Name three things you want Trump to do this year

Obviously, things he has not yet done.


A. Announce that a Mars landing will take place before he will leave the office in 2025

B. An overhaul to the legal immigration system that allows white European Christians who are educated and hard working to come to America.

C. A national plan to build the electric car charging infrastructure and support companies that make it possible to have a majority of vehicles on American roads fully electric by 2025.

Why electric tho?

A) is unrealistic, maybe 2050. B) fuck off we're full C) fuck clean energy welfare queens, the market demand for electric cars will sell them without throwing money at people like Musk who treat it like toy money

Defunding the UN.

>Why electric tho?
I hate Saudi Arabia and we need to stop their sole income source.

>A) is unrealistic, maybe 2050.
That is what they said about JFK's promise to land on the moon "before the decade is out". Actually, any timeline longer than 8 years out is a no-no, as long-term programs in space never survive.

>fuck clean energy welfare queens, the market demand for electric cars will sell them without throwing money
I want clean cities and an end to the oil industry. I want no noise in cities and no pollution. And we can do it, if fuckers like you stop having anything to say.



It's all under the general idea f immigration deportation and border security


Nuclear energy, but all coastal waste repositories will be moved to mountains


Financial system audits (line by line audits of central bank balance sheets and operations, FTAs, tax code, ExIm bank etc.)

I do want to conquer space btw, but we can't do that if Oceania is harboring a mini Malaysia (ethnic mix of chinks, poos, and Pacific Islanders) Europe is bogged down by a mini Algeria (ethnic mix of Africans, Arabs, Turks, etc) and the U.S. Dragged behind by a mini Brazil within its borders (an ethnic mix of Indios, Mestizos, and negros.)

there is plenty of oil in Canada we simply need to invade

>there is plenty of oil in Canada we simply need to invade
Oil is traded on an open market. It is not about where it is from, it is all about its price. The oil price needs to fall to 20 dollars and remain there - this will bankrupt the Saudis in 2-3 years.

Canadian oil is mega shitty, though.

Mars plz

perfect opportunity to dump money into research to develop a new way to refine it or something


1. Build a Wall.

2. Wall build a.

3. a build Wall.

these lowlife wetbacks are drug runners for the cartels.....these fags are literally the worst Mexico has to offer....that and CHilangos and Sinaloenses

1. Crush enemies.
2. See them driven before him.
3. Hear the lamentation of their women.

Put the USA on the metric system.

>this is considered a thread on nupol now

Gets confirm we Mongolz naow!!!

Instruct head of ATF to ignore nfa until it is repealed or ruled unconstitutional.

Begin purging subversive elements from the government. Make examples of a few.

Officially label Cair, BLM, la Raza etc terrorist groups. And charge their foreign backers with crimes.

>internment camps for liberals (to build wall)
>real gas chambers for kikes
>name feminists as a terrorist organization