Do you agree with this Sup Forums?
Do you agree with this Sup Forums?
Are you the Pole that posts all the cuck porn?
Also sage.
Obviously I'd be thinking of both naked...
>Hey you guys hey you guys hey you guys what's your favorite color you guys
>tfw no milf to cuddle with
why even live senpai?
It's pretty accurate. As a young kid, all you could think about were the older, voluptuous women from TV or the magazines. Then as you get older, the younger women become the impossible, forbidden fruit.
Especially since your sexuality likely began with young women, your memories of how great it was change your perception of sexuality. You wish you could go back to the time when it was virgins everywhere, still innocent and unjaded by adult sexuality.
>/RWSS/ threads deleted within minutes
>Shit like this allowed to stay.
Looks like feminist propaganda
>not thinking of them making out on your chest
Only if you are a lolicon for fashion
correct answers
That the age of consent should be lowered?
what the fuck does this even mean?
is that a feminine penis i see?
fucking pedo
Is it bad my thought process as I've gotten older is similar or...
>virgins everywhere
What time period did you live in, lad? Sluts were fucking in the 6th grade around here.
it's not if the age of consent is lower. For example I can legally fuck a 16 year old. Nothing wrong with that, in the US I would be considered a pedo, but not here because it's legal.
Fuck you. Your age of consent is 15 ours is 18
well it's not fucking astrophysics
mexican is twelve, spic degenerates
16 is age of consent in at least a few states, pretty sure it's lower in some.
Nah senpai, you're not alone. It's like said. I can always fuck older women, but I can never go back to being 14 and fucking qt virgins
It really is a forbidden fruit.
A tall guy wants a small dainty girl and the manlet wants a thicc woman
>For example I can legally fuck a 16 year old. Nothing wrong with that,
u are a social outcast that needs to be raped by refugees