Notice anything strange about the """wife""" and """""kids"""""? I have a feeling they wanted this to go viral on purpose...
BBC propaganda
I'm not sure, but I think they might be jews.
Jesus lad it's a cute video, fuck up.
Stop mixing with asian women. You're creating monsters.
I always discard the opinions of (((CIVIC NATIONALISTS))) if you can't see this is blatant race mixing propaganda then you're blind
They're kids interrupting a guy, not everything is a conspiracy you crazy lunatic.
He lives in Korea, he has a Korean wife. Do you expect him to have met a white woman out there you mongoloid?
top kek m8, I suggest you read a book on jews and see how they work, I would suggest the Culture of Critique
there are many white women in SK imbecile, he literally betrayed his race for a gook
The kids are white though.
You are an embarssment
back to r/the_donald with you anglo scum
look up eurasionwriters youtube videos to see what hapa children are like
They only look white to you, slav
>white man who lives in korea has a korean wife
I don't see why this is so hard to believe
You're insane.
Are we sure that's his wife? I assumed nanny.
its his wife dude look at the kids
Your autism is off the charts. Holy shit lol. What a sad fuck you are. "Muh racial purity" he shouted as he browsed his anime imageboard.
You sound like a jew, why are you so triggered with me exposing jewish race-mixing propaganda that good millions of hits in Korea? Especially when feminism in Korea is far more insane than that of the West.
Like always when some shit happens and they mention Sup Forums this place gets filled with normies
got* oops
Hapa children are almost always self hating sociopaths.
Watch Eurasian writers youtube channel. The asian women are desperate for a blue eyed blonde boy to pop out and then get pissed when they look 90% asian. They start to neglect the kids and abuse them Don't support this shit.
Get a normal white girl and have a traditional wife. Stop acting out on these perverse fetishes.
Sup Forums has always been a white nationalist board r/the_donald idiots, you have to accept it
>Man lives in Korea
>Marries Korean woman
Why is that so shocking?
>He lives in Korea, he has a Korean wife. Do you expect him to have met a white woman out there you mongoloid?
In that case agree with his decision. He is assimilating into his new environment by learning the language and marrying with the locals. After a few generations they will just be Koreans (assuming they stay there).
>implying it's not the normies that see a conspiracy everywhere
>tfw walking down the street with korean gf
>for free
Who do I need to contact to get paid for this propaganda im producing?
Why are you talking to the Spaniard? They're the Mexicans of Europe.
>Hapa children are almost always self hating sociopaths.
This, you're only doing you children a disservice by race mixing. You will have doomed them to a life where they don't ever fit in or look like either of their parents.
lost it at the second kid walking in while waving his arms
You are bloody idiot and an embarrassment to the flag. Get your life together you degenerate.
gotta get a gook
jokes aside, your no better than coalburners, you're a riceburner - but why should I care? Anglo scum threw away any chances of White Nationalism coming back, so I hope you burn ;^)
This is fantastic behavior. Hes toddler is riding in that toddler mobile (i dont know how iz is properly named in english) what is a big no no. His colored slave woman is completly obediant and respectful to her white overlord. And he treat his kids like nonexistant, as he is aware that he have created underachiveres. Proper British
[Citation needed]
>inb4 asian masculinity shit
is this our 4x daily Shareblue anti-happa thread.
They are coming with such consistency its starting to become a bit shilly. The emails I read mentioned this specific topic as a dividing tactic.
This isn't my flag anglo, I will forever be Scottish
So, as it is clearly of such importance to you, how many white kids have you produced m8?
Hard to tell. But who would it benefit?
If he was a white female and she was a black man and the kids were a caramel color, you would be singing a different tune.
This Englishman is correct, fuck all you shills trying to shout him down.
This video is gold and shows the shame of a white man who's vile race mixing was shown to the whole world.
> the submissive gook wife bowing uncontrollably
> if she just came in and grabbed the kids like a normal white wife it would be over in 30 secs
> "o-h-h-h so soorrrri i gooo git dee the kidddssss oh oh oh sooo sorrllleeeeee"
So you're a dress wearing faggot then? Why should anyone listen to an island full of trannies?
citation needed? its a known fact happa children have identity issues
see: elliot rodgers
Actually, Morocco is the Mexico of Europe.
But being an American you probably don't even have a passport.
>m-muh shareblue excuse
literally an r/the_donald comeback, get educated on jews idiot
none atm, I'm only 18 and I plan on getting /fit/ first then I'll settle down with a good job and hopefully a spanish wife (genuine spanish, not a fugly mexican)
>american "banter"
What's the issue?
>mr 56%
>telling Scottish men they're not men
am laffin
Spaniards are the last ones to follow Roman tradition and the next ones to invade burgerland, just wait
so a fat 18year old in the UK, who claims to be educated on anything. That was the other plausible explanation.
its a coal burning white woman with half black kids, what do you mean what is the issue?
Where can I find a nice Asian or Jewish princess? After dating a Brit national, I have to say I hate British people. People say Trump is racist. Have you ever talked to a British person? My God, every other word is racist or classist. And this is supposedly a noble family. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Is Mexico just working undercover with Spain to take the whole continent?
