Race is a social construct

>race is a social construct

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On a serious note, Susan Boyle makes some great fucking music holy shit


white people were a mistake

it is though, not to say there aren't differences in genetics, but how we group them together is arbitrary

> We're all equal

>Irish vs English

>race is a social construct
we should push this

sauce on the first girl

abos are not human

I love that guy. You can see him thinking "I lived 50,000 years ago, but was already smarter than niggers today".


These people are both ethnically celt

Guys, you're so awful, you need to be more tolerance!

uhm, lemme ask you these: what social construct is the nigger?

The Irish race must be exterminated

dont know where from but I remember seeing her in a pic smacking some girls ass, austisticly searching drive now

>but some are more equal than others

Smack my bitch up

One is 20 another is 60.

Nice try.

But yeah you're right.

Bad photoshop job, would still dive into.

Roads are a social construction

obvious photoshop is obvious

by their similarities

thats a shop

>with makeup, without makeup

Scottish you cuck

Subhumans nonetheless

ive been looking for the sauce since 2012.

More like the British Empire was a Jewish cancer and you'll lap up cartoons as valid physical anthropology

rapper kitty pryde u mook