In the Future, there will be self driving tractor trailers

In the Future, there will be self driving tractor trailers.

What will happen to the Trucker community?

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Profession change or welfare

>What will happen to the Trucker community?
They will form roving biker gangs of pirates that loot driverless trailers.

Very good question.
Truck driver is the most common job in the USA. This will create massive structural unemployment. The labour market will readjust after a period of turmoil.
And when you say the "future", self-driving trucks are all ready to go as we speak.

Less cocaine wasted drinking in coffee. Better for us. Cocaine rates declined.


It will be semi-automated at best. Truckers will still be in the cab to observe in case something bad happens. If anything the more efficient driving will save money and the wages will either remain the same or go up.

On the other hand automation can kill a bunch of other industries (fast food/cashiers prime examples)

Mad Max style road wars

>What will happen to the Trucker community?
Hopefully they will all die out.
Truckers are some of the most degenerate humans to ever walk the Earth

Truckers will be fine, only some long haul drives will be automated and will still have someone onboard as a "engineer" making more than a average trucker anywas.

There is still too many local routes delivery truckers that a robot cant navigate as well as load and unload the cargo at stops.

Trucker not worried what so ever reporting in, wish a robot could replace me so I can get neetbucks instead.

Yeah right. You think these will be able to exist in the very brown future?

These things would get robbed constantly unless they had mounted ai controlled rubber bullet guns and tear gas dispensers.

People developing these technologies really need to start adapting their vision to the new reality.

>load and unload the cargo at stops
Truckers don't unload their own shit.

>self driving tractor trailers
And when our countries all devolve into third world brown shitholes, there will be rampant piracy of them. Imagine how easy it would be to stop one and loot it.


Same thing that happened to ship builders when the Dutch invented the automatic saw.
They'll throw a tantrum, but ultimately there's nothing they can do.
Maybe they'll sue their employers and win, but that will last one generation.


simple, equip them with these:

Think of all the unemployed Lot Lizzards.

it can drive maybe but if any small problem occurs like a flat tire or any other mechanical failure I doubt it could just fix itself and those things happen quite often
t. truck driver

>Imagine how easy it would be to stop one and loot it.
They could just hide GPS devices inside the merchandise, and cover the truck with cameras

The same thing that happens when every other industry is automated.

Society collapses because no one cares about anyone else.

Driving a truck isn't like driving a fucking passenger plane. Semi-Automated would just be a waste of money, either fullly or not at all is the only thing that makes sense.

Unless they need someone to operate the rubber bullet turrets.

feels bad man

depends on the contract that the driver signed when they picked up the load.

Didn't even read the thread before I posted. Just seemed like a logic conclusion.

GPS is already used. There is still looting, and adding cameras won't stop shit.

There won't be any stores either everything will be bought digetally.
The product will be in a warehouse where automated forklifts get it and put it where robots divide the product and put it on a belt that brings it to the automated truck.
Good luck finding jobs in the future.
Honestly, it will be the death of Capitalism. It simply won't work in the future where robots do everything.
It's the best system now. But it can't work if the future goes in that direction.

haha holy shit

That's awesome and yet at the same time it's sad that things have gotten so bad for south african whites that they need to mount flamethrowers on their cars.

Things like this are the true inventions of the future. Forget all that utopian nonsense, that isn't happening anymore. We're going full children of men.

you can only shoot down drones and rob self driving tractor trailers for so long before the establishment mounts automated turrets voiced by siri

All of this is expensive to implement and monitor.

If there are no jobs how will people buy things from these automated factories?

I have to load my truck each morning, go out and make between 6-14 stops where I load and unload, get back to depot and unload truck. A robot will never be able to do my job until it is complete ai.

tell them about not getting liquidized by the cell towers.

Only the already super wealthy will be able to afford anything. The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer.

>GPS is already used. There is still looting, and adding cameras won't stop shit.
They will just travel in convoys
have a one or two people for 100 trucks if anything goes wrong

I can't wait. It will be awesome, the lefty cities will not lose enough to care but will be too weak to do anything if they did.

Automation is going to facefuck us so hard.