Do you suffer an aneurysm every time you leave the house and see a mixed couple? Oh who I'm kidding! you don't leave the house.
She's probably a nanny, it probably was staged to make a viral video (Good job spreading it) so BBC ratings will pick up.
Why does he just shove his toddler? Why does the wife act so crazy and abusively? Why not laugh it off, smile at the kids, gently take them out of the room, then resume after a little chuckle? They make it look like the kids were about to press the nuke button or something.
>calling anyone else fat
fyi I'm 171lbs at 5'11, so yeah I'm a big chubby but I'm going to be working out like a madman while I do my job at the same time - what say you yankee?
>its another Sup Forums roasties get triggered by asian women episode
How is this not a surprise? Why can't be more like the welsh and actually be proud to be part of the UK? No one takes you seriously because you just act like spoiled children that want more and more presents each year.
This isn't the 1930-50s your ship industry is dead, the only thing you have going for you is the oil which is Shetland's and they have firmly stated they are and will be part of the UK.
Do the rest of us a favour and get over yourself. There is enough shit going on without you poking spears over Hadrian's wall at the rest of us.
you sound like a schizo lad
typical WM/AF relationship
Probably a result of the hormone treatment. Makes your brain unstable. You trannies are a fucking sorry sight.
Spanish people are white and are our brothers svencuck, can't say the same for you in a few years
no, the British are the ones responsible for all the shit that's happening today with mass immigration - to see it torn down would be marvelous
not rly, Spain has 0 political influence in south america, burgers dominate and no one care about us
Yeah right. You Brits are the fattest fucking race on the planet. The obesity stats in the U.S. are artificially raised due to the fact that 90% of niggers are obese.
I wouldn't be too against having half (east) Asian kids, but that's only because i'm Albanian and already have some Oriental features so it's not like i'm losing the genetic lottery here. But if you're Germanic or a pure latin you really are stuffing your lineage into the trash.
Its well known that hapas are self-hating and mentally deranged
Are you telling me this because I discovered your master plan?
Okay faggots, have you heard of Richard Kalergi? He's a mongrel of the half-asian breed, and he himself said that the future of Europe would be a mongrel of black, asian and white - look up the quote
whoops somebody posted it
>Sup Forums nitpicks as facts
Stop responding to me you fucking schizo. Go back to your Antarctica threads and NatSoc general.
Your fate is the same as ours. Europe is destined to become a mongrelized race. There will be no white race, because whiteness is opression. Deal with it, racist.
>a korean expert who probably speaks korean and probably lives in korea having a korean wife
It would actually be surprising if he didn't.
You also need to learn that international people have international spouses, it's entirely normal.
>threads dedicated to laughing at libs and sjws who grasp at straws
>do the same thing
stop please
Europe will never become a brown continent my dear redditor. Sweden and England, maybe, but East Europe and latin Europe will quite literally die before they submit. Have you seen the response in Italy to all the niggers? Same shit's going down in France now.
antartica is bs, but think about it - your ancestors once ruled the waves to now being raped and pillaged yourselves by migrants, what a shame ;^)
his kids look less gooky and hideous than his wife but they're still quite gooky and hideous.
why do white people race mix? why do they choose to needlessly end their family lineage?
thousands of years of evolution in that this ultra cuck could have some yellow Asian children who will not and can not identify as European.
If the UK "gets torn down" you would be in a huge mess since the rest of us pay for half your shit. This is why everyone thinks you are a joke you are just twats to everyone that isnt Scottish and especially the English. You should be grateful your country even still exists.
Because most people don't care as much as you virgin fucks.
Good that the maid took away the children quite fast.
>get news from Korea
>can only get a white guy
this, all these newfags in this thread is giving me a headache - it took us Europeans thousands of years to evolve our unique phenotypes, we also carry the bloodstock of every ancestor who came before us - those who race-mix are ignorant on race sadly )^:
i expect him not to be a globalist shill
Its mostly the unattractive and "beta" whites that marry asian women. Which is why so many alt-right trash have yellow fever
his work is super serious, as to why his study looks like a guest room
Haha, living up to the stereotypes here svencuck - you don't deserve those genetics idiot - but that's assuming you're actually Swedish and not some scumbag from Syria or the middle east which I have a feeling is the case
i imagine he and the woman ended up yelling at the kids, veins popping and everything
Because what you're saying is literally crazy talk, you have no proof.
why not get an actual korean?
May Kek bring English independence in my lifetime. REBUILD THAT WALL
ofc they are.
Heard of the Cult of Megalia? Here, have a redpill.
this. Newfags and swedish race mixer fuck off
>if it was a completely different situation ruling out every reason of doubt you would be so biggoted and doubt them!
wow you are looking right though us smarty pants
>make kids main focus for few seconds
>get up and lead the kids out
>apologise again
If he'd done that, shit wouldn't have come across as so god damn awkward.
People have been obsessing over Hapas in the last few days. Wonder what's up with that, coordinated?