Is homosexuality wrong? Why do you guys hate gays? Wouldn't that mean more women for Sup Forums? It seems to me you dont have any reason to hate them other than your bigotry.
Is homosexuality wrong? Why do you guys hate gays? Wouldn't that mean more women for Sup Forums...
Jamming your dick into another man's shit covered anus is absolutely disgusting and people practice it are biologically broken and must be terminated.
Homosexuality is purely for the pleasure, it is a degenerate, unnatural, perverted behaviour.
It does not benefit our folk.
Ask Adolf.
Fun fact: Pedophiles were also given this symbol.
I dont understand what thoughts go through a faggot's head.
>Sitting at home one night.
>You know, I can't help but think that my butt hole is a little bit too comfortable.
>My intestines aren't even bleeding.
>I think I ought to go find somebody to shove some unnatural shit up there.
not an argument
what is next accepting pedos
Homosexuality's condemned, God hates the idea and practice of homosexuality, and Homosexuals hate god, Good hates things that are evil, and evil hates things that are good.
Human homosexuality is a canary in a mine. It is undeniable proof that the stressors introduced as man began to live in larger and larger communities are real and very dangerous.
Humans were never meant to live the way we do and it's a response, a thinning of the herd. It's been shown within fraternal birth order where the more older siblings of the same sex a child has the greater it's chance of being homosexual is.
It's also a response to the mental illness run rampant throughout society. Half of all if not more homosexuals have been molested or sexually assaulted as children and the experience has left lasting scars.
> hate gays
Could care less if someone is gay, but do care, if there is a secret agenda to break down the family structure, break down homogenous societies in order to destabilize them. This is the issue. Homosexuals have been around, and identified in history, since the dawn of civilization. The libcucked are just an example of the divide and conquer techniques being used against us. Difference between /us/ and you, is we realize the manipulation, but you are so brainwashed, you cannot absorb any ideas contrary to what you have been led to believe.
I don't hate homosexuals but it isn't Human (although it may be "natural" in a bestial sense) it is in fact just one of the ways that human sexuality is perverted for sense gratification. As a Christian I hope that homosexuals pray for healing as they are afflicted with such a disordered mind. In all fairness I think the proliferation of pornography is infinitely worse for society than acceptance of homosexuality and I think the former precipitates the latter in fact.
so what about this nigger lover?
Dicks are for chicks,AIDS victim.
You forgot him saying some shit about gook women being "based" and much better then White women
There is no conspiracy..the reality is that modern technology and culture has marginalized Christian values and as our society moves away from those values the benefits they provide also become marginal. The idea that freedom means the ability to engage in endless self degrading acts is a sore misunderstanding of the term. If you're looking for the cause it is not the Jews nor the globalist rather it is people deciding to be enthralled by the shadows on the wall of the cave rather than the Truth which is salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the practice of a Christian lifestyle which honestly is only upheld by the Orthodox Church
But what if degenerates like this bring forth most of Sup Forums values?
That one dick you took or sucked,it was a death sentence,
This just proves that Sup Forums has no real values
Cuz it's icky isn't an argument
Think about the practical benefits of their existence
>practical benefits
Without Christian values America is not worth fighting for
I don't care whether one is a homosexual, bisexual or pansexual in private. The matter is different if he is promoting said perversities as healthy, natural or moral.
Homosexuality is a sign of a deep psychological scar. It's an unhealthy behavior that should never be accepted as 'normal'. It should not be taught to children as an equal alternative to normal sexuality. It should be hidden from public view and isolated in pozzed areas like san francisco, or 'gay neighborhoods' in larger cities.
It shouldn't be banned or criminalized unless it's exhibited in a public space, or promoted where children might see it. And that goes for hand-holding, kissing, etc. It's degenerate, and it needs to be suppressed wherever possible.
All this means for gay men is that they need to start acting like straight people again. No exhibiting your sexuality in public. No parades or degenerate displays of affection/lust where others can see it. We can do it, so can they.
No more parading around in leather chaps, no buttplugs hanging out of your assholes, no fucking/sucking/fisting in public. It's fucking sad that they need these kinds of guidelines imposed on them. Who else needs to be told not to do this shit? No more dressing like dogs and leading eachother around on leashes. No pissing on eachother or dancing around in speedos on stage.
