Shouldn't this be our end goal?
Shouldn't this be our end goal?
>giving a small group of individuals a monopoly on worldwide power
>a good idea
we need warp drive
What would be the advantage of trying to govern the entire Earth?
No wars
You can live and work anywhere you like
No trade barriers
It would work if we got rid of (((them))) first.
Who the fuck cares so much about this. I'd rather live a happy life in AMERICA without a bunch of fucking nig nogs coming to ruin my life. Fuck of Kraut
not until we find other life
>wanting one man and one government to rule over 7 billion people
No thanks.
They're trying to do it by turning the whole world into the third world instead of trying to bring the third world up to our level.
I thought you already have a bunch of fucking nig nogs in AMERICA
That would require that people are the same everywhere on the planet. Which they are not.
Unlimited free trade would require the entire globe to have the same level of economic development.
As it is right now, countries can even have war within them. So why would governing the whole globe not just have the same conflicts anyway?
an earth united against islam maybe
It will happen eventually.
The industrial revolution started in England in the 19th century.
By now, it has spread over all of Europe and North America, Japan and Korea. China and India will become developed nations soon.
Even Africa will catch up eventually
What is it about Germans?
How will Africa catch up?
After a thermo nuclear war that kills all the blacks living there?
This will happen, but only after series of wars. First world will unite under local powers as it is doing, EU, african union, American union ETC.
Then it is time for war. And we can only hope humans have colonized or are sturdy as fuck in the aftermath.
How are you gonna make the niggers and sand niggers not retarded?
Agreed. We need to shut down Sup Forums.
By enacting reforms that fight corruption. Creating stability that will attract foreign investors.
Currently, Nigeria seems to be on the right path
It would be better without them.
But not really, I can count on one hand the amount of nogs I've seen. I can count on one hand the amount of spics I've seen. I can count on one hand the amount of arabs/indians/asians/etc. I've seen.
What's the most homogeneous place in Germany? Me and my gf are thinking of visiting
we want a diverse erath, with most diverse countries ( better more then less )
with borders
so that everybody can pick the lifestyle of his or her choice.
only leftofascist and other mentally degenerated lowlifescum wants a huge one-earth monocolony.
Globalization NEVER works, because power always ends up in the hands of a (((((few)))). Now fuck off, germancuck, and prep the bull.
15 out of 350 million, that means 335 million Americans are non black.
small cities and rural area.
Also, Munich is more homogeneous than other German cities. It still has a lot of international people though
what the hell have to happen with USA/west Europe/Japan to unite with poor African and middle east countries?
This would be the most stupid deed ever
You've got your facts wrong.
Bought into the globalism myth.
How about instead of expecting the whole world to be open like an unemployed Bavarian welfare prostitute, you just let countries trade IF THEY WANT TO, and if they don't - NOT.
and around 6 out of 7 billion humans are not black
Well, nobody is forcing other countries to trade, as far as i know
Who says we could not have that under regional governments which are part of global nation? I mean look at USA, some of those states are QUITE diverse.
As globalism? No. United under a single emperor and the lesser races purged? Fine.
Yes. And it is going to happen. We will rule you within this century. Make no mistake.
We don't need a united Earth.
Just an authentic one.
>Well, nobody is forcing other countries to trade, as far as i know
lmao, are you this gullible? No wonder why your women prefer the brown dick.
Cuckerberg, the point of the next world war would be purely to depopulate. Look how blatantly obvious it is in the media, it's like they subliminally want us to understand our doom.
You live in the European union and you claim no one is forcing trade. right.
Enough of this faggy globalism fantasy.
The reality of globalism is that it has ruined most of the lives it has touched.
EU is a voulentary union and any member is free to leave at any time, just like UK did
>Shouldn't this be our end goal?
This isn't Spore; we don't have to unite all the earth's people to reach the space age.
Or people are made afraid of one world government by rumors and false information. You look at media and claim it subliminally is affecting you, and you are deathly afraid of globalism.
Think you tool THINK!
Only once Earth is 100% White.
the universe is a simulation I aint going nowhere
Earth.exe has closed due self-termination.
Yes but people are inherently hostile and adversarial. There always has to be an "us" and a "them" with our faggot species, no matter how destructive this tendency is. Meeting aliens could possibly unify earth because then there would be a new "them", but then we'd probably just get our planet blown up for being cunts.
Yes, like in the EU. Very (((((diverse))))) indeed.
That's a fantasy and will never work.
Yeah it's not like any country that doesn't vote yes is forced to vote again until they do. Not to mention the intense pressure that was placed on the UK to vote stay.
How are you so naive?
You do know at this point Germany is the sole reason the rest of Europe is deteriorating. right?
how about everyone having their nation and nations respecting other nations as it should be and coming together to cooperate in space exploration instead of wasting resources on war?
No. This is a terrible idea that will backfire.
Read the beavers and learn OP.
>civil wars don't exist
>people denying this is the best outcome for the world
I am ironically a globalist.
Well, 80 years ago, we were locked in a world war.
40 years ago, nuclear anihilation was a very real threat
And while the world isn't perfect today, at least there wont be a war between major powers any time soon.
