Why haven't you swallowed the ultimate red pill yet?
Also, thoughts on illegality of substances found in your backyard?
Why haven't you swallowed the ultimate red pill yet?
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I have user. I need to start growing again soon, thanks for the reminder.
I grew some, but not with those shitty growkits you find online. I did a bulk grow.
Anyways I couldn't really enjoy them. The body load is too intense. The anxiety and the nausea on the comeup pretty much ruins the trip for me every time, whether it's 1g or 6g's. I ended up giving them all away, something like 3 oz's that I had.
LSD is better.
yes, the government will come crashing down on you if they find out you want the freedom to explore your mind.
all these fake nazis and catholics will chime in muh degeneracy
these grow in the backyard at my parents house been picking them for years
This. After a few bad experiences with mushrooms, I'm done. Never again. Find some genuine LSD if you can.
The reason I like mushrooms so much is I know always what I'm getting.
What they sell as LSD could be whatever.
Did you have bad trips?
I couldn't really call my trips bad, I was in a good mind set and I was in my home. Nothing bad happened. But I was simply too nauseous, too anxious and too restless to enjoy the trip, and I made too many runs to the bathroom to induce vomiting. I tried tea, powder in pills, and eating the mushrooms whole and nothing cures the anxiety or nausea, even ginger root and dramamine.
I looked up some things to do to distract yourself on shrooms and people kept recommending "oh watch a movie, play a video game, do some drawing." I don't know how anyone could pay attention to a movie when the comeup of a mushroom trip hits you. Every stimuli just gets annoying and uncomfortable. It's like amphetamine speedy. I just end up lying on my bed and twitching about. I tried tripping outside a couple times but the paranoia that I might get arrested was too much.
Plus, the auditory hallucinations. My god I fucking hate those on shrooms. Everything sounds like a goddamn menacing echo reverb. Even my computer fans with their low hums sound like some demon generators. It's unbearable.
Describe your bad trips?
Did you vomit on your lap and just lie there in the stink while tripping?
I just did shrooms today for the first time in years and despite sprawling vomit all over the kitchen sink, the rest of the trip was clean and nice. The vomit in fact felt purifying so long as it's aimed at toilet or sink.
Not making tea
>Also, thoughts on illegality of substances found in your backyard?
well it's not technically illegal, it's illegal government enforcement of monopoly, but plenty of the shit government does is illegal, never trust a woman or a government
>LSD is better.
good luck finding some that was properly made with the final chromatography done correctly, most places skip that part but it's very important
>yes, the government will come crashing down on you if they find out you want the freedom to explore your mind.
only if you're interfering with the monopoly they protect, you're free to do what you want and nobody will fuck with you if you avoid commerce
the bible has a hallucinogen in it in Exodus
>I looked up some things to do to distract yourself on shrooms and people kept recommending "oh watch a
Forget all that shit. Build yourself a nice little nest to lie in, then just let go and sink into it.
The worst nausea comes when you try to stay in control.
I'd rather dry it, grind it and eat it on a sandwich.
There are multiple countries each with their own laws.
For example, in Finland. Eating the shrooms is not illegal, but picking them up or possessing them is. Meaning you could just chow down shrooms directly from the ground and no-one would give a shit.
>tfw no connect.
To calm anxiety I make tea
grind up the dried mushroom and mix it with chamomile and maybe some lemon
throw that all in a teabag and steep it
this creates a quicker smoother trip
when i do shrooms, i eat them on an empty stomach, no nausea that way in my experience.
I just use Ehrlich reagent to test my LSD
that's signs of a heavy detox, you should do a detox before taking them, only eat fruits and veggies and healthy food, only think positive thoughts, no smoking, no drinking, no bad habits, then you won't have such a heavy body load
>using a grow kit
I do roughly 10 bulk tubs a month, get on my level and stop wasting money on kits that NEVER turn out like your pic related
if you eat them off the ground like a grazing cow it's legal
I tried tea and also fasting. It's better than eating the shrooms dried, or on a full stomach, I agree, but not by much. I still end up having to induce vomiting or otherwise the nausea will just distract too much from the trip.
It's weird because I never had any nausea with any other psychedelics, especially mescaline in the form of San Pedro cactus tea which went down smooth. Mushrooms just don't agree with my stomach.
post some piccs
This, also stay away from white noise and electronics. Try tripping during the day with 2 or 3 good buddies in a comfortable outdoor location. Totally changes the experience.
I just googled mushrooms.
I have used a plastic storage box.
Never take pics, never post shit like that on the net.
You can call bullshit on me all you want but I don't intend on letting Jamal and his 10 friends ass rape me in prison any time soon
I am from the midwest where cubensis are common. Here in the northwest, they have...er... some other kind. Much smaller. I forgot.