Just act like normal fucking people and we'll ignore you again. Is that really so goddamn hard?
i'm pretty sure the great great majority of homosexuals does not promote homosexuality in any way
Yes, that's true, most just want to do their thing and don't bother anyone. I'm completely fine with those people. However, I have no tolerance for people that want to force you to accept it as a natural and healthy lifestyle, when homosexuality turns into a political movement it becomes as disgusting as it can get.
MGTOW types are just as disgusting as any faggot to be perfectly honest with you, blood of my blood
>Faggotry is not degenerate
Homosexual behavior spreads STDs like wildfire, Bisexuality then spreads it to the rest of society. Nearly every aspect of homo/bi "sexuality" is a recipe for the spread of these diseases such as larger numbers of sexual partners, lower average in committed relationships, sexual acts that are more likely to cause damage to the body (or tear a condom), and a striking correlation with Pedastry
2bh I'm too poor to be fat and I refuse to apply for welfare
How do you explain women and straight men with stds then
We don't hate gays. Sup Forums is at least 50 percent gay or men who enjoy occasional bjs from other men.
"Bisexuality then spreads it to the rest of society."
Bisexuals are those who exhibit sexual attraction towards both the opposite and same sex and would engage in sex with either one
No white nationalist thinks this way faggot
>1 post by this ID
But there are very little bisexuals, it also wasnt gay men who started stds and all that bullshit,it was niggers in africa who fucked monkeys
>Why do you guys hate gays?
Sane heterosexuals are instinctively repulsed by it.
>It's been shown within fraternal birth order where the more older siblings of the same sex a child has the greater it's chance of being homosexual is.
Maybe this is abuse related. Or maybe it has something to do with how the mother changes psychologically with multiple births. Or maybe strong male competition is just more likely to pressure some personalities into it, especially since genetic quality typically declines the more children a mother has.
newfag detected.
Kek approved post
Actual newfag detected
Do you have kids? If not then every fuck you ever had was purely for pleasure.
Lets say you fuck 5000 times in your life and have 3 kids. Then the vast majority of your fucking is for pleasure. Hypocrite.
Ever notice that regular smuggies are mostly just regular people, while shitty leftist ones portray their opposition as literal fat Nazis?
That is the main reason they are so garbage. They go too far with the strawman.
>It's also a response to the mental illness run rampant throughout society. Half of all if not more homosexuals have been molested or sexually assaulted as children and the experience has left lasting scars.
Its your attention to verifiable data that impresses me most.
When it comes down to it, it's women who want kids at the end of the day. Some guys get some ideological motivation to have kids but 99% of males are satisfied as long as they can ejaculate.
It's always women who end up craving kids, I've seen way too many old cat ladies who are clearly obsessed with pets as replacement for kids.
If they don't want to have kids then dude fuck it I don't really need any either.
>very few bisexuals
It's about number of sexual partners of which they on average have more of. Both with homosexuals and straights who then spread it to other straights
>homosexuals didn't start AIDS
They didn't start it but are known as one of the groups more likely to carry the disease
Every group has their sluts though, why should homos be blamed for the actions of the minority
I wouldn't practice it simply because I want children. I have thought about it but honestly the disease rates, the even worse quality of relationships on average. I'd rather not do it simply because it doesn't align with what I want out of life. Also I'm an ugly fuck so it's not like it was an option anyway
It's really fucking simple, dude. There will always be sexual deviants in society, without a doubt and it's not a strange thing that exists in the gay community as well. People do not want to know your orientation. As a gay myself, theres nothing I hate more than the stupid fucking cucks who parade out in the streets. We fought for equal rights, why do you have to corrupt public opinion of us because you want to fuck in public? Makes no fucking sense. Keep it behind closed doors like normal people and there's no problem. (In my opinion, this does not include kissing. If two people are in a relationship, they should be able to kiss eachother in public.)
>As a gay myself
It's not wrong, they just burn in hell for all eternity for it
but why do you care no one is forcing you to watch
I guess you can say that if a dictator were gay, he'd be a dicktator?
>can't hear you over the sound of välfärd
Is that a no-go zone?
Your entire country is a no-go zone.
For shitskins.
They are just mad because they've lost the cultural war. I love to see christcucks mad because Disney has gay couples in their cartoons, lmao.
Our plan is just to collect them all in the same spots so we can hose em down with machineguns when we get an actual government who aren't cucks.
Because they're not a minority in terms of STD spread. 67% of all new cases of STD's are from homosexuals males despite their making up only 2% of the population.
Half of all gay black men and one in four gay latino's will be diagbosed with HIV in their lifetime.
