
Should we deport Europe-Americans back to Europe?

War is a contest between prosperity and poverty
Winner take all
Accept history with dignity friend.

I'm fine with the trade of deporting nonwhites from europe

No, and we should be taking in European refugees from South Africa and Zimbabwe.

You know you're more Indians than most Indians by now right?
I mean, Indian women are a thing and your ancestors knew it.

European Americans founded America, so no.

Good luck.
And once everyone decided these are the new rules being played by, not everyone is going to like those rules.

>deport most productive portion of population
y tho

Siberia is your place, the first cucked nation destined to settle there are swedes after their expulsion from muslims.

no, america without whites would fall

Please no!

I don't want them back.
Ameripoles are cringy.

White people need to go back to Europe and deal with the immigration crises. They've spread themselves too thin, it's literally Rome all over again.

if you are not european-american, you are on the list.

jeff pls go

jeff please leave

That guy is in great shape but still looks like a faggot with this stupid haircut. Sad!

No. On average they are racially impure racially blind christcucks. They will ruin Europe

Deport mexicans back to Spain.
This is what I have been saying for over 20 years.
Back to country of origin.
Back on the boat fuckos.
Fuck off, we're full.
((NatAmer Pol))

Don't you dare send metizo trash to Spain


What do you mean back to Europe? I've never been there, my family came here 400 years ago.

With what? Our boats, planes and vehicles?


But you're the same thing as Mexicans

yes, i think the best way is that people with italian-like surnames go to italy, those with french-like surnames go to french ecc.
all blacks in africa, i don't care in what country, they remain niggers.
Leave all the American countries to the autochtonus people: natives, their culture is really interesting, and also genetically not bad, mongolian eyes, asian like religions with totems and all that shitty new age stuf.
Finally one day they can breed without problems.

If you're so desperate for workers spare a thought to those of us stuck in this hell we'll do the jobs you don't want to but we won't act like sub humans doing it.

Vae Victis

>Accept history with dignity
probably the most important clause in this thread.
it's fairly disgraceful and absolutely woman-like to keep wailing about your loss.

>Native IQs are barely above Blacks
>Romanticizing of Natives as anything other than Barbarians infesting than the land is Jewish/Liberal bullshit

cuz that would def help us lmao.

Race war. Strongest race comes out on top and gets to rule the Americas.

I'm cool with that. If I lose it's because I was weak and died.

also, native american support

are we doing this with our european tech or are we going medieval style?

just because you guys have put natives in those ghettos called reservation, give them their proper state, (one is enough) and then we see if they develop their economies and their IQ


like what country would they be sent to?

there are so many whites with different backgrounds, it would be hard to determine which country you would deport a certain person to.

then you must have said country agree to take them back. and in order to take all white people, they must start giving out citizenships left and right. dont think that is going to happen.

i think the best thing is deport them to north africa (algeria, egypt,libya, marocco ecc.) their skin color are barely like those of the sandniggers, as they breed with their christian based faith, will remove kebab entirely from north africa.

>Deport the people who built this nation in the first place


I like your thinking, let's go midevial
>Prarie niggers are unsuccessful because of oppression!
>niggers are unsuccessful because of oppression!
The Irish were an oppressed people, yet they have a first world nation, care to explain?

>deport all white americans to Western Europe
>Europe is now overcrowded
>not enough crops
>not enough natural resources
>non whites are blackmailing and jewing us with them
>situation socially unsustainable
>imperaialism makes a big come back
>this time don't make the same mistake and genocide all non whites

Do it

Yes, strong american white males will restore europe to her former glory and then go and recolonize the wastelands of brown america, sparking another golden age for the west

>The Irish were an oppressed people, yet they have a first world nation, care to explain?
ok, my friend i'd like to discuss about this, good point.
consider the following:
>1922 indipendence from UK
>1973 becomes part of the EU
>1995-2000 economic growth of 10% every year and in the period of 1995 till 2004 medium economic growth was of 7%.

As you see from the indipendence till the success some years have gone, nothing is done from a day to another, remember that Rome was not build in a day.

I knew a guy from England that got deported back to England, it was 6 or so years ago though.