Well, I did what was a reasonable amount for the midwest, but was basically 5x too much for the northwest. So, yes, I had an absolutely horrifying experience. I basically went to hell for an hour. I could try to describe it, but you'll just have to take my word for it.
I lost all sense of where I was, who I was, and that I was on shrooms. My entire being just became fear. I saw terrible things, and couldn't make sense of the world around me when I opened my eyes, but closing my eyes was like going straight back to hell, so I had to alternate between an inner world of terror and an outer world of pure chaos.
I admit 100% that it was my mistake, and I can't blame it on the mushrooms. I've done smaller amounts since then, but now it just feels like I'm headed back to that place, so I've stopped enjoying them.
I've had bad experiences with LSD too, but it never took me where mushrooms did. Not even close.
In all honesty, drugs are stupid. Don't do them. But if you're gonna do them, read up on dosages and what to expect.
Where does one acquire the spores to grow one's own mushrooms, the wild?
i also have only ever done fresh mushrooms, usually liberty caps i picked myself, but a couple of times i bought fresh cubensis.
drying and cooking degrades the psilocin almost entirely and partially degrades the psilocybin, so you're really just wasting them if you do that imho.
if the taste of fresh makes you gag, which they probably will, just chop them finely and wash them down with water as if they were a pill.
what type of pc do you have, I always get jelly of the aa 75x
Get a test kit online, but when you get real LSD you'll know. I've never encountered NBOMe or DOx but they will taste bitter and the former will be on big thick tabs. And some of the NBOMe's have a narrow dose profile b/w enough to feel it and enough to kill you. Most other RCs won't even fit on a small blotter or 'microdot/window pane' so they will often be passed off as synth. mescaline or some horseshit.
You don't.
go to church, get a psychiatrist, and a good christian support network.
58qt sterilite clear plastic storage tubs w/purple handles are best. Keep your airflow holes about an inch above the substrate, and make sure they're 1.5 inches across and that you only have 2 on each long side. Put 2 more just under the handles (1 each side).
Use heavy white crafters felt glued over the long side holes, poly fill is a waste here. Keep the poly for under the handle holes
You can just order them online. They're legal to buy for microscopic research. Just don't grow anything illegal with them!
Lol, a fucking presto 28qt or some shit, biggest one. The AA pcs are a fucking meme. I use my presto weekly for 10 years and had to spend a graND total of 10 bucks on new seals once
I took THE BEST shit of my life on mushrooms. It was amazing. I still remember it years later.
Could you point it out?
Protip you can put lad in an alcohol based solution
Biter taste does not mean its bad, BUT if the taste lasts longer than 10 min its certainly fake
what is taking shrooms like? idk if i would want to take enough to where shit starts talking to me, I feel like that could go south for me really quick. did LSD once, was pretty enjoyable but my emotions were like WAVES crashing into I almost couldnt handle it. drew some pretty col stuff tho
People like you should never be allowed to touch these medicines. You have no fucking clue what you're doing. Try to understand their use in a ritual, fuckheads.
Free spore earth
2.5 grams is enough for a good first trip.
Put some music on. Just lay down and travel into the music.
Gonna be taking my first Shrooms tomorrow, I will also have a bit of weed with me any tips for a beginner?
you got to up your game senpai
Like with any psychedelics your mileage may vary.
Shrooms is a typical psychedelic insofar as it makes you hallucinate and puts you in an altered state of consciousness.
Now the depth and intensity of the hallucinations and the state of consciousness depends on your dose and mindset, as well as your individual brain chemistry.
As far as "shit starts talking to me" it varies. Shrooms do cause auditory hallucinations. For some people this manifests as music having a cleaner, crisper quality and awesome to listen to. For others it's hearing voices that are not really there. For me, personally, I was hearing echos and reverbs of every little sound to the point that it was very unpleasant. Not scary, just annoying and made me slightly nervous.
Wow gonna need a quick rundown on this story
PSA to everyone who had "bad trips" on shrooms
You first need to understand the folliowing:
1. Shrooms are a medicine
2. Shrooms kill your ego. This feels like you're dying. You are supposed to embrace this death because you WILL die, we all will die.
3. After surrendering to this death you will be reborn. This is the magic of this medicine.
If you're a fuckhead who doesn't understand how to use this medicine you will get burned like pic related
see music
You don't know anything about me, loser. I never did mushrooms just to trip and have a good time, I did them with spiritual purpose. I meditated for a week and several hours before I tripped and read spiritual guides. Don't assume things about people.
I'm plenty big enough mang. I'm in the process of quitting altogether actually. I'm gonna mentor this dude I know for a n little while longer and turn all of it over to him. It's just not worth it when ya have a family n kids and all that good old white people shit.