83% of all syphilis cases were from homosexual men. Homosexuals are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer.
You people are a plague on mankind and must be wiped out. You are hotbeds for disease. You fuck children abd then cause them to become like yourself. Die, disgusting fucks. Just kill yourselves.
>when we get an actual government who aren't cucks
How's that one coming along for you?
>posting anime
Makes sense. You're Brazilian too which makes it even funnier, literally 10%+ of your male population are faggots.
Why wouldn't you let the world shove what they want up their asses it's not like they're going to fist your asshole
Soon, m8. We're getting there. 25 percent and counting.
>inports millions of "tolerant" Muslims
Still Complaining about muh muuuuuh christcucks
All the while supporting lgbth
Gays are degenerates.
Acctually talk with them and understand how they think.
For near perfect understandment you should understand what Nietzsche meant by "der letzte Mensch" (the last human)
They are basicly giving a shit about anything and submiting to the most low types of lust.
Further they encourage more people to do so and expirience great satisfaction when turning a good person into some sort of faggot.
Are we born faggots?
well yes and no. We all have the seed to be faggots. If we fail to have passions that keep moving us forward we will end up as some sort of a degenerate. Is it gay or trans or whatever.
I have no problem with fags they should just keep it to themselves not fleunt it in public
I dont see straight men fucking women in public huh?
>keep your sex chang of my tax rate
Faggotry and feminism go hand in hand. Fast majority of both support eachother and fight for eachother. If we want to get rid of feminism we must get rid of the fags.
Just a couple more gangrapes and riots and you'll be there I'm sure.
I also have European citizenship, which makes me even gayer
>Still Complaining about muh muuuuuh christcucks
I'm not racist against muslims like right-wingers, but I don't support open boarders or anything.
>All the while supporting lgbth
So what?
>against muslims
But muslims aren't a race.
If lived in northern ghana for years if seen gays get lyched.
Muslims and lgbt fags are a recipe for desaster
Muslims and homos are fundementaly opposite idioligy's
>muslems arent a race my heu heu friend
I do not like the law that doesnt allow me to carry firearms.
I further do not like the law that doesnt allow me to publicly execute "people" who same-sex kiss in public.
>tfw I was part of the meme
Well before long we won't be citizens of the EU, we're taking the first steps of uncucking ourselves against the anti-Western globalist regime.
Are you a heunigger? or a proud member of the European master race;)?
>Is homosexuality wrong?
>Why do you guys hate gays?
They acted as a political front to attack Roman Catholics, the family and conservatives
>Wouldn't that mean more women for Sup Forums?
You need to understand something. Pol being virgins is a meme. I choose what women I want and when and I get them, I have not found one worth keeping..
> It seems to me you dont have any reason to >hate them other than your bigotry.
That is because you are either a faggit or brainwashed into thinking these mentally ill degenerate bitches who are obsessed with obtaining inter generational sex can ever be part of ordinary society, military, government or religion without corrupting it and destroying it
>Hey you guys, I heard you were stupid. Now write my thread for me, disproving my completely unsourced and contextless claim. I can't stick around, I've got to go start another disruptive one-post. Thanks.
I support fags and tranny faggots
the bassicaly remove themselves from the gene pool
Especially transfags
Take Schulz out he's the based exception.
Google it for us, mister bottom
Nothing wrong with being gay but if you participate in one of those gay pride slutwalks or act like a flaming homo in public you deserve to be stoned to death.
t. fag
are you shilling or did you fall for the shilling?
The guy is ULTRAKIKE 9000
Stop the fags
read my post get straight
>inb4 christcuck
I am not
Don't tell me what to do, cunt.
>There is no conspiracy
I don't believe you.
I know, but most arabs are muslim.
Islam is a disgusting religion in general, but there are many muslims who don't want sharia law and just want to live their lives, I respect that.
I hope the other countries stay together.
Proud European of course :^)
>not an argument
It's people like you which fucked up our country. GTFO.
get straight is more rethoric
I just want you to understand what I mean and maybe this will help you.
The liberals are right on one thing. Islam isn't the issue, there are plenty of normal muslims. The problem are the arabs, who are on the social level of rabid dogs.
>it fucking saved the thumbnail
>it also wasnt gay men who started AIDS
Good you understand what im saying my pure Aryan friend
The gay faggtry has become a political movement sjw'ism
Im fine with fags just keep distance and the keep distance kindof thing
Either way i will always stand by the thinking of
>keep your sex change of my tax rate and we can live side by side in society