The Eternal German

"Spaniards can be impressed by the courtesy of the conqueror, French, by his riches, Greeks by his respect for the arts, Jews by his moral integrity, Africans by his calm and authoritative bearing, but Germans are impressed by none of these things. They must be struck into the dust, struck down again as they rise, struck again while they lie groaning, while their wounds still pain them; they will respect he hand that dealt them." -- Germanicus Caesar

"The Hun is always either at your throat or your feet" -- Winston Churchill

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8million non-whites in Britain, James. More than in Germany or Sweden. Highest rate of race-mixing in the Western world. 90+% of all adult negros in your country are in relationships with non-blacks, mostly white. More biracial children than any other Western country.

Die in pain, piece of shit.

You are on the same track with the negros, just wait a few years

>Highest rate of race-mixing in the Western world. 90+% of all adult negros in your country are in relationships with non-blacks, mostly white

>8million non-whites in Britain
Still less than in your country, Chilli

>"The Hun is always either at your throat or your feet" -- Winston Churchill
How many times has Germany declared war on Britain again?

How often did Britain fuck over their White Brothers in the Name of Equality again ?

His ass

Never, fuck the DnC Shills.

>Every German employed means a British Worker idle

>100 years later import masses of Arabs and North-Africans

>south American shitskin commenting on anyone's demographics

It's not my fault that everyone from ancient Roman generals to modern British statesmen share the same opinion of Germans

Then stop declaring war on Belgium and Poland, you warmongering savages

France did nothing wrong at all, right? Like with Charlemagne that attacked Saxons, while letting Iberia to fall into mudshit hands (to become non-white)? Maybe that time when France aligned and aided the Ottomans? Perhaps that time with Napoleon that emancipated the Jews across Europe and laid foundation for (((civicnationalism)))? Or that one funny time when their greed laid the foundation for the WWI? Or maybe when Monnet gave the means to Richard Kalergi to kill off the real Europe?

Nah, I hope France dies in pain too

Holy shit, it actually does dies in pain

Their own census data stupid nigger
>ancient Roman
Discarded instantly. Ancient Romans practiced interracial sex and equal rights

Technically we didn't do that either.


Central Europeans being mixed race and neither distinctly northern or southern ethnically suffer from the same sort of identity crisis as hapas. Germans especially are affected by this.

What a load of shit. Everybody in Europe identifies himself by nationality first.

>checks flag
Aussie on vacation?

All the allies and commies buttblasted

Fuck you dirty brits! And fuck your jewish masters!

The biggest mistake in history was the natural brotherhood of the Anglo and the German being tossed asunder by stupid bullshit. Prussian steel and English oak could have ruled the world side by side, but instead they fought to the detriment of all mankind.

> germanicus
> talking about modern ethnicity
> somewhat valid according OP

Using a 1600year old quote. Wow so relevant

And then one by churchill, a corrupt degenerate

Yeah sure, France is also responsible for not helping Persia against the arab invasion

You are just an edgy hater

Identifying with your nationally first over your broader ethnic group is fine as long as your nation is sufficiently pure ethnically, unfortunately for mixed race nations like those of central Europe this isn't the case.

>Jews by his moral integrity, Africans by his calm and authoritative bearing

Through no fault of germany. Uk refused peace 12 times. Can you imagine that? Its almost as if they wanted war??

(((Who)))could possibly have been behind this decision?

>Having more blond people makes northern Germans a different ethnicity from southern Germans

It's all water under the bridge as long as we can finally pull ourselves together and find a final solution to our problems as Europeans.


Germany was just as responsible for the degradation of Anglo-German relations as England was. Wilhelm II was comically anglophobic and set the stage for the next 40 years of Anglo-German relations.

Why do you hate us, user? Cant we be friends?

Hey, where is your Empire? Ooops gone.

Jews respect moral integrity?


Even Kek finds that retarded

British females love the BBC



>Every German employed means a British Worker idle
In relation to migrants, especially from the EU, this really makes me think.


rothschilds BLAKT

Do enlighten me, how do modern Germans differ ethnically from their ancient counterparts? They received a large influx of Hunnic DNA after getting raped by Africans, and...?