There is nothing redpilling, and potentially a lot of bluepilling, about drugs.
You have to be in a safe 'SET & SETTING. That means a safe mindset and a safe environment. You need to be prepared for your ego to die. It will feel like you are actually dying. You have to be ready to embrace this. Understand this won't physically kill you. Otherwise don't eat it.
>I looked up some things to do to distract yourself on shrooms
smart of you, be safe man
I used to run a tub occasionally, but it's not worth the potential trouble.
I'm more focused on edibles and farmers markets now, mushrooms are an amazing thing.
>every trip must be a breakthrough dose of 7gs or you're doing it wrong
>Eating the shrooms is not illegal, but picking them up or possessing them is
>eating them directly off the ground like a cow while a police officer carefully watches you
Make sure you will not have to interact with any authority figure ie parents, landlord, etc
Pre roll your joints and make them small. When tripping rolling a joint will take you forever and it will suck. I tend to want to chain smoke while tripping so thats why i roll many small joints
Going outside can be pretty fucking magical.
If you have a pool swimming is pretty fun.
If you feel uncomfortable just change your scenery and you should be just fine.
And as always remember that no matter how you feel or how much you took it WILL end in a few hours so just chill and follow where the mush takes you man
It was like a two-hour long shit (although that could have just been in my head).
It felt amazing as I was shitting it out, as I was mesmerized by the awesome tile pattern on my bathroom floor.
It was a loooong one-piece shit, and it came out clean. Total ghost wipe.
When I looked in the toilet, there it was: Perfectly coiled like a snake. I wish I had taken a picture of it.
Is that what I said? No, it's not, at all.
If you're not prepared to treat this as a medicine and be with what is happening right now and treat it as some past-time then you deserve everything coming your way.
I may not grow cubes, or pans or whatever but, well...
Fresh oyster shrooms are like 100 buck a pound and cost me about 15 to produce.
Reishi is where it's at though: 1,000/lb and costs me about 75 to produce.
I'm just gonna go legit is all, basically a fucking moonshiners episode lol
Thanks brother, I don't have any rolling papers but I do have a nice Bong and I live alone so I don't have to worry about interacting with anyone.
Wrong board
I fucking hate you God damned hippies that try to be all pseudo spiritual, I tax the fuck out of thought-kikes like you
Don't abuse anything you double-nigger.
Fucking coffee could ruin your life if abused correctly.
I'm really interested in psychedelics but my sister is mentally ill and I'm afraid I'll go insane
Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment with us
Psychedelics are way too dangerous. Maybe a once life experience. But OP is encouraging people to use them, as a "mind opening" and its not.
Its just destroying your ego, and shit can be as hard and "educational" first time but a total disaster the more you do it.
Because I don't want to die horribly from eating random backyard mushrooms.
You seem like some kind of autist who looks down on anyone who's ever had a bad trip because they were unprepared or just stupid. The truth is that the medicine, as you call it, interacts differently with everyone, and that even the most seasoned of psychonauts can have otherwise negative trips.
This does not always manifest as that sensationalist news article you posted where people get naked in the midst of a trip. Sometimes it means everything went right, and a person was in the right mindset and environment, but the body load became uncomfortable and the trip was not enjoyable or spiritual.
Don't act like you're some kind of spiritual purist and assume anyone who doesn't experience ego death in the right way isn't doing the shrooms properly. It doesn't make you look wise or well-informed.
I'm OP and I've used shrooms since teenager.
Granted I took a four year long break from them.
>It felt amazing as I was shitting it out, as I was mesmerized by the awesome tile pattern on my bathroom floor.
my God I know that feel... and yes, it was the absolute most satisfying shit I've ever had, much more spiritual than any of the shit this fag is spouting off
Why would they skip chromatography?
It's easy as shit, especially with an hplc which you can nigger rig out of pumps and a silica column if you don't have access to a real one
Whatever you do, don't trip with a friend that is paranoid or worried about cops. No one knows your tripping so do whatever the fuck you want.
my grandmother is schizophrenic and i have used mushrooms and lsd many times with no problem. stimulants however... gave me a psychosis
>No one knows your tripping so do whatever the fuck you want.
Just uncontrollable laughing, senses multiplied by x10, and fucking alien pupils. And some hardcore energy to do whatever you want. Feel like crying, bitch you will do it. Feel sad, bitch you will merge with sadness, feel funny, bitch you will laugh for minutes straight.
Please spread my story amongst all of the faiths. Others must hear of this wondrous poo.
haha yeah nice
maybe one day after pot is legal they will open up the laws for psilocybin mushrooms
until then good luck be safe
I don't get it.
Are you for shrooms or against?
I've heard lsd is worse than mushrooms. Do you know anything about DMT? That's the one I want to try.
