Trump win is illegitimate and pathetic. This is a real landslide victory from an underdog.
Trump win is illegitimate and pathetic. This is a real landslide victory from an underdog
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Why is Trudeau so based?
poor based alberta and saskatchewan
surrounded by the red menace
too bad women cant vote without consulting their vag
He fucking sucks. Trudeau is cancer. Literally fuck off, you niggers give leafs a bad name.
Alberta is ten outta ten best province.
>winning with less than a majority of popular vote
You know NPD vote would go red in a dual party system. You cannot escape this.
Mulcair was a bland nothing who shot himself in the foot by pissing off Quebec
Harper had been in power for a decade and it's rare for political parties to last much longer than that
In the days leading up to election night most people expected Trudeau to win - although to be fair the amount that he won by was more than expected.
Fidel's son is as bad a leader as him.
It's literally just the fucking cities, if you look at the map broken down by riding the lib's don't hold much territory.
>openly ginger
And most of that territory is empty as hell; who cares who has Northern Quebec, no one but a couple thousand Inuit live up there,
Redpill me on the New Democratic Party. Why are rural and suburban retards voting for them and what do they stand for?
Almost totally ignorant of leaf politics here. Light blue explains itself I think though.
Funny how only alberta is economically viable.
>Why are rural and suburban retards voting for them and what do they stand for?
They're extremely pro-union, most of Northern Canada relies on industries like oil, mining, or logging. NDP are attractive to these people.
That has only happened 16 times in 42 elections.
The last time it occurred was 1984.
Yah, light blue is simple, leftist French separatists. the NDP is the socialist party, it was born in the prairies originally propped up by farmers so lots of people have family ties and still think the NDP wants to work for the working man like how they used to when in reality they've just become super SJWs, you think Trudeau is bad, we're lucky it wasn't the NDP.
Yup, Justine represents everything a Leaf stands for.
He's the physical embodiment of proof someone fucked your wife.
You guys love it so much you voted for it in droves.
>tfw if Jack Layton hadn't died he would have won the election in a landslide victory
I'm not sure if it would be better or worse, but it would be interesting to see. And at least we would have had a leader that was actually qualified.
Still isnt normal for a "absolute majority" kind of election. It is normal to put the 2 most voted in a zecondary vote so one can get clearly more than 50%
Or better yet just have preferential voting
>Trump win is illegitimate and pathetic.
All choices made by multiple persons, made with first past the post are irrelevant, as way to decide the winner choice or as a way to get data
>"but first past the post is so logical, multiple people say the best choice in their opinion, and the one most people selected is the winner, are you saying everything made this way is bullshit? my world is shattered"
THEY ARE. And using it means you dont care at all about voting, the winner or how usa like their president/politicians......
Wikipedia, somehow (since its is shitty at many subjects of life) does a good job explaining how it sucks and etc..
PS: again this is not about elections, first past the post would be shitty even if the entire world was a anarchist place we were deciding normal life stuff with it
Problably the usa election should be like this.
The election would have 4 parts.
Part 1
Voters from each state vote at their candidates as usual.
Part 2
Each electoral voter vote at the top X winner of the state.
The X candidates with more electoral votes goes to part 3 of election..
Part 3
There are debates at television with top X candidates, they do their ads and etc.... What I am saying here, is that part 3 is not imidiatelly after part 2.
At the election day, people vote at ALL the X candidates, giving an score from 1 to 10. To your vote to count you must vote at all X candidates.
Part 4.
After we get the average of each state is calculated. Each electoral voter, go to the poll and vote at all candidates, giving their state (or area in the case of states with proportional voting) average vote as his vote.
The average rating of all electoral voters is calculated and the winner is decided.
Anyway, the value X is an amount of candidates where voters wouldnt spend an extreme amount of time to vote.
This is needed because of the extreme amount of usa candidates.
If the amount of candidates is somehow less than or equal to X, the part 1 and 2, I talked about here won't be needed.
YES, I am using first past the post (a shitty system) to reduce the amount of candidates to X, but with this extreme amount of candidates and without wanting even more parts/rounds, this is the only thing that can be done, well there is disapproval voting (you vote at the worst candidate and the one with less votes is the best) but this system is a shitty one when you have many candidates..
the Queen needs to take the initiative and disband the Canadian parliament, and run it directly until a sufficiently competent and conservative leader turns up.
Based Jack
Natives going for the gibsmedat party
What a twist!
Either way I am happy that I will be leaving this country in a month
3% voted for the fucking green party, voting for the green party is a new level of cuck, only level 100 sjw's vote green.
Half the people I know who voted for them voted for them for the whole "all of the main options sucked, look at my protest vote" shit, and the other half because "muh free education".
Justin Trudeau may have been very popular at election time, but I feel that Trudeau's reputation has been tarnished severely after he back-peddled from his Electoral Reform promise, in addition to spending huge amounts of taxpayer dollars on virtue-signalling vanity projects that don't benefit people living in Canada.
NDP is just a bunch of liberals back when Layton was still alive they were blue collar socialist.
During the elections I read their platform and it was all Sweden yes bullshit and no socialism at all.
Shocked that the Territories all went Liberal; I've lived in Yellowknife for the best 3 months and people here are even more Conservative than Calgarians.
Wow a fucking leaf, it's fucking nothing/meaningless like your joke of a country
How cute
Look what the junior civics club is doing these days
The greatest political win of ALL time
Disappointed. I thought they were the less cucked part of Canada.
Only a leaf would show the similarities between Trucuck and Trumps victories and see them as different. Electoral college pls
Only when it comes to muslims
All this goes to show is how pathetic and cucked Canada is. Shame, shame, shame.
Yeah Saskatchewan isn't great but it is based and has gotten better
I was wrong, Canada is fucked, Germany of the Americas.
Multiculturalism is the state religion and not even a trace of any ethnic nationalist sentiment that exist in every other country, even the cucked ones (except for germany).
Am i right or there is some secret potential there?
One of the most embarrassing images in human history.
Even Hillary and Obama didn't take a pic like this.
Canada un-Friended.
We all knew he was going to win just because of his fucking name.
His father was the worst thing ever happened to your country.
Not only that, but he represents everything that had gone wrong with the west since the WWII.
Pic related, last canadian flag with meaning.
>hardly a third of the votes
>majority seats in parliament
smells like spoiler effect
You mean his stepdad?
>A fucking leaf
Actually without oil they are on hard times
Are you fucking kidding me .
The NDP are basically Lenin crossed with Sanders. You literally have no idea. People liked Layton because he seemed like the Grandpa everyone wanted. Second he was gone NDP fell to the wolves.
Similar thing with trudeau. Canadians like handsome prime ministers. not boring ones that get shit done.
>Canadians like handsome prime ministers.
Then how did we get Harper for 10 years?
Rural think they are unionists, cities think they are communist.
Well first I was half exaggerating
Second Harper came in as a result of unbelievable corruption in the Liberal party. He did fairly well despite a very left wing press although he was not the most personable at handling reporters.
Politics in Canada is excessively image based and Laytonn had his skewed image as the caring grandfather, and Trudeau as the Canadian Fabio.
As I recall he actually did a fundraiser where women could pay huge sums of money to spend time with him.
Without a doubt, everyone loved this man
Nice proxy, Amerilard. If you were actually Canadian, you would know that's not how our electoral maps fucking look. This is.