I just finished a totally awful German exam. Right now I hate all things German

These are Jews amerishart

I mean Attila. Sorry.

I hope you passed the exam

> Right now I hate all things German
Typical role-playing cretin


It's pretty well known that those accusations are exaggerated and some false.
100 years later and you're still falling for the propaganda lmfao Son how fucking stupid can you be? Do you feel like a complete fucking fool all the time, but you aren't sure why?

Thanks, user, so do I

Not my fault Sup Forums is trolled way too easily

I'll take Theresa May over Merkel any day, thank you kindly. At least I don't know for certain she is aiming at the destruction of Great Britain

The Romans conquered you, not us, of course they hate us for being able to resist.

Their source of hate is actually equally to yours.

The next thing you will lose is Scotland.

Aye. The uk must fall

We beat the romans.

You didn't even realise that France didn't exist during the roman era, do you ?


'Now in this island of Brittia the men of ancient times built a long wall, cutting off a large part of it; and the climate and the soil and everything else is not alike on the two sides of it. For to the south of the wall there is a salubrious air, changing with the seasons, being moderately warm in summer and cool in winter. But on the north side everything is the reverse of this, so that it is actually impossible for a man to survive there even a half-hour, but countless snakes and serpents and every other kind of wild creature occupy this area as their own. And, strangest of all, the inhabitants say that if any man crosses the wall and goes to the other side, he dies straightway, being quite unable to support the pestilential air of that region, and wild animals, likewise, which go there are instantly met and taken by death'


>Romans try to subjugate Germans
>Germans lose then win
>Ottomans try to subjugate Germans
>Germans lose then win
>French try to subjugate Germans
>Germans lose then win
>Brits try to subjugate Germans
>Germans lose then win
Seems like you are mad that we always ultimately win

>Spaniards can be impressed by the courtesy of the conqueror

The times we were conquered our conquerors weren't very courteous, the romans killed all men and raped all women, the goths as well, the french burned down our cities and Americans established a long ruling dictatorship that left us behind the rest of the world. Only the arabs showed us a bit of courtesy now that I think

Romans actually conquered nearly half of modern Germany, Cologne, Mainz and Trier are all Roman colonia. The reason they didn't go further is because garrisons along the Rhine can easily be supplied from the Mediterranean, but the Elbe is too far away from Roman lines of supply. Otherwise you'd be speaking a Latin language too

Yes, the German hero is a traitor and oathbreaker who was unfaithful to his salt and ended up murdered by his own kin. Very fitting

Germanicus meant the Gauls, obviously. The English translation turned it into "French" because it's more widely recognisable than Gauls

>you will witness Anglo extincion in your lifespan
Worth living

I would rather save Sweden 10 times then the anglo.

meant for

> Cologne, Mainz and Trier are all Roman colonia.
Really puts New Years Eve in Cologne into perspective

Great Britain, not so Great anymore. Britbongs survive on Jewish banking solely. Meanwhile, Germany the engine that keeps Europe alive.

France is responsible for plenty of shit. Everyone knew ww1 was coming, France included, they wanted the war. France dragged Britain into the war and Russia for that matter with their pact. France again told Poland to ignore Hitler's aim for negotiation, so that it would be Hitler's fault. France has plenty to be blamed for, getting their shit pushed in during both world wars included. And the treaty of Versailles wasn't very smart either.

Nearly half, lol, not even close.

"Germania (/dʒərˈmeJniə/) was the Roman term for the geographical region in north-central Europe inhabited mainly by Germanic peoples.
It extended from the Danube in the south to the Baltic Sea, and from the Rhine in the west to the Vistula."

M-muh Theresa May...
Just a fucking cuckservative twat.

i always had a respect for the perfidious Albion until i discovered how petty their true nature is

>nearly half of MODERN GERMANY

Reading comprehension, kraut. Use it sometime

Nearly half. As in "Texas is nearly half the size of modern USA"

Anglo Edukashion

The treaty of Versaille is a meme, it didn't succeed because you american faggots refused to give us an alliance. What the fuck else were we supposed to do then?