I didn't have to strain at all, it was like it was just falling out of my ass, and it just kept coming and coming and coming.... a truly spiritual experience.
...and wow. I'm reliving the moment all over again. This is amazing. THANK YOU Sup Forums!!!
I am telling my experience. Thinking people won't notice you are on them is silly. Yeah its fun, but unlike booze that the next day you are normal. Mushrooms will wipe your ego, and getting it back takes time. It not worth it. If you want to see colors or be spiritual just have sex and get a good rest.
No-one knows you're on them if you're behind a locked door in a room with curtains.
Psilocybin is the most stable source
The appeal of DMT is that it is so intense in such a short amount of time.
It is known as the end-all-be-all grandfather of psychedelics. I've known people who have tripped on all sorts of psychedelics for years but are too afraid to touch DMT because they are not ready. It is something like a sacred rite of passage for a psychonaut. Once you have tried DMT no other trip comes close.
I extracted DMT myself in the summer of 2012. I first vaporized a threshold dose, then a breakthrough one. The experience is ineffable and no earthly language can truly communicate what happens when you break through. Everything happens so fast yet seems like it happens for an eternity.
I guess the best way to describe it, is that you, personally, are being plugged into the galactic supercomputer. Take that for what it's worth.
I used to do a lot of mushrooms, cactus, lsd because I feel for the meme that they would lead to inner development. But psychedelics really do fuck you up in a very insidious way if you do them regularly. It weakens you somehow, turns you into a coward and makes you self-absorbed and boring. It is like the way you fuck a child up by spoiling them with undeserved flattery, you fuck your mind up by spoiling it with glimpses of something you did not attain correctly. It is no different than jerking off, you can create a baby with sex but masturbation is pure meaningless indulgence. Which is fine, as long as you see it for what it is.
...or if you hide in a gym bag.
So what if people notice you on them? Mushrooms probably aren't the first thing people will think. They'll think your just high on weed or just a weird person. I see weird people doing weird shit everyday, I don't just assume they are tripping. You're too paranoid man.
The alien pupils stay for longer than the trip.
>once you have done it +3 times
You brain gets overloaded of stimulation, and when the drugs is off it was to "wire it" to a normal level. Its in this process that the nervous system gets erratic. Like moving your head, hands, or responding way too fast; people will think you are on euphoric drugs like cocaine or some shit.
The things you talk can scare the shit out of people, like saying Guys I know whats the true purpose of life and so on. Like you can go easy on trivial subjects.
Mushrooms last 8 hours, but when I used them I stayed woke for a whole night not feeling tired. It made my face look pale as fuck.
This is coming from someone who didn't have paranoia or anxiety. I friend took them ONCE, fucking ONCE. And other friends told me it was a nightmare. He got paranoid, he was scared the shit out of the whole trip. Crying and shouting, he called his parents and he went to a hospital for the rest of the trip. He run outside the neighborhood too.
Once you do a decent dose of DMT does it make LSD and shroom trips lose their magic? Or are they still fun?
I'm not a fun-guy
I had shrooms last night actually, with my friend. It was the single worst experience of my life because we both went insane, he went catatonic and I thought he was gone forever, I locked myself in the bathroom and cried my eyes out.
>pic related, me totally losing it
My approach to shrooms has always been seasonal.
Since I've always gone harvesting them from the wild in the fall, I've usually consumed my supplies before christmas. I also only eat them during saturday so that I can fully indulge myself in the trip.
How much did your friend take and assuming you were the one who introduced him to shrooms, did you brief him on what's gonna happen?
I can imagine someone being terrified with a large dose and not knowing what's happening.
Wierd people avoid eye contact, or have a childish voice. I am chief service transportation company, plenty of robots and social wierdos. BUT you will never see a people stare a fucking wall for hours or jumping around touching things as if they never saw one before. You can easily tell someone is on psychedelics.
meh, shrooms are great but dont get why people attach such a "spiritual" or in OP's case "red pill" quality to them. It's a drug that is fun to be on that can improve performance. Like meth, or cocaine. There is nothing "red pilling" about it It's like saying having sex is a "red pill"
recently went hunting on 10g+(high tolerance), val, and meth, the visual and auditory amplification that shrooms bring is great, vision at night during the rain was just as good as if it was clear and full moon.
Being in a busy gym on shrooms would be a nightmare.
Some people just can't handle any psychedelics. And that's all right. For me, I feel like a god when I'm tripping, unstoppable. No paranoia. I've tripped about 10 times
>recently went hunting on 10g+(high tolerance), val, and meth
If you've ever taken psychedelics, you know EXACTLY what is going on in the story of Ezekiel's wheel (first thing in the book of Ezekiel, Old Testament)
Dude was homeless living by the river, ate some of the right mushrooms, and thought he had a prophetic vision