I'm genuinely thinking of getting a swastika tattoo

I'm genuinely thinking of getting a swastika tattoo.

I find the swastika somewhat hypnotic. I realise that Hitler was one of the greatest men to have ever lived, and think one day that will become a pretty common opinion. Every day more and more Jew lies are falling apart.

My issue is, if I go to a tattooist and ask for a swastika how do I know they're not some SJW faggot who will fuck it up intentionally?

Also, what if I have a heart attack and some nigger nurse or paki doctor kills me intentionally?

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just don't

you're a fucking idiot

a swastika won't make le red pilled Sup Forumsros accept you, it'll just make everyone else hate you

If you really want a Nazi tattoo, get a tiny one on your arm or something.

I got a Nazi Eagle on my arm.

If it's under my shirt I don't see the problem. Anyway I'm pretty sure one day Hitler will be vindicated.

Are you some sort of degenerate?
Get some anglo symbol that isn't despised instead, like the irminsul

Don't get a swatzika tattoo
Use your money to buy steaks and protein shakes and get a faschy haircut

I tell you the same thing my dad told me when I wanted a tribal tattoo. Wait six months and if you still don't think it's a moronic idea, go for it. Polite sage.

weev is jewish

I couldn't care less if some faggot /Redditor doesn't accept it. It's not about accepting.

Everyone always goes on about tattoos 'meaning' something. Well there's no symbol that stands for anymore positive future than the swatika.

But I'm not a pagan, and pagans are faggot.

Most won't do it. They are always made by home chop shopsn

Yeah, get a giant swastika on your face, idiot. If you need a tattoo to convince people you are relevant, then you are irrelevant.

You deserve to be beaten to death.

You're a troll is what you are, the swastika is the most pagan symbol of them all

Tattoos are degenerate. But if you are going to get one, at least get one that doesn't flat out say you are a Nazi.

Get something that represents the ideology that not everyone may know. Like pic related for example.


Swazi Tats are the new symbol of mixed raced offspring w/ identity issues.

They are taking the symbol back and making it.

user, don't be a fucking retard. What if you go to the beach, or swimming. Do you want everyone to thin, you are a dumb ass neonazi. Hitler wouldn't even like tattoos.

Some, like Weevs, look fairly professional. I was hoping to look around on Stormfront and see if there are any threads about good places to go, but stormfront's layout is fucking retarded.


What do you have against the swastika?

dude, it's not worth it

I have tattoos, of nothing embarrassing, prominent or something I regret for what they are or represent, but I I still regret taking the leap

it's not worth having, you will refine your views and stances and will come to think differently, there's simply no point to it with that in mind, especially when it doesn't gain you anything to begin with

just buy a fucking tshirt with a swastika you fucking idiot

Until it was co-opted by Christians into something useful. Like most of paganism.

delet this

bro, take a break from Sup Forums jfc

The best place is prison.

Tattoos just aren't a good idea. I mean I'm on board for the whole Hitler thing, and standing up for what you believe in even when you know nobody will accept is what he would have wanted.

But I wouldn't get a tattoo, it just strikes me as a validation thing. No offence meant. It's just it's not necessary.

Like the other guy said, wait a bit and see if you still want one. I doubt any tattoo artist will give you /too/ hard a time, and if they do, just keep trying around and I'm sure someone will be desperate enough for money to do it.

Just find some british skinheads.

Why so full of hatred, friend?

Isnt the guy on the left a member of nambla and friend to johhny depp?

Go ahead, retard.

Well what if they see it and think 'that guys fucking awesome'?

That's the general impression I get when I see people with swastika tattoos.

Get a tattoo of a symbol that's less well known and where there is plausible deniability.

Daily reminder tattos were created to identify black slaves

ok but

most people aren't from Stormfront??

Like when's the last time you overheard people in public just go 'yeah hitler was pretty alright I guess, gas the kikes, bro'

Oh God you raise a good point.

Swastikas are fuckin g awesome though.

Might just go with a

user, that's not the general impression "normal" people get though.

Weev is cool, but Weev actually got fucked up by the federal gov't so his swastika tattoo is a little less retarded because he's not just some user, he's already a public figure so his looks and views are already public. If you really want to help make Great Britain Great Again, it will take more than a swastika tattoo. I'd suggest this if you want some kind of fascist symbol, get something that's less known. There are plenty of cool symbols from English history.

Europeans have had tattoos for thousands of years.

Tatoos, beating up people in the streets, acting like a retard = degenerate kosher "nationalism" that DEFAMES the movement and makes nationalists look like retards in the eyes of the masses (remember, the main goal is to make other people think like us and make everyone woke)
Don't be like the pictured jew puppets

I like the swastika as a symbol, it's found in nearly all cultures across the world.

Now getting just a singular swastika will mark you for life and be a potential harm for your safety.

What I'd recommend if you're really into swastikas is having a pattern tattooed with more or less obvious ones. It's also more aesthetically pleasing that way, in my opinion.

Get an indo-european sun.
>what if these people I make my enemy kill me
Don't make enemies if you aren't prepared to fight.

A swastika tattoo is oxymoronic m8.

NatSoc stood in opposition to degeneracy. A tattoo is a tell that someone is subhuman and unworthy, not a member of the master race.

Understand that throughout history, tattoos are how the oppressed and savage express themselves. Be it: prisoners, gang members, rebellious pro-athletes, strippers, circus freaks.

A white man frowns upon tattoos. God gave you a perfect tool and vessel with your physical form. You enter this life with no markings (of the beast, or otherwise); the only markings you should have when you exit this world should be: scars - these are God's tattoos, the marks of a survivor, wisdom as healing.

