His campaign has reached "please clap" levels
But instead of saying "please clap", he said
>Please shout Martin
His campaign has reached "please clap" levels
But instead of saying "please clap", he said
>Please shout Martin
Other urls found in this thread:
Here are a few other pathetic videos.
what a disgusting piece of shit
>p-please call my name
>c-come on call my name Martin
>be numale commie cucks on a payroll
>M-martin martin mnnn
Meanwhile on Sup Forums and their reddit echo chamber
>muh Trump and Sup Forums memes but with a cucked commie tweeest / xD
>lol how can Sup Forums every recover le trigerled xD le paypay is ours now!
>what a ingenious and novel idea which certainly has never been tried before by other shills x^)
Kek. German grannies have more energy and humor than these weak numale commies
I'm trying to find proof of his jewishness, but it's hard.
>t. jew
where are the schulzcucks? fucking low energy hippies
Is Germany finding their spine again or are you guys fucked? I unironically wanted to live in Germany a couple years ago until the migrant waves.
He's a new type
literally Schlomo Shekelstein the turbo giga-jew
wasn't this the guy the head of the EU?
pseudo jew
>this low level of energy
I don't think you can make a less likeable politician, germans elected pretty antipathetic leaders but this guy is a new low, it's the caricture of the boring, heartless and passionless bureaucrat.
What kind of people take its shower and say to himself "I will vote for Martin Schultz to make my country a better place for my people !" ?
he's honorary jewish at best
>proof of his jewishness
dat fuckin schnozz, fuck, how hard can it be?
why is this cunt kraut even a thing
What people saying in the comments?
Is the media picking up on this? Is this where his campaign starts falling apart?
I got you brother
So this little boy is a threat?
and this one
this guy looks fresh out the comissariat
this jew is gonna destroy Europe
>where are the schulzcucks
They came to Sup Forums and their memes sucked because they sucked and everyone could see that they sucked and their threads either got shat up by pol-trolls and newfags thinking they're on a forum c. 2006 or they talked to each other so either way they failed so they left in pain to try their luck on the internet and now they're failing even bigger by the look of things and it's truly glorious.
It looks like the same handful of kikes that meet every jew-subverted government.
No work on Saturday user
Tell me about an average jewish mostly rabbis, would they instantly hate me cause I was born muslim even though I'm a ex muslim?
Pure (((Coincidence)))
what the fuck, is he casting mind control???
Do kikes have some secret psychic powers? Wait we could be really onto something.
Only a vivisection might give us more insight
>tfw not having Jews around my desk helping me to rule the world/my country.
Is he summoning a golem?
Who's has more chance of winning him or Merkel?
>don't worry guys, us Germans aren't THAT cucked and stupid as to vote for Merkel again! Come on!
>Vote for Schulz instead
Germany deserves no sympathy
Our king knows what to do.
How the fuck do people not see how terrible an idea this is for Europe?
>I will vote for Martin Schultz to make my country a better place for my people
because we like jew dick in our anuses...... , I hate my country
>tfw too intelligent to be a goy
He's right though. Europe should have 17 currencies, 17 central banks and 17 governments
Depends how much faith you have in humanity from an American perspective both should be going down in flames but I've never been to Germany so no idea how cucked they are.
quite frankly? Merkel will win if Schulzes ´"hype" over the young chucks dies out. If he gets more propaganda he will win.......
He's is still better than Merkel. ANYONE is better than Merkel.
But he is Merkel in male form....
(((Central Bank)))
Why would the average Yuropoor care about that?
Sounds good if every one of those 17 governments wanted to serve germany? Pretty sure two world wars were fought in refusal.
> pause at 04 seconds
That kike nose
He is Merkel 2.0 do not fool yourself......
He's Merkel but a million times worse
He is better in the sense that he will ruin Germany faster and bring the day of the rope nearer but solely party politically speaking he is worse
Who on here will start the fourth Reich? Gotta be someone who browses here.
Wtf im a Schulz missle now
>Is Germany finding their spine again
I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Mengele
Maybe its me, who knows.
But we need to collapse the EU asap. We need economic crisis and anarchy and a good day of the rope to rise up from this
That's exactly right, I agree fullheartedly.
17 central banks now!
Germany has no spine after WW2
Merkel winning is more likely as Schulz's campaign can not be fueled by stolen memes from td. Sooner or later he has to prove himself and correctiv can not prevent public embarrassments same as ctr couldn't do with Hillary. Other factors are AfD, FDP and Grüne.
