ITT: post powerful images
>59 KB, 960x640
This is offensive.
Looks like shit.
I wont post my dick
It's like Tiananmen square
It's not actually. Tank Man had an entire roll of footage, this was just camera fodder.
Not powerful at all
Attention whore getting arrested.
>single mom
>mulatto child
i really hate this world sometimes, i really do
Notice how he's staring directly at the camera
its funny because they started it
I honestly fail to understand what the message should be here.
The guy on the left might be a career bureaucratic parasite (from the looks of it), so I would most definitely hire based on qualification, not looks.
They started it and they ended it.
why is he such shit trigger discipline
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
and failed miserably to end Europe
as a result whole state failed as well
So many fucking hats
This shit needs to be stickied to the frontpage
Top pic is shopped as fuck
Or as they said back in the day "doctored"
This really is the perfect picture, isn't it?
Also, the cop is so good looking
this was staged though to make obama/the democrats look good for how this guy was treated though
If you dont know, its a screenshot from old Apple commercials that attempted to make Macs look hip youn and fresh compared to the old businessman (PC)
the modern man
>That image
Highest quality I could find
Top this
can someone explain pls?
what annoys the fuck out of me is that macs are a type of personal computers, yet they pretend otherwise. fuck apple and fuck steve jobs.
>why did Ahmad's patient die?
Because ahmad had no arms
>knock knock
Who's there?
>not Ahmad
i really like it
14 words being dragged down by the 88 which stands for HH which stands for "Heil Hitler" while the 6 gorillion (Jews) watch in glee, it's basically saying that those who wish to achieve the 14 words are held down or at least stifled by hardline natsocs.
racist white supremacism (14 words is a racist shibboleth) is somehow being weighed down by nazism ("88" stands for Heil Hitler, H being the eight letter in english alphabet), while le ebil joos ("6000000") look on, rubbing their hands.
"14" never existed outside of "99" tho, look up the history of fourteen words.
redpanels confirmed for stormfaggotront bullshit.
It probably means the white nationalist movement is being harmed by Nazis due to the masses believing in the Holocaust.
>there is no thin person trapped inside me
Surprised nobody's posted this
This is before republics started ruining Europe
this image is france
Hell seger!
thank you, mighty scholars
Oy vey commie jew cuckboi
Obviously hire the guy in the suit.
The other guy looks like someone who sleeps on a damp futon. Totally unreliable.
Gear + swas
Star wars Empire confirmed Natsoc
those digits
is kek trying to tell us something ???
do (((they))) keep the future and success of white people chained to an admiration of hitler and Nazis so as to discredit whites?
They're American
If they are applying for the same job and somehow got past initial recruiting then the older guy did something wrong in life.
I'd go with young
KEK. Somebody calls me a skandinavian one more time ill stab somebody
The memes write themselves, friendo
30 million dead later.
Nothing powerful about disgusting babies.
Na, I'd still hire the old guy. Unless the job was manual labor or something.
I love this one