What you fags think about it?
Climate Change
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Climate change is happening but not because of man. Man made climate change is a hoax.
Sup Forums of all places got me believing in it after someone on here pointed out that those emails that "proved" scientists were lying about it were actually taken out of context and not about faking the results at all
No one denies global temperatures are up (about 0.8c over a century); however it's the political alarmists that can go fuck themselves since they use it as a means to push a globalist agenda.
Anyone else think its kind of a good thing cause it fucks shit up?
I don't know enough about either side to really come to what I'd consider an "informed opinion" but my issues/questions are thus:
How much of climate change attributable to humans?
Will a reduction ins CO2 emissions really solve the problem or just kick the can down the road for another generation?
Even if the West reduces CO2 emissions and reduces all fossil fuel consumption, how are we supposed to enforce a global standard of CO2 reduction? Big contributors to pollution; India and China for example, would still be increasing CO2 emissions.
During the transitory phase from fossil fuel use to green energy use; how do we reduce the harmful environmental effects of actually producing solar cells, wind turbines, etc. Also during the transitory phase, won't we just be increasing consumption from countries like Saudi Arabia who would have lower standards of environmental protection? Meaning the damage would be worse overall?
Climate change IS happening, BECAUSE of man, but only a select few "climate scientists" who are involved with HAARP and Seeding programs.
>In 2001 the "wind chill Effect" was redefined. What would have been the record breaking temp for lowest temp ever recorded in the US is now about 60 degrees higher.
Just one example of how easily the numbers have been fudged. All data is manipulated.
watch this:
forgot description
Climate change is real but humans have very litte responsibility for this. And ability to prevent this, honestly. This planet has a history of constans climate changes - just look at the Ice age, for example. It was much worse than anything we may have now.
I don't care about climate change or anything else that does or will not directly affect me in my lifetime, and even if i'll ever have kids (which is very unlikely) i dont fucking care what happens after my death.
Its real all right. Really we should be headed back into an ice age but its going the other way, due to us. Theres already enough co2 in the atmosphere to eclipse the Paris agreement 2 degree thing. Reducing emmissions wont help, so the whole global politics approach is bullshit. You don't have to believe me, just keep an eye on the sea ice, it'll be gone in a few years and the land ice is next, goodbye coastal cities.
anthropogenic climate change is a meme
climate change is natural
we should put more co2 into the atmosphere by a factor of 1 million
that would actually warm the planet up and make more trees grow
we are coming out of an ice age you retard
not going into one
this is actually what leftists believe
the UN has said climate change is a main player in the syrian civil war
no, we're in an interglacial genius
We are in a two-decade flat trend, neither heating nor cooling
We are in an eighteen-decade warming trend
We are in an eight-millennia cooling trend
We are in a 24.5-millennia warming trend
We are in a 53.7-million-year cooling trend
we are at a point where two temperature trends cross
not interglacial
But it will, things could get real bad by the 2030s.
> Sea level rise
> Food shortages
> refugees
I hope we can get some more nationalistic leaders in place before we get waves of refugees larger than the ones we have now.
It is the Sun's activity that warms the planet.
Increased solar flares and sunspots make the Earth hotter.
Humans have caused this because electromagnetic waves emitted by all our electronic equipment triggers the Sun to be more active.
Only memes can save us from this.
And stop using all electronic equipment.
No, climate change is a natural earth process you fuckwad.
lol, Sup Forums will believe that (((Trump))) is their friend and that the fossil fuel corporations are trustworthy, but somehow climate change is a liberal conspiracy to make bill nye rich. You retarded fags.
>Climate Change
To believe in Climate ruled by man,
is to deny Allah and his rule over earth.
The Prophet Mohammed states that Climate Alarmists must be stoned as they put man over Allah.
Muhammed exists only in hell, burning with the rest of the child molestors and murderers.
* A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2C.
* The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8C of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor which will lead to a lot of warming.
* The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average H2O feedback rate.
* Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 17 years. They are all trending too high.
* In the late 1990's the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
* There is no data to suggest a +H2O feedback either now or in Earth's past.
* If there is no +H2O feedback then we literally have nothing to worry about.
* The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind it's simply "CO2 = bad" and "experts say we're warming faster then ever."
hey fag, guess who knew about Climate Change in 1977?