Your actions should speak to your NatSoc beliefs and lifestyle. Live healthy, educate yourself, dress to impress but set the standard for white masculinity.

Tattoos are for nig-nogs and the fallen.

Why not get a blood type tattoo instead? More subtle but still the same message to those who understand it.

If you ever get sent to jail you could find yourself in a spot of bother.

Are ya fukking retarded?
They can and will go after you.
The tattoo is like a brand, you can't remove it and everbody who will see it,will judge you not by your speech but by your looks.
If we hitting Weimar tier times, every side will try to remove the political enemy and having a political tattoos make you easy idientify especially for your enemies.

Shave your head and get it down, let your hair grow back over it
Pray you never go bald


Pretty sure they arrested some guy in Germany for having a "Arbeit Macht Frei" tattoo or some other nazi shit.

This is like nigger pants sagging. Its an identifier for law enforcement. Also the majority of "based" tattoo artist are going to be bikers and they usually do shit tattoo work. Unfortunately that industry was invaded by leftist pretty fucking hardcore.

Don't listen to this pussy.

Get a swastika tattoo and then get jacked so no one fucks with you.

That's where you're wrong.
Members of the Waffen SS all had their blood types tattooed simply out of practical need.
Later most tried to remove/cover them up in order to avoid prosecution

Or 1488

Go to prison and get it there

anyone have the pic of that "jew" finding out his grandpa was SS from the tattoo he thought was a concentration camp tattoo?

They arrested him because he had auschwitz and the Arbeit macht frei.
But the Arbeit macht frei as it self isn't illegal, you would get weird looks but that would it be.

There you go

Just buy the swastika boots you moron, leave footprints that you can laugh off if need be.


There's a line between "Neo-Nazis" and National Socialists, OP. Don't be a stormfag, rise above the rest.

This picture is fucking retarded

Tattoos are degenerate.

a jew with a swastika
that's wierd

They stopped selling those as soon as the footprints went viral

the resemblance is uncanny

Tattoos are degenerate... Are you going to get blue hair and a literal ton of fat behind your skin as well?

You can still get them from aryanwear but their shit is mostly made in china which is ironic lel

>literally doing one of the most degenerate things to your body as an homage to Hitler who hated degeneracy

Funfact many burgers do that and even in the germany army, but the funny part is that the medics have the order to ignore these tattoos so its pretty much useless.

There's more than just one set mate. A cursory google search gives you these at the very least.


>medics have the order to ignore these tattoos
any source on that?

Came in to say this.

However, considering he's in England he'd likely come out a Muslim convert.

tattoos are degenerate and only for jews to be marked with their dedicated oven number

Tattoo Artists are degenerate. I extremely doubt that any swastika have been done in professional parlours, and it they are the parlour will be clearly skinhead owned. I think you need to some some hobbyist, possibly find some tattoo covered skinheads to point you in the right direction.

But Tattoos are degenerate.

Its so 40's
Get a 4 leaf clover

At least get the Sonnenrad tattoed instead, less b8 and to me at least it has more meaning

Please explain my nordic comrade

wow what a douchebag

Hey, this is Ralph. I say get the tattoo, don't be a wuss. Make sure it's solid black too. Try writing to a prisoner and ask for a referral to a trusted tattoo artist. If you look online you will find pen pal services to do so.

By no means is that the same. These tattoos, as you stated, had a practical purpose for emergencies, for a greater good.

A NatSoc tattoo in 2017 does not equal validation, confirmation, or even brotherhood; it's fandom. You like Disney = get a Mickey Mouse tattoo etc.

NatSoc is defined by work ethic, perfectionism, success, resilience, courage, and appearance. Anyone can get a tattoo, therefore it's perhaps the most offensive, least dignified expression of allegiance, esp given how synonymous tattoos are, in ther moden ubiquity, with media-projected (((degeneracy))).

Hi Ralph

No proofs. But he does look suspect, the biggest red flag is that weev hates anime, kikes FUCKING HATE anime.

find Tattoo Stan, he'll sort you out if you still insist

Those aren't swastikas tho

Best location would probably be the underside of the left arm near the armpit, for obviously reasons.

You're dumb.

As long as OP doesn't get a tattoo on his fuckin forehead none of this applies.

Tattoos were for identifying jews user. Now (((they))) will identify you.

What is that, a crow?

Literally no one will think that. Everyone will just think youre an edgy faggot because you are

Read between the lines bruh. Literally.


dont fucking do it
"you're turning into the stereotype that they made you out to be" - Murdoch Murdoch, to a neo nazi gang

If you really want to spite the Jew, get a cross.

Just get one of these it's the Sup Forumslically correct way to let everyone know you're a fascist

Anime is pretty retarded desu. Also, it is heavily promoted in the media so how is it anti-kike?

Get a black sun if anything. I'd say no though, and I'm sure you're not going to if you're asking people. If you do want one buy your own equipment, it's pretty cheap.

Just fucking google it.


Oh shit. Gonna bookmark these for later.

Not everyone is redpilled on swastika's man
You taking quite a risk

>have tattoo visible
>get mistaken for an aryan brother
>"where are you from user, who you with?"
>"O-oh i ju-just think h-hitler didnt do anything b-bad"
>get fucked by aryan brothers and all other races

go for it bud

be a man and get a swastika

>hey cool tattoo brother
>small talk, trade contact info maybe

That's how it would actually happen.

Most artists won't even touch anything like this, much less fuck it up purposefully.

There's a decent chance you'll get the shit beat out of you if you just walk into any old shop and ask for a swastika.