Telemarketing, any sort of cargo/shipping (trucking, mail delivery, etc), any sort of clerk, many service and manual labor jobs.

We're gonna be stuck with massive unemployment.

What should do is use the wealth generated by automation to financially support individuals replaced by automation. It would start the shift from our current economy where everyone is forced to work to keep themselves from starving, to one where people work based on their desired and talents where the work required to keep society functioning is automated.

What will happen instead is people will just be fired left and right and the savings on worker salaries will go straight to the business owners and no one else.

Driving on the road isn't like flying an airplane. There aren't 3 axes of freedom, and it's not like you're going to run into road work at 30,000 ft.

Highway driving and limited residential access is the best we can hope for. Any belief of complete automation on existing infrastructure is a pipe dream.

>In the Future, there will be self driving tractor trailers.
nope, because people would fuck with them.
could you imagine a self driving tractor trailers going through a ghetto?, shit wouldn't last. niggers would put up roadblocks to stop the truck and loot them.
wal-mart self driving truck filled with TVs = looted.

Automation=eventual genocide. Once it's feasible enough and 30-40% of jobs are automated, you'll see a gigantic bloodbath.

Don't question so I'm assuming this baiting I'm willing to swallow because I'm sitting at a philly gook Noodle lounge next to the worst liberal scum. (The restaurant loves me so I cum back.) of course automotive transportation we change the workforce landscape. You are obviously not here for discussion with such an inane """""question""""". Here I'll help a kike make another (YOU). After occupation trucker doesn't exist, who will suck your cock in the parkway interstate gas station?

I'm a security guard at the minute, am i ok for 40 or so years or are our days numbered too?

Security would probably go up since somebody needs to watch the digital tech. Frankly you might be seeing a security guard, a manager, and a digital tech at a Wendy's rather than a dozen employees.

self driving tractor trailers going through a ghetto
bunch of nigs put up road block
bunch of nigs with crodless saws cut side of truck open..
done in 30mins.

>could you imagine a self driving tractor trailers going through a ghetto?, shit wouldn't last. niggers would put up roadblocks to stop the truck and loot them.
And then the camera's would spot them and automatic security alarms would be given when something is bound to happen. At which point the truck will reroute or will be taken over by somebody in the logistics hub. Just to be safe extra strong locks and doors could be applied.
Other than that roads with a lot of robberies would get any patrols.

According to your logic every truck right now should be heavily armed or something.

I imagine security guard is pretty safe. they need people to guard all this stuff.


>self driving trucks avoid those areas
>articles start coming out saying self driving trucks are racist

This sounds like wealth redistribution to me. Its not the CEO's fault that the literal monkeys who drive trucks weren't smart enough to start Amazon or build driverless vehicles, and redistributing the profits made as a result of not having to hire people to do these menial tasks means you might as well continue to hire people generally, otherwise you're going to have worse social problems when people realise they've having all the time in the world to do whatever they want isn't actually all it's cracked up to be.

Anything good in this world came from someone who had to work a shitty job day-in-day-out until either their creation saved them financially or they at least had the satisfaction of creating something to make them feel better about themselves while they continue to do the shit job and then die.

Take it from me - I have never had a job, I have had near endless wealth handed to me by hard working parents who thought the best thing they could do was to make it so I didn't have to do what they did. They were wrong. I run a business now but it's probably going to close next year because it's in a competitive field. I don't make a profit. £60k has been sunk into it that I'll never pay back.

And I get to live the rest of my days knowing it failed because I didn't do a good enough job, and with no skills or experience to fall back on when I inevitably have to enter the real job market.

I'm fucked, and it's all from "not needing to worry about money".

The only joy I have now is to see this Universal Basic Income shit actually happen and watch an entire generation become depressed morons like me.

Two people aren't going to stop a gang of niggers. They would likely get kidnapped or killed.

They're already building security robots to replace people. Google it.

This and all other posts of the form
>Automated trucking won't work because people will fuck with the trucks
How is an automated truck any more vulnerable than a truck with one person driving it?