It is happening. It is manmade. It is worse than the (((media/government/corporatocracy))) would lead you to believe.
Daily reminder: It's already warmed more than 1.2C, so your post is bullshit.
It's normal on a geological time scale for there to be absolutely no ice caps or glaciers anywhere on Earth. We're in an unusually warm interglacial period of an ice age right now actually, so the Earth is actually pretty cold. Not only that but it's highly unlikely that we will successfully manage to reduce greenhouse gas emission across the globe enough to avoid long term anthropogenic climate change.
Pollution is bad and all and we should try to reduce it but obsession with climate change is silly. We're fucked.
*we're fucked no matter what and a mass extinction even is coming
What breeds such cowardice in mankind? Oh, we're fucked, we should just keep emitting and fuck up the planet.
Fuck that. Why not create a better world? Humans got this far by evolving one step ahead of the game. We've altered our environment to suit ourselves, why can't we now alter ourselves to save the environment?
I want my grandchildren to explore the galaxy. We might be able to reach the goldilocks-zone exoplanets someday, but if we fuck up Earth we'll never make it that far.
>goldilocks-zone exoplanets someday
Good luck terraforming them since it's unlikely that any are habitable even being the right distance from their stars. Space travel and colonization is orders of magnitude harder than people think and there's no reason to assume humans have some kind of divine destiny to do so. That's ironically religious thinking.
>What breeds such cowardice in mankind?
Not cowardice, just rationality. I never said we shouldn't be trying to stop it; you never know what might be possible tomorrow that wasn't possible today, but current evidence doesn't suggest that we will succeed at this.
So what are you saying? If we fail to act now, the human race will not survive. You're right, it might already be too late, but why not give it everything we've got?
Riddle me this: Holocaust denial is illegal in many countries, and universally frowned upon. This is in spite of the fact that there is not much conclusive proof of the claimed death toll. Yet, climate denial is not illegal anywhere (that I'm aware of) and the media, to this day, will allow these deniers to get on the air and promote their nonsense. And climate change is a slow-motion holocaust many orders of magnitude greater than the alleged Holocaust. And it's occurring now and in the future, i.e. denial of it will lead directly to more death. OTOH, denial of "the" Holocaust will not cause any death. Really gets them synapses firing...
>why not give it everything we've got
I just said that. I don't think delusion from watching too much Star Trek and reading too much pop-sci is helping us though.
I get tired of arguing about stupid shit like terraforming and warp drives and the Singularity and other Whig History bullshit with people on this board. The ignorance just makes me even more pessimistic I guess.
>What you fags think about it?
the same NASA fags who say today we are warming are the same fags who in the 70s said we would be in a ICE age by now..So not much
>When some shouts about impending doom - it must be true.
>When someone brings up science - They must be ignorant.
Who gives a shit about what anyone speculates around?
Go look at physics, thermodynamics and modern science.
>I can get a tan in the summer and enjoy the Ostsee
Just wanted to add that even if anthropogenic global warming was false (it's not) another major concern should be the carbonization of earth's atmosphere and acidification of its oceans. These alone can have devastating affects on humans.
>climate change is fake
>no problem
>climate change is real
>the shitskin nations that can't cope die off while the first world nations advance their technology to deal with it
What would actually happen
Shitskin countries become inhospitable
First world blames themselves
Mass shitskin immigration
why did they say that, have you every considered looking at the story behind it instead of just parroting the 'they said it would get colder' line?
millions and millions of refugees headed our way
only works after the fact, once it goes tits we can hang them, for sure
quads of truth, climate change should be taken seriousl like pascal's wager
I'm a fan so far
Warmer winters and nights while summer highs are barely increasing
Fewer hurricanes the past several years
It will make polish climate better for farming. Go climate change.
How are you fucktards absolutely sure that man made pollution is not influencing global temperatures? You got proofs to back up?
Yes, the sun has always influenced the Earth's temperature but the huge exponential increase in CO2 emissions is a recent trend (since the Industrial revolution). We do not have exact temperature records before that, so how could you be so sure that climate change has nothing to do with our CO2 emissions?
Too early to make an assumption.
>however it's the political alarmists that can go fuck themselves
And the kikes. Don't forget the kikes.
>People in a hot dry nation acting like assholes
>The hotter and drier it gets, the more assholeish they get
Seems pretty straightforward