So I would say that the world is getting better as nations learn to settle their conflicts without wars
>Germany pushing for one world government
I'm onto you Hans.
People have different values, people have different morals. The story of the human race is war. Just because some limpwristed Idealists think that with the help of Big Daddy Government and love we can achieve peace, doesn't mean that the Africans with an IQ of 65 will feel the same way,
Then Africa and Middle East should strive, with all the civil wars going on there
>No wars
Just chaos when poverty stricken shitskins and Islamic shitbags infest the world even further
>live and work anywhere you like
What's the point if everywhere is muddled up? No distinct culture, just an increasingly browning global culture.
>Trade barriers
Oh fuck off. Liberals don't give two shits about the economy.
why is it always fucking german cucks wanting a globalzied and single government earth??
do you not realize that certain cultures simply aren´t compatible?
if the whole earth became a single nation, then the relative prosperity of western nations would fucking crumble as wealth, standards of living and population classes began to mix and equalize.
imagine the world as a glass with water at the bottom and oil at the top.
the oil in this case represents the rich west.
if you stir it up, it won´t all magically turn into oil, but the oil will become diluted and the whole glass will be murky and poor.
do you understand?
by breaking the barrier between the rich and the poor countries you will only make the good parts of the world as poor and backwards as the shitty parts, since people in these are the vast majority.
Yes, it is very diverse. Are you contesting it? You do know how much of a cultyural clusterfuck EU is? How different the countries and the people truly are?
>why is it always fucking german cucks wanting a globalzied and single government earth??
You answered yourself in the question: because they are Cucks.
Fuck no, op.
Evolution requires many isolated, competing populations of states... A "state ecosystem"
World govt implies stagnation and dysgenic catastrophe.
fixed that for you
>pushing (((diversity)))
good goy! now go prep your somali bull
Bavaria is in Germany and yet it has an unique culture
Texas is in USA and yet it has an unique culture.
All this means is that all the white areas will be filled with niggers.
Dont be so harsh on yourself Huebro. I'm sure they'd let you in
Now flood them with billions of chinks, pajeets and sprinkle some ebola niggers and islamic shitheads. How diverse is it then?
our goal should be to kill all kikes before they kill us.
>unified earth government
>have regional cultural governments
>regional cultural governments start getting pissy and want more independence
>global earth government starts to allow more and more autonomy for regional govts.
>regional govts. start getting pissy at each other and refuse to cooperate
> eventually grant independence to regional govts.
>now you have several countries around the world which are independent and rule themselves as they see fit
whoops, game over.
Doesnt Texas have a lot of Latino population, while still having their unique culture?
This sounds like a nice ideal until you realize power corrupts any group and the end game of globalization will ultimately put a lot of power into the hands of a few people.
Who will then flood everywhere with niggers and savages to retard the population and keep their power. It's a lie unless you have some soulless AI robot in control or some shit.
you thinking temporal bruh. unifying as a single earth government is an evolutionary stage so we can populate the stars and give birth to many new competing populations of planet states.
United States of Earth :)
Federal government over all states, individual states can have their own state-level laws.
>one world government
nwo shills need to gtfo
no it shouldn't, because the people in charge would have to much power that would have no way of being checked.
checks and balances are what keeps society from collapse
can you imagine a world where the population becomes enslaved by the dictator of the world. it would be chaos and the class divide would be so great they mind aswell be two seperate species.
you can have check and balance by having independant branches of executive, judicative and legistlative
california will secede from the union
how well do you think a global government can work if you can´t even keep the commiefornians in line?
United Earth except it recognizes local governments everywhere instead of a mass one world bureacracy ruling elite at the top
California won't succeed. The rest of the states would have to agree to allow them to.
Silly Guatemalian.
>muh parentheses
>not knowing about civil wars
how is that an improvement over what we have already? look at the eu for example ITS A COLOSSAL FAILURE. that is hemoraging money for nations that aren't as economically viable as others. what would end up happening is 2-3 or 4 nations would be in control of 95% of the worlds gdp. and third world nations would become 254th world nations and the top 3 nations would have technology 1000 and quality of life that FAR exceeds others.
Sure, we just need to sterilize the ""Krogan"" first.
I bet our (((Salarian))) friends would even help out.
Ill be waiting with empty jugs that day
t. German
Sure, the implemetation of eurozone was done in a bad way, but I wouldn't call the EU a huge failure.
It still enabled the longest period of peace and prosperity in the history of Europe
so what happens when myanmar, the congo, kazakhstan, uruguay and haiti all want independence at the same time, will you have the necessary firepower to stop them, and at what cost?
Not until the aliens invade, Ahmed
yes but many people hate technology and live only with their pre industrial tools
if you tried globalizing then surely i would shoot some people
but technology is gonna spread sooner or later.
Just compare where China was 30 years ago, and where it is now
who's gonna run it? will there be voting? will there be an army? will there be guns? if so, who will take away the guns and with what?
>united with Islam
>united with niggers
No thanks. You can already unite with these groups if you want. I dont.