Like in this scenario where a gang of nigs have put up a road block and are going to try strip down the truck. How is an automated truck vulnerable to this but a truck with one dude in it not? Any defense a person could mount against attempted robbery could be automated to at least the same standard, if not better.

More welfare is the sad trend for mankind. We are literally heading towards a Wall-e dystopia. Only it will be worse than Wall-e, because we will all have been turned into indistinguishable mongrel trash before long, and we won't build amazing and luxurious spaceships to escape from the overcrowded and polluted Earth.


/o/ will lose 90% of its activity when truckerfag generals are gone from the board. I'll actually miss that. Truckerfags have neat stories.

>How is an automated truck any more vulnerable than a truck with one person driving it?
because it will HAVE to stop or get sued
one with a driver can decided to stop or not

Cleaned a brake check area for truckers today. Shit bags and piss jugs everywhere

The fat greasy stereotype trucker will struggle. The 90% of truckers who are normal hard working people will compete for other jobs which will bring wages down. Learning how to drive an 18 wheeler in the city is a lot harder than learning how to do roofing or flooring or plumbing. This is bad for everyone.

A lot R&D time is going into this, their first priority above all others was probably nigger-proofing these things, or more accurately a nigger deterent system like an looped audio recording of random black child asking questions like "ayyy yo, you my dad right?"

>hundreds of niggers sprinting away in all directions

Receiver in a facility. I intentionally do a shit job unloading the truck until 9/10 take the jack from me and do it themselves.

>poos took all the engineering jobs with their H1B bullshit
>white STEMfags end up building ECM systems for hijacking self driving trucks
>tfw you just wanted to have a comfy job and now you're in the sidecar of a motorcycle driven by a naked ex-trucker with silver spray paint all over his mouth running the GPS and lidar jammers for a 5% cut

Or you could... get a job?

I switched careers and I'm going through trucking school right now and I love it. I don't give a shit about all the automation gloom and doom cuz we're all fucked anyway.

>showing an "unemployed man walking" how to do your job.
You are the weakest link.

>because it will HAVE to stop or get sued
What on earth do you mean by this?

Also in the case of a barricade, how often do you hear about truckers having to blow through barricades to avoid robbery?

All these scenarios seem very disconnected from reality.

hopefully they FOAD

Truckers are degenerate

I can also see niggers throwing themselves or their babies in front of them to sue, If auto driving vehicles become a normal mainstream thing.
The most we will ever see is assisted driving, where the driver can sleep on the long runs, and have an alert system to wake him up if anything comes up.

so you would rather have several million starve to death or potentially form a massive rebellion or have mr bergstein keep all the money saved from the salaries?

>I've never driven a vehicle in my life and I don't understand how the world works

What a lazy fuck

They could also do that with a real truck.

I doubt self-driving vehicles will actually ever be a real working alternative, and I think this mostly has to do with how shoddily everything is done these days.

Cell phones are constantly dropping calls and messing up, computers at all levels are having technical glitches and malfunctions and as cars become more electronic, more things are going wrong with them for seemingly no reason. Just look at how many cars have been recalled in the past couple of years. Toyota took a bunch of flak for having cars that wouldn't brake, GM is constantly recalling tens of thousands and sometimes millions of cars because of all kinds of problems they're having. And then you expect me to believe that some code monkey locked in a cubicle for months on end - someone who has never driven a big truck or has any hands-on experience with driving larger vehicles (or even hands-on experience with basically anything in the real world) is going to be able to code a vehicle well enough to drive itself around.

What's going to happen when a AI-driven cross-country truck carrying stuff has a flat tire? How is it going to know WHERE to pull over (not ever bit of highway has enough room for a semi-truck to? How will it know where to get gas? How will it know where the diesel pumps are and maneuver itself around so the gas tank is on the same side as the pump without flattening anyone? What is to stop someone like me from getting a buddy of mine to park a car in front of one of these trucks, make it stop, and then simply cut open the back and take some of that stuff before moving the car out of the way and watch as it carry's on?

By the time you pay for the AI driving software to develop that shit to be even halfway reliable, you could have just paid Bubba whatever measly amount of money he makes in a year to drive a truck for you.

well memed.

They get a job supervising the fleet like people do now with automated mining equipment.

