Quick, catholic cucks are fasting, post meat

Quick, catholic cucks are fasting, post meat.

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That's on Fridays not Saturdays during lent. I'll pray for a cure to you're idiocy.

Extra rare Tissues in red gravy

We are?

Shit man, I just had some fried chicken.

>you're idiocy
I'll pray for a cure to your Grammar

I would reccomend this cereals

you disgust me

If christians are so devout why don't they go 40 days without food like Jesus?

Some have historically done that, it's obviously very difficult and requires you to be at a very high spiritual level.

He's just trying to learn about his new country through ironic shitposting. Please don't berate him. He might turn to dangerous fringe groups.


lmao you realed own those cucks my muslim friend Xd

Christ man, eating jerky here

Hahahaha don't tell CNN about that!

Lel, here I still have to meet a catholic who stops eating meat for that.

yet another terrible pajeet post
I have yet to see one that isn't unironically worse than leaf or aussie posting

Wed and Friday for me

I can eat meat today dumbass.


>That's on Fridays not Saturdays during lent. I'll pray for a cure to you're idiocy.

>Not fasting for 3 weeks until Easter.

do you know some good pasta receipies?
vegan or not, dont care.


If you add some shit and curry to it, you'll get a typical meal from Indian cuisine

It's Saturday

Are prods retarded?

Shit are we supposed to be off meat?

Nobody does that tho.

I'm eating meat with french fries right now


Are we supposed to be?
Shit, gotta whip myself or something.

CIA pls go

Modern Lent= make urself better

lmao, copypasta.
im still hungry though.

post a receipy dammit

>implying, that there is any meat in Bk-burgers

>Protestant """""""banter"""""""

White Envy, you knock that off.

This, giving up meat for lent and restricting yourself to nothing more than three healthy square meals a day is a pretty good excersize.

Forces you to face near-constant temptation, especially in a family where others are eating meat. Good to build strength of will and spirit

>TFW I'm a terrible catholic

It "is" fasting time though. Something about either jewsus being in the desert for 30 days, or him having a chit-chat with satan in hell before reincarnating. Or something.


This is why people make fun of you

here you go




Catholicism is retard tier, the origin story sucks and obviously didn't happen, it really boils down to some jew hag cucking her carpenter husband. The cuck husband tells his wife's son he's the son of god and raises him to be a defiant faggoty sjw. He starts questioning the corruption of the (((pharisees))) and gets put to death.

Then you take the teachings. When the church ran shit in the middle ages, these were forces of control. Turn the other cheek, don't be defiant. Trust in your lord. But as the church lost power, they watered everything down to be more accepting. What you have now is basically a book club about a poorly written, contradictory self help book. On top of that a dude dressed like a sorcerer who's never been on a date wants to hear your sins once a week and is probably touching your kids.

Can we please leave the "Catholicism is necessary for western culture" meme alone?

>obeying Novus Ordo and not 16th century fasting guidelines
Might as well convert to Universalist Unitarianism

>Ukrainian humour
Chernobyl's side-effects are passing on genetically, I see

Friday was yesterday.

Good job triggering redditors

>the catholic fasting edition

Well you said you wanted pasta so bad.
I guess you'll miss stuff like pic related

Catholibro here. this is what I had last night.

coming from an inbred who's people shit in the street

>Turn the other cheek, don't be defiant
Confirmed for someone who doesn't understand the bible or cultural context. Turn the other cheek was about using public shame as a weapon rather than chimping out immediately.