>there hasn't been any spike in rape cases, in fact rape cases have gone down in countries with high refugee populations
>Sweden doesn't have any new "no go zones" in the last decade let alone the last few years
Here's your proofs from europol:
Other urls found in this thread:
what do you make of this OP?
>one video is not proof but statistics are
Cue some faggot yelling at you insisting Cyprus is super common
((statistics)) vs Video footage
What flag is this from?
dude one or two or three instances that have been filmed is not as big of a problem as much as you faggots are making it on Sup Forums
Sweden has made it illegal to catalog crimes based on race.
I could show statistics that would show the exact opposite, but you chose either to be a bluepilled faggot or get some (you's)
do you have any proof for such claim
Down in te last few weeks or something? Increases a nations poverty via immigration will always increase misdemeanors.
Except we have proof that the swedish government is literally covering up crimes from immigrants.
I hope you get raped by muhammed.
Sounds right. I haven't been raped since we let in refugees.
I beg to differ.
do you think those chimps are just pretending?
they fucking live there, it has the potential to be constant. where else in Europe do you get people actually brawling with the police and not getting BTFO'd and locked up?
fuck your jewish statistic tbphwy
risky because he probably does.
admit it cyprus, Sweden is fully kek'd
If you can read Swedish then:
>80 procent av anmälningarna från badhus var gärningsmännen av uppgiven eller
fastställd utländsk härkomst. De flesta saknade svenskt personnummer och i
anmälningarna framgick det att de tillhörde grupper av asylsökande pojkar.
A police report from 2016 bluntly says, that 80% of assailants in bathouse sex attacks were immigrants:
dude i hate this subhuman inbreeds as much as you the problem is that most of you are making it look like a bigger problem that it is
proof it then nigger
And if we google translate the Swedish statement:
>80 percent of the complaints from the public baths were the perpetrators of resignation or
established foreign origin. Most lacked a Swedish personal and reports indicated that they belonged to groups of asylum seekers.
>dude i hate this subhuman inbreeds as much as you the problem is that most of you are making it look like a bigger problem that it is
and whats wrong with that? a little exaggeration here and there can go a long way, user just dont over do it.
Cover up of crimes that immigrants do.
All from leftist media. So you can't blame MUH RIGHT WING MEDIA
Get fucked nigger
Report on the frequency of criminal offences in comparison to Native Swedes and foreigners
>The proportion suspected of offences is higher however among those born outside Sweden or who have one or two foreign-born parents, by comparison with those born in Sweden to two Swedish born parents. It is two and a half times as likely for persons born abroad to be registered as crime suspects as it is for Swedish born persons with both parents born in Sweden.
You sure about that Turk
Of course (((EU))) will defend their multicultural open border policy agenda
there are immigrant areas in Sweden where rescue personel can't go without police escort. And when the police goes there they get stones throwed at them.
Rapes have gone up while female propensity to report sexual crimes has gone down.
Now fuck off to your cockroach hole you fucking kebab.