Labor will move to other areas.

Illegals will be kicked out.

Probably become like the first fast and furious movie except the truckers will be ripping off the robots and selling the haul.

You're a cool guy Sumeet

>It will be semi-automated at best. Truckers will still be in the cab to observe in case something bad happens

This. You still need the driver to verify shipments are unloaded and the correct freight is being picked up (and loaded correctly).

In a lot of cases the commercial responsibility passes to the customer once the freight is on the truck. So they're going to want to have one of their own people doing that verification (or someone that they've contracted out to).

The advantage with automation is that the trucks can run all night and won't be bound to the hours/day restrictions trucker currently have.

10% mate we ain't stingy like your bosses.

They will go back to India

Well for the truckers doing drop and go their jobs will probably be bye bye. That kinda sucks if that purely their job. I know a lot of Wal-Mart drivers are basically grab trailer -> drive to next DC -> back it up to door and leave.

Some places like my DC will probably keep drivers around since its in their contract to actually go into the back of the trailer, set up their rollers and push freight to the store crew.

I'm going to guess something like 50/50 on job loss but I feel like the industry will accomodate for those better drivers doing drops and get them work.

For the record I am not a paid homeless man (that's what a shitload of drivers come off as to me) and just work in an office.

>Truckers don't make good money.

I love that the public believes this. Meanwhile, we're making bank and trucking jobs are so high in demand we have the freedom to switch to the highest paying companies. It's not hard to make six figures with a year experience.

>What's going to happen when a AI-driven cross-country truck carrying stuff has a flat tire?
Same thing human drivers do when they experience something beyond their capacity to handle. Pull over, radio for help, wait for help to arrive.

>How is it going to know WHERE to pull over (not ever bit of highway has enough room for a semi-truck to?
Same way it knows where lanes are or when it can change lanes without killing someone.

>How will it know where to get gas? How will it know where the diesel pumps are and maneuver itself around so the gas tank is on the same side as the pump without flattening anyone?

In the short term they would just pull up to fuel stops and have humans refuel. In the long term autonomous trucks would travel in platoons with a fuel car for refueling without stopping.

>What is to stop someone like me from getting a buddy of mine to park a car in front of one of these trucks, make it stop, and then simply cut open the back and take some of that stuff before moving the car out of the way and watch as it carry's on?

What's stopping you from doing this with a truck with some guy driving it? You're also assuming the truck would have no means of detecting tampering or break in, no means of signaling for help, no means of defending itself.

The number of replies here are delusional. Self driving cars are coming and they are much better then people. Googles self driving cars have covered 2 million miles and have only had 1 accident that was the fault of the vehicle.

There are already autonomous trucks. They are driving from Germany to Holland through the Autobahn and side roads.

The vast majority of trucking jobs will be elimated within the next 15 years. The rate of truck robberies will not increase because cops will still be around just as they are today.

But truckers will be out of a job which is great because there are some on this board that complain about welfare & praise the free market so I am sure you adjust accordingly without assistance.

You guys make decent money but I just can't imagine the life style. I got guys pissed at their driver managers because they haven't been home in two weeks. Shit like that.

So i picked the right low-end career? sweet.

Oh and future message to the outsourced underclass at the gates i will have to shove and tell to fuck off we're not hiring fleshies...Nothing personal. I know im protecting Mr. Goldstienes assets but im just serving my own intrests. if it gets really bad, ill become 'corrupt' enough to turn a blind eye when the remaing staff nick the new iphone 87.

That or ill be doing security in a more dire place/situation. Hope they give me a watchtower and gun at least.

Oh and btw we already have security guards in mcdonalds in town center's to deal with yobs and drunks on weekends.

I'll start getting worried when the security robots are able top detect liars/decite. I'll hopefully be the security bots manager anyway so it doesnt do that. by the time they perfect that ill probably be retired/dead/murdered and eaten on the way to work by gangs of poverty vermin.

yeah man, its a tough life. I only have one monitor and it's only 24 inches.

Truck driver here.

We have high wind storms
Harsh snow storms
Black ice everywhere
High hills with snow and blackice
Insane rainstorms and dirt roads sometimes.