And how did anglos acted after they signed the treaty? That's right, they disregarded it completely. They gave moratoriums to germans, they treated us as the hegemonists of the continent because we were merely desperatly trying to defend ourselves and then they let the germans do whatever they pleased.

Of all the countries america is really not the one that should give lessons on post war diplomacy

so we are breeding them out. Way more likely than convincing a 90% non-racist country to gas them

Do you know who else had Negro blood? Alexander Pushkin.

The one drop rule is ridiculous and even if it isn't I doubt a South American monkey like you could have passed it

>"Desperately trying to defend ourselves"
What is invasion of the Ruhr? Bullshit. The terms of Versailles were incredibly harsh and over-the-top.

Versailles was extremely lenient. If the Germans were treated after WWI like they were after WWII - everything east of Neisse given to Poland, and split into occupational zones - WWII wouldn't have happened

Invasion of the ruhr was the desperate attempt, it didn't even last anyway

No it wasn't hence why you ceased to exist after a month of fighting Germany in WW2.
You can't compare the outcomes as proof that the treaty was fair, Hitler refused to surrender, that's why they were treated shitty, not to mention the extra evil shit that they turned a blind eye to= the communist kikery
Drop the we gud Boyz we didn't nuffin attitude, no one is really innocent. You were only desperate after the war started but your country, or it's leaders, hated France was no longer main land Europe's swinging dick anymore.

>Jews by his moral integrity

Brits are a type of Jew.

>t. teadrinking faggot whos calling for the states, when the bad bad germans are on the charge

But this isnt Op´s problem. His people are about to take Europe in the Name is Islam, amirite, Mehmet? :`)

My God I literally couldn't understand any of that gabbling.

Did the US declare war on Germany? No. Did Germany declare war on the US? Yes, and right after the Pearl Harbour sneak attack

Does Britain produce the trucks of peace necessary for the Invasion?

>presenting to each people the thing their leaders lack most

My God I literally couldn't understand any of that gabbling.
Are you unable to read your own language?

To quote a post from last year: who axed you, hans?

Half of what I said was meant for the French guy. Didn't even realise you weren't him I guess

Right that's the important part. Because the USA sending aid to Russia didn't cost Germany the war before they even entered it.
And France was innocent which is why they couldn't have peace.
And Poland didn't get what it deserved. Or Belgium. They had a choice and they made that choice.

He believes that the teuton massacres were after the polish invasion.

>Wilhelm II was comically anglophobic
This is not true.
The Kaiser admired the British Empire a lot, and he was envious of the British Empire.
The wanted to impress the Brits and gain their acceptance and respect. For him the British Empire was the benchmark of Empires.

The US didn't send aid to Russia until 1942, when Typhoon already failed

It's some debased form of American pidgin English that I neither can nor want to understand

The turning point was Stalingrad. Why are you bringing up a single lost battle? Makes zero sense.

>single lost battle

Germans never had a chance after they failed to take Moscow. Stalingrad wasn't even an important industrial city or military base, it just happened to have Stalin's name.


Doesn't matter. They did have a chance but failed at the turning point of the war (Stalingrad)

I'm not saying France was innocent, I'm saying we had no other choices
If the US and the UK gave a real alliance to France nothing of that would have happened, instead they gave to Clemenceau some vague declaration of intent that they then declared to be non biding.
You have no idea how fucking scared were the french leaders, they won the first war and days later thought they already lost the second (some generals even predicted accurately when we would lose it).

>"Like with Charlemagne that attacked Saxons, while letting Iberia to fall into mudshit hands (to become non-white)?"
>spanish cucks get steamrolled by moors in 10 years
>we contain them and push them back when they cross the Pyrennees
>help the christians retake their country during the next centuries by sending a shitton of frankish and later french knights
>retake Jerusalem and reestablish christian territories in Middle East for 200 years
>somewhat we are the bad guys

>"Or that one funny time when their greed laid the foundation for the WWI?"
>who is Bismarck
>what is the Ems Dispatch
>who is Willhelm II
>who declared war and invaded France

Fucking monkey