically ignore what these celebs have to say.

I want to fuck that wasp.

Stickman needs to be added.

>she smells good
First of all, what? Second of all, it's confirmed that she smells like cabbage and urine. Even in her books, she lies!

if I ever see her irl I'm gonna ask her
>can you cry like you did in that election video? it's really important I swear, I just
>I need to see you cry

Th... there's famous people on this side of the ocean too!
Like angloman!

There's Brevik and Spurdo.

there is a jew supporter for Trump behind the TV.

>mfw this is literally the cancer killing Marvel comics
>mfw we will live to see Marvel be made into an object lesson on why you should never try to cater to the MUH DIVERSITY crowd

Where's the shit????

It's not a wasp. It's"Bee-yonce".



Also you need a silhouette of a happy merchant in the top left

I pronounce her name as "Bay-Once"

Largely because our presidential election is costly. Even with donations, candidates would try to tap celebrity endorsements to capture headlines. 2016 may have been the first time where the strategy wasn't as effective.

Those fuckers are stealing our memes.
How low.of them.


made this

Should I?

I really like this site sometimes



Checked, but trust me, user. There's been far worse shit of this made...

Pantsuit's supporters:
>A literal Shillbot
>A dangerhair feminist furry
>An Obongo Pez dispenser
>A Canadian weasel?
>Virtue signalling celebrity bee

Pumpkin supporters:
>HULKSTER the hoagie
>A motherfucking knight (Deus Vult!)
>Vlad the Centaur
>Tentacles McJap Pussy Destroyer
>A sentient sock?
>A motherfucking dinosaur

Yeah. My vote still goes to Pumpkin.

post something

Good catch.

Barack is a Pez dispenser (candy that just looks like medicine)

Is this not a subtle red-pill or at least a sign of the Oroborus Left?

I'm not a filthy fuckin paedophile so no.

>Better than The Cure
Herpes is better than The Cure

the lampshade?

OK, just placed the order. I should have it Monday, and I'll start a thread by Wednesday.




You can't make this shit up.


spoiler: pumpkin wins


>1 post by this ID


>Hillary should be POTUS because "She smells good!"

Is this a joke


>tfw they had to change the ending after the elections.

This is so pathetic, its more pathetic than watching a harlequinn baby trying to live. It's more pathetic that a legless puppy. A down sydrome kid looks better comepared to this "book". The term death rattle comes to mind but this smells and looks like a bloated corpse to mine senses. This is most likely a cash grab for butthurt whiners, but god i feel for the poor creature if they unironically wrote this. Id imagine it was writfen between bouts of crying and some time spent with a bittle if liqour.

Come on m8, don't type in new letters when the ones you're using already exist in the image.

I mean, here.

>tfw I cant find a free PDF version online

plz help anons it has to be out there

Needs a smug Trump Pepe in the background. ALso you might want to consider adding some pee pee poo poo for a little more pizazz.

>RDJ in as a stealth Trump supporter

He's certainly not talking about voting Hillary.

I'd fuck that

Who is the robot man supposed to be?

If i remember right, Marvel said they are "going back to their roots". They discovered that people who like to bitch about comics, dont actually buy comics.

It's time, to kick patriarchy ass

and chew vegan gum

The weasel is supposed to be Park Ranger Pharrell.

and I'm all out of Starbucks coupon.