AfD could get between 15-22% while the FDP and Grüne have a chance of dropping below 5%. With AfD steeling votes, FDP the best coalition partner for the CDU fighting for their lives and the Grüne losing votes to Schulz it will end up in one of the three scenarios:
Best: FDP got below 5% while CDU+AfD got a good percentage. Both will form a coalition as I don't believe the CDU will let Red-Red-Green happen
Neutral: CDU+FDP form a coalition and it will be less worse than it is now.
Bad: FDP is below 5% and CDU+AfD don't have enough percent to form the government. Red-Red-Green is happening and Germany might not be Germany anymore in the enxt election.
Most people
>poor attempt to copy Trump
>lol Schulz followers
>lol polls
>sick narcissist
>lol Jeb
>Liar Martin
>lol fucked up
Some leftist cuck
>hurr not all lefist are violent and bigotted commie sympathizers, leftcucks are openminded right is dumb, ignorant, violent, dishonest, deluded, muh nazis, muh fakenews are not lying , polls are real and accurate and unbiased, never mind AfD is always at least 10% underrepresented in polls compared to their election results and rating differe from by up to 30% depending on who surveys
Commies arent people.
Start making ironic Schulz memes and act like you're supporting him, give him a huge kike nose and make it shit tier ms paint but act like you support him. It'd be funny if he started embracing his shit memes
Biggest problem is overcoming apathy that technology has induced in everyone. As long as the problems don't kick their door down and invade their computer space they won't move and just say it isn't as bad as it could be yet.
The energy is so low, it's negative.
he can't possibly be any worse than Merkel
Did you read the turner diaries?
When the first power plants are attacked and taken off the grid and the cooling chain for food is broken people will move. Because they have to.
10000000% worse than Merkel
He is the same as Merkel with the differences that he will destroy Europe at a 150% speed as she does and he is open about our (((greatest ally)
if his last name is didnt make it obvious then youre fucking new
last names ending in itz, mann, stein, berg, and have a "sch" in it are obvious kikes. sometimes "man" with 1 n can mean he is jewish but only half the time german.
Well his plan for refugees is camps and stuff outside Germany i.e. on the Syrian border etc.
Or so a german told me.
I am 88% sure that his campaign will IMPLODE!
Well that is what I mean if the globalist elite keep essentials running they won't act even if their market is burning and Muslims are in the street. It's the same with America we had actual fear of Hillary so many moved to vote against it but let's be honest if Trump lost nobody would rise up.
I'm doing my part and vote AfD, but it doesn't look like Germany will uncuck anytime soon.
>but let's be honest if Trump lost nobody would rise up.
If she wouldn't have gone on full cultural suicide mode then yes but maybe there were people who had material to leak which would cause a civil war.
according to this I would be a jew. if only that were true
>mountain jew flag
Taking down infrastructure is hard
Baghdad at one point was almost totally cut off from the electrical grid and still they maintained control
A lot of insurgencies have tried to do this as well in El Salvador for instance
It will put a hurt on the system but its almost impossible to take it down
Also urban guerillas are caught usually quickly
We'd have to go deep cover like INLA use virgins (lel) one and done
Yes goys, consolidate power, and then give it to me, don't be anti-semitic :^)
cult of personality is BAD!
he is literally Stalin!
>WW2 loser flag
I'm not saying there wouldn't be an individual here and there but to get a group large enough to overthrow your government you need a concerted effort. Everyone has to actually have fear enough to strike and throw their cush lifestyle away for a better future that may not even come for years.
Honorary Jew
>making my point
Everybody lost WW2 but the (mountain) jew.
>their memes sucked because they sucked and everyone could see that they sucked
You're okay, user?
It's true, the memes of the left are weak, just like their bloodlines.
Digits confirm leftists have weak bloodlines
He is even worse than Merkel.
Merkel is like fucking up Germany with new shit every week.
Hes like everything bad about Merkel maxed out wherever he appears he tries to get a step ahead destroying the German nation and German people..
True, I even doubt there was a serious uprising if they really go for the 2nd amendment
Well of course it has to get even worse than now for something to actually happen which makes Schulz in my opinion not that bad of a candidate.
He will drive out skilled people with his tax increases and import more subhumans. This will make the state crash inevitably in the future
he is worse than jeb bush, he is hillary clinton
What the fuck are you talking about? I'll give you itz but the rest is common for german names.
Oh weh, Gewalt!
German names are jew names.
He is a level 4 jew
>if we lose we win! lets endorse Schulz to lose faster!
Get lost cuck