Good luck automating a truck without killing a few million people in try out errors also in big cities top fucking kek also animals crossing the road and accidents on high ways good luck making an automatic robot understand a dead body on the road or a car

I can't wait to watch the Self Driving Tractor Trailer marathon on A&E in the near future.

Who knows what whacky hijinks will go down.

that's probably going to happen

the truth is that mr bergstein isn't any smarter than anybody else. people who run companies typically aren't intellectuals nor are they particularly perceptive or empathetic. so... basically every single one of them is going to think "i PERSONALLY can save money by automating and firing all of my employees - so that's what i'll do"

then the rich get so rich and the poor get so poor that society will collapse unless some agreement can be reached.

this has basically happened many times throughout history. it's why rome fell, it was the cause of the french revolution.

unless modern weaponry really does make it possible for 0.1% of the population to live in absolute decadence while 99% of people live in basically ghettos and 0.9% makes up a tiny middle class of servants/guards/teachers/etc. and nobody can do anything because there are walled cities with patriot missiles ready to kill poor people who disagree

And they say unregulated capitalism doesn't work.

Made me think, wouldn't it be a good job if the education system taught kids to be self sufficient ?

And how will our economy survive ? We will literally need to tax the rich and introduce a universal basic income.

Have you ever been blown by a twink at a rest area?

>Same thing human drivers do when they experience something beyond their capacity to handle. Pull over, radio for help, wait for help to arrive.
But again, how does it know that where it's pulling off to is gonna be stable and flat enough for it and it's not gonna fall over? The thing is, humans have a brain and can make minor adjustments based on the senses. The computer only knows what the idiot who programmed it tells it, and even at that, the computer has an incredible tendency to forget things. Just ask the people whose car's break systems stopped working and they couldn't turn off their car.

>Same way it knows where lanes are or when it can change lanes without killing someone.
Same way it can read stop lights?
So impressed ...

>In the short term they would just pull up to fuel stops and have humans refuel
If only there was a way you could have a human inside the truck who could refuel it himself...

>In the long term autonomous trucks would travel in platoons with a fuel car for refueling without stopping.
That sounds really unnecessary and like a huge, moving traffic jam

>What's stopping you from doing this with a truck with some guy driving it?
The fact that big Cletus in there probably has a pistol or a tire iron, and he will just drive around the small roadblock because he's a human with a brain and not a series of algorithms trying to pilot a truck down the highway.

>You're also assuming the truck would have no means of detecting tampering or break in, no means of signaling for help, no means of defending itself.
People have found a way to hack into cars now that they're mostly electronic. Card theives have already found a way to work-around those chip cards. If you don't think they couldn't jam the truck signal or something else that disables it, you're putting waaaay too much faith in this bullshit.

hey, we have the same speakers

Oh and fog as well we get insane fog for miles and miles we can't see shit

The spread of STDs across state lines will go down considerably.

I can always count on user to ask the real questions

Question if people started trying to sabtoge this whats stopping them whether it be hacking or throwing spikes on the road and how do driveless vehicles react

they run you over.

I agree, I work in oil and gas and have been on fucked up roads. There are two ways I can imagine self-driving systems working:

1. Built to suit
i.e. highways having well-annotated lanes, transmitters above the highway demarcating lanes, etc.

2. Follow the leader
I can see this as viable. Instead of one truck driver driving one truck, one driver driving one truck and nine others following him could work. The automated trucks would have to rely on limited programming to detect obstacles or pedestrians, but there would be no guesswork with lanes/change in road conditions since the infrastructure would not change in a span of a few minutes.

I never considered this but I strongly believe it will happen.

The lead truck will have a driver.
The convoy following will be automated.


One thing I noticed going from a manual to one of those "automagic" t680's is that that even though it's an automatic, it only operates on data that exists in the present... ie. it cannot see that steep grade I'm about to ascend, so instead of downshifting pre-emptively to retain speed, it will stay in top gear till way too late and I'll be going slower than dried dog shit.

It can't see what we see. It doesn't have the power to make the judgment calls that we make almost every second while on the road.