/port/ general

It's time for a Portuguese General. Here we discuss Portuguese culture and politics

Tonight's topic: leftist students silencing a conference of right-wing personality Nogueira Pinto

Oldest allies, Spainbros, Ameribros, Sup Forumsacks, Eireshmen and good Catholics are invited

Frenchies and Moors are NOT invited

Other urls found in this thread:


Que comeis esta noite?

Portuguese women were made for Norwegian men
They can't resist the cod

You are aware that cod means pussy, right?


Rojões e conas

The same thing I eat every night.

We are now having leftist hissy fits in colleges. We are truly catching up to the world.


Holy shit, this thread is dead as shit
Bumping with AESTHETIC memes



Forgot meme

More memes

Who dis

Last meme I have


Damn she's pretty.

To be honest, Spain should invade Portugal and just annex your jobs, no lands, no money, just jobs

Ministerio Publico will probably accuse José Sócrates, former PM of Portugal of corruption.

He already went in preventive detention after almost a year, imprisioned in Evora's prison. (this note to foreign anons)

Indeed, Oldest Ally

You would lose because best ally and padeira de aljubarrota. Enjoy the ovens.

But the casualties would lessen unemployment, so you might be unto something.

Portexit when?

We haven't fucked Spain up in a while, that might be fun.

If you make a new kind of European Union, we will gladly join you

Until then, we need to suck Merkel's titties

Honestly guys, you need an ethnic cleaning. Not saying you are not white and/or european, but you have a lot of mongrels. Much more than us.

Sorry but it is the truth. It is disgusting you should do something about it. Lisboa is a nest of mongrels and shitskins. It is like brazil in europe.

Please do, we might recover our manliness, fire up the conquistador genes and annex the whole world

Put some bacon in it. That's my secret.

Portuleaf? Is it you?

Why did you change your flag you retard cucks

You went from one of the most alpha flags to the most third world

Luís de Camões, tio

He should be executed in the public square. Right in the middle of Rossio.

This is taking too much time!

>Lisboa is a nest of mongrels
So is every capitol in the world, you idiot

Arroz de pato

If you kill your enemies, they win ;^)
>Go to war
>All canis die

more aesthetic memays pls


I'm just a leaf who likes Portugal. Is that ok too?

>muh republic

Because we became a republic - "brought a need to replace the symbols of the overthrown monarchy, represented in the first instance by the old national flag"

>Blue also carried a strong religious meaning as it was the colour of Our Lady of the Conception.

"so its removal or replacement from the future flag was justified by Republicans as one of the many measures needed to secularize the state"


>not eating it raw so you can save the water that would be used to cook it
>not using the water you just saved with the flavor thing to make a juice so you can drink and eat at the same
fucking plebs



Why do you get offended? Why do you always get offended? It's a fact, you percentage of mongrels is alarming. Much more than Spain. Much more than anywhere.

I am actually worried. I wish we could do something.


With monarchy with couldn't have Dr. António de O. Salazar.

Also, how did Salazar get coup'd? Was there a lot of unhappiness by leftshits?
It's strange how he got removed and Franco wasn't.

Have you visited Portugal?
Ora all that knowledge is based on Sup Forums memes?

How much hostility would I get if I ever moved to Portugal?

Salazar died, naturally

It depends on your reasons and the region you go to.

He died of old age, supposedly, fell from a chair. He wasn't removed.

No more zucas here. Get out!!

Of course. I am galician. I have been in Portugal a lot of times.

Then what was the "Revolução dos Cravos" about?

If you aren't going to play for a football club you should stay in Brazil

He got incapacited in 1968 due to a cerebral hemorrage.

The coup d'etat occured in 1974 with his sucessor.

the main purpose of the coup was about war comissions length and some measures about officers in war due to the war effort in Africa - Portuguese Colonial War.

The overthrow of the regime. After Salazar's death, Marcelo Caetano was on power.

Basically, that was after Salazar.

wasa against his successor Caetano

btw, Caetano was a super intelligent person.

He has some prediction quotes about Portugal's future state after the revolution.

He got them all right.

Was only the war effort? Are you sure?

Salazar never got coup´d.

Caetano, his more or less legitimate successor, did. It was blamed mostly on the ultramar war, and muh free speech.

Really, though he made one too many concessions to the liberal elements. You dont try to confort a leftist for a very good reason, they will just demand more, and when you dont give everything you have...

Pretty similar to what happened to Franco then.
Poor Luis Carrero Blanco is known as Spain's first astronaut. Fuck ETA

I just want to find a qt tuga gril so that I fuck her in her pussy
>tfw no tuga gf

Don't do anything like this - youtube.com/watch?v=esaoH8r9I3M

Isto mancha muito a reputação dos teus compatriotas brasileiros - trabalhadores e colegas de universidade.


Freedom, freedom of speech and expression was secondary.

"the movement was initiated he movement was he movement was initiated not only as an attempt to liberate Portugal from the authoritarian Estado Novo regime, but as an attempt of rebellion against the new Military Laws that were to be presented next year."

post sexy tv anchors

>defending a racist evil regime
how DARE you... Salazar's death camps killed maybe handfuls, no, DOZENS of people!

If the UK Ireland and Portugal join together (like an old group awhile back) how powerful would we be?

There is enough AIDS here. We don't need more neither we need zika!


I wasn't being serious though. The kind of people who leaves Brazil to Europe or some other first world country are usually the worst trash that we have to offer, just like most Mexicans who immigrate to the US. People who couldn't make it here and think that being in a first world country will magically make them rich. Glad that the monkey in the video died.

25 de abril was a mistake.

It's not only your diaspora.

Have Portuguese diaspora / "tourists" cases like Luis Filipe Militão - Chacina dos Portugueses - e Duarte Lima doing murders in your country, etc.

But this new wave that is coming of transatlantic organised violent crime still haven't hit us - Primeiro Comando da Capital - I think


Bumping cause we are all irmaos.

Oh geez, this shit is spreading like a virus now. Final solution when?!


Toi d'acuerdu

Oh look, another /pp/ where a bunch of butthurt Spainshits act like hues. It gives me great delight knowing that your shitty abortion of a """""nation"""" will be subjugated by the Moors. You are no less weak and impotent than the Germans.


Asturians > Galicians = Portuguese > Aragonese = Navarrese > Castillians > Everyone else

Sócrates did nothing wrong.




M8, catalan natives are a minority in your region, I feel really bad knowing that. That's why you're not in the list.

Weak, weak b8. So weak, even Angola could do better.

How is the situation of Portuguese universities in relation to free speech?

Hello China, aren't you not allowed to post in Sup Forums?

>Escudellers 25
In what region of Spain is this?

We must build a Wall and make Spain pay for it.

Either Andalusia or Catalonia. It's time for a civil war.

Not as bad as América. But the leftist extremism is rising.

From yesterday:

RTP is publishing its archives online. So far, there are two long Salazar speeches there.

>On colonial politics

>On politics in general

Thank you, user

>comendo uma das criaturas mais inteligentes do fundo do oceano

Lies. Salazar even said his ideal job would be PM of the king, like Marquess of Pombal was.

Observador posted today a cool article on Salazar's speeches, which have been recently reedited into a book:

So you'd prefer a monarchy to a republic? If soo redpill me on monarchy

the article on Salazar's speeches:

You guys speak Brazilian right?

Officially yes.

>t. Acordo Ortográfico

Almost. You guys speak simplified English, right?

I'm rather indifferent, especially if a transition could cause way too much turmoil. But if I could freely choose between the two, I'd pick monarchy simply because it's cheaper and slightly more stable.