Sweden, known the world for lack of sexual mores has crossed yet another barrier in its moral descent with the news that sexual abuse of animals is on the increase.A government commissioned study has found that more than 2000 animals, mostly horses, have been sexually abused in Sweden in last 10 years
The Swedish Animal Welfare Agency collected its information based on responses received from 1,600 questionnaires sent to veterinarians, animal welfare inspectors and police agencies across the country. In the period 2000 to 2004, 119 cases of bestiality were documented.
Sweden banned legal sex with animals only in late 2014
Sweden has highest % of sex with animals in Western world
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Animal sex is big problem in Sweden, and every year between 200 and 300 pets are injured because of sexual assaults.
The estimate was presented by Svenska Veterinärforbundet, the Swedish veterinary organization, and it is now trying to make the authorities and the public more aware of animals’ suffering. The organization claim the problem has increased during the last couple of years, even if most people are unaware of it.
Only Islamic countries and some parts of Africa have more Animal abuse then Sweden
Oh shit.
>that horrible feel when a baby goat from the local zoo was raped and burned by a mussie
I don't want to understand them.
*sexual animal abuse
no shit, we have the highest % of arabs and niggers in the west
Actually that's France.
>Sexually abusing a horse
Good luck with that
Sorry Francebro
Taking the whole sexual liberation to another level
>import goat fuckers
>wonder why goat fuckery is on the rise
Stay away from my mountain lions, Sven
>sex with animals
dude it's not nice to talk about immigrants like that
they're called new swedes
no wonder swedes have no problems with refugee rapists. they are used to be get fucked by animals and actually enjoy it
Why are you so obsessed with Sweden? Why do you make so many threads about us all the time mountain nigger
I blame muslims. They kidnapped a goat from a local zoo about a year ago and raped it to death.
How could this happen?!?
Why does Sweden has so many sexual problems?
Can't blame